Строка 219: Строка 219:
As agreed, his mother didn't delay to joined him for his evening classes. She sat down next to him.
As agreed, his mother didn't delay to joined him for his evening classes. She sat down next to him.
:''"So, as I was saying earlier, I've decided to change today's schedule. Originally, I was going to give you an in-depth geology class, but some fresh and important news came to me from the Fyros Empire earlier this afternoon. So I thought it would be a good idea to make you revise its History before I told you the news. Is that okay with you?"
:''"So, as I was saying earlier, I've decided to change today's schedule. Originally, I was going to give you an in-depth geology class, but some fresh and important news came to me from the Fyros Empire earlier this afternoon. They concern imperial policy. So I thought it would be more relevant to take the time to discuss them. Is that okay with you?"
Pü nodded and snuggled up to his mother. He loved these moments with her, in all intimacy, without anyone to disturb them. He loved listening to her voice, and making her proud, reciting her lessons to perfection. As the future Shadow of the Black Mask, Pü needed to know more than anyone else about the history of Atys, for him to master its geopolitics, and thus advise his brother as best he could when this one led the Sacred War. So, today, the class had turned into a revision session, devoted to the Fyros Empire, whose territory located in the far boreal deserts had always fascinated Pü. Accustomed to lush jungles, the young Zorai had always wondered how it was possible to live in such lands. But the hostile climate they suffered was a good match for his idea of the Fyros, that people of proud and courageous warriors whose ardent temperament drove them to incessantly advance. In fact, even the physical appearance of the Fyros exuded harshness: stocky bodies, bulging muscles, swarthy skin. Born warriors. While the hawkish attitude of the Pü tribe made it almost unique among the various tribes of the Jungle, it was its common denominator with those of the Desert.
Pü nodded and snuggled up to his mother. He loved these moments with her, in all intimacy, without anyone to disturb them. He loved listening to her voice, and making her proud, reciting her lessons to perfection. As the future Shadow of the Black Mask, Pü needed to know more than anyone else about the history of Atys, for him to master its geopolitics, and thus advise his brother as best he could when this one led the Sacred War. So today, the geology class had turned into a discussion session on current events in the Fyros Empire, whose territory located in the far boreal deserts had always fascinated Pü. Accustomed to lush jungles, the young Zorai had always wondered how it was possible to live in such lands. But the hostile climate they suffered was a good match for his idea of the Fyros, that people of proud and courageous warriors whose ardent temperament drove them to incessantly advance. In fact, even the physical appearance of the Fyros exuded harshness: stocky bodies, bulging muscles, swarthy skin. Born warriors. While the hawkish attitude of the Pü tribe made it almost unique among the various tribes of the Jungle, it was its common denominator with those of the Desert.
:''"Well, then let's go. Can you tell me briefly the history of the foundation of the Fyros Empire?"
:''"Well.I would not teach you anything by reminding you that the current Emperor of the Fyros is Thesop, the youngest son of Abylus the Learned. For if Pyto, his eldest son, succeeded him at his death, as the imperial tradition wants, the reign of the latter was very short. As you know, two years after his accession to the throne he was assassinated by his younger brother Thesop."
:''"Huh…. The Fyros Empire is founded in 2270 by Dyros, a Fyros who managed to unite many of the Desert tribes by waging war. Dyros becomes the first Emperor of the Fyros and settles in the city of [[Fyre]], an important trading post where the Fyros trade with the [[Tryker]] people."
Looï nodded.
:''"Exactly, Pü. You just got a few years wrong: the Empire was founded in 2275, not 2270. Moving on, can you tell me about the conflict of the 'Aqueduct War', a conflict in which the Fyros Empire has been mired for a century and a half?"
Pü answered in an ill-assured voice.
:''"So... In 2289, the Fyros Empire and the Tryker Federation, who had become friends through trade, began to build a large wind-powered aqueduct that connected the Desert to [[Trykoth]], the Lakes region. This aqueduct has been built on the Water Road, the trade route that allowed the Empire to import water from the Lakes. In fact, a few years before, the Munshia River suddenly dried up, and the Fyros discovered that the Kingdom of [[Matia]] had built a dam on its upstream course. And, at the same time, the [[Matis]] decided to increase the tribute they were taxing on merchants using the road which ran through their kingdom. All this made the Fyros very angry: water is very important to them! That's why they have joined forces with the Trykers to build the Aqueduct, without asking the Matis for their opinion. We don't know who declared war first, but that's how it started. Emperor Dyros was killed a few years later in a battle against the Matis armies."
Looï ran his hand through his son's hair.
:''"It is very good Pü, you have right summarized the reasons that pushed the Fyros, the Trykers and the Matis to go to war. But can you go further, and tell me for example about the key role that the city of [[Karavia]] played in this war?"
Pü smiled, and, taking his mother's compliments as encouragement, answered this time in a more confident voice.
:''"Karavia is the Unholy City, built by the Matis on the coast of their kingdom at the place where Zachini, the first king of the Matis, is said to have first met the Karavan and the usurping goddess Jena. It is the most evil place on Atys! Karavia is also built halfway along the Water Road, which makes it an important military issue. In 2380, thanks to Emperor Ryclid, the Fyros army managed to take Karavia from the Matis, which greatly slowed down the war and gave the Fyros and Trykers a big advantage."
Pü then assumed a theatrical air.
:''"But in 2435, the Fyros made a mistake…. By digging too deep in the Desert, they pierced a fiery vein that set the whole area around the city of Coriolis ablaze! The Fyros love to mine and explore the depths of Atys. It wasn't the first time they caused a fire. But here the fire spread to the border of the Matis forests! The fire lasted several weeks, cutting off the Water Road! And above all, the Matis took the opportunity to invade Trykoth and take back Karavia from the Fyros…. One year later, after a great battle where the Matis were forced to abandon Trykoth and the Fyros reopened the Water Road, the Emperor Abylus and the Matis king Aniro III signed a peace treaty. The Matis were allowed to stay in Karavia and in exchange the Fyros were allowed to keep the Water Road open!"
Looï held her son close and caressed his neck with the mouth part of her mask. With faces forever sealed behind their masks, Zorais were not able to give kisses. On the other hand, their bony faces were said to be far more receptive than any layer of flesh.
:''"It's perfect, Pü. I have nothing to say, congratulations. Thus, I come to the news from the Fyros Empire that I wanted to share with you."
Pü pinked with pleasure, happy to have made his mother proud of him. He loved her so much.
:''"I would not be teaching you anything by reminding you that the current Emperor of the Fyros is Thesop, the younger son of Abylus the Scholar, whose important role in the end of the Aqueduct War you just mentioned. Abylus the Scholar had two sons: Pyto, the elder, and Thesop, the younger. When Abylus died, two years after the signing of the peace treaty, Pyto succeeded his father, according to imperial tradition. But as you know, Pyto's reign was very short: two years later, he was assassinated by his younger brother, Thesop."
As Looï had expected, Pü's face suddenly darkened. He tightened his embrace and buried his face in his mother's chest. A muffled voice came out there.
As Looï had expected, Pü's face suddenly darkened. He tightened his embrace and buried his face in his mother's chest. A muffled voice came out there.
Строка 279: Строка 249:
Pü nodded his head up and down.
Pü nodded his head up and down.
:''"Good. As you know, the beginning of Thesop's reign was marked by fierce repression and a true demon hunt. The imperial generals, many of whom fought alongside Pyto in 2436 to reopen the Water Road, have never forgiven his brother. This is probably why the assassination of Thesop the Fratricide a week ago was not followed by any funeral ceremony. It is even said that the Fyros people have been celebrating for several nights now the coronation of his successor, who is none other than the son of the lamented Pyto, the now Emperor Krospas…. These are the news that reached me from the Desert this afternoon, and that I wanted to tell you about."
:''"Well. As you know, the beginning of Thesop's reign was marked by fierce repression and a true demon hunt. The imperial generals, very loyal to Emperor Pyto, have never forgiven his brother. This is probably why the assassination of Thesop the Fratricide a week ago was not followed by any funeral ceremony. It is even said that the Fyros people have been celebrating for several nights now the coronation of his successor, who is none other than the son of the lamented Pyto, the now Emperor Krospas…. These are the news that reached me from the Desert this afternoon, and that I wanted to tell you about."
Pü's face illuminated.
Pü's face illuminated.
Строка 289: Строка 259:
:''"Do you think this will change a lot?"
:''"Do you think this will change a lot?"
:''"For the Fyros populating the cities of the Empire, yes, a lot. Very few Fyros were supporting Thesop. For the Kingdom of Matia, the Trykoth Federation, and the Zoraï Theocracy, I can't say yet. Al will depend on the international policy of Emperor Krospas. For us, however, this does not change anything: unlike the Matis, the Fyros are on good terms with the Kamis and are not on good terms with the Karavan. But most of them are still miscreants who do not know about the existence of Ma-Duk, the Supreme Kami. Sooner or later we will have to convert them to the True Faith."
:''"For the Fyros populating the cities of the Empire, yes, a lot. Very few Fyros were supporting Thesop. For the Kingdom of Matia, the Trykoth Federation, and the Zoraï Theocracy, I can't say yet. All will depend on the international policy of Emperor Krospas. For us, however, this does not change anything: the Fyros are indeed on good terms with the Kamis and on the outs with the Karavan, but they remain for the most part miscreants who do not know about the existence of Ma-Duk, the Supreme Kami. Sooner or later we will have to convert them to the True Faith."
Pü was agreeing weakly, when suddenly a voice was heard. It belonged to Ke'val, his father's brother. The brother of the Black Mask, then. His brother and his Shadow, whom Pü should one day succeed.
Pü was agreeing weakly, when suddenly a voice was heard. It belonged to Ke'val, his father's brother. The brother of the Black Mask, then. His brother and his Shadow, whom Pü should one day succeed.
Строка 295: Строка 265:
:''"Looï, Pü, I hope I'm not disturbing you."
:''"Looï, Pü, I hope I'm not disturbing you."
:''"No Ke'val, we had precisely finished," said Looï, rising to her feet."
:''"No Ke'val, I was discussing with Pü the assassination of Emperor Thesop, we were just finishing up." said Looï as she stood up.
Pü stood up in turn. His uncle looked a lot like his father, right down to the horns of his mask. Only the untattooed parts of this one made it easy to tell the two homins apart. Pü was very fond of his uncle, who was his referent master instructor. He trained with him almost every day. Like his father, Ke'val was very strict. But in contrst to the last, he knew how to express compliments. Thinking back on the conversation he had just had with his mother, Pü couldn't help but wonder if Ke'val had ever wished to take the Black Mask's place. The thought terrified him. Very fortunately, his uncle did not give him the opportunity to wander any longer in his thoughts.
Pü stood up in turn. His uncle looked a lot like his father, right down to the horns of his mask. Only the untattooed parts of this one made it easy to tell the two homins apart. Pü was very fond of his uncle, who was his referent master instructor. He trained with him almost every day. Like his father, Ke'val was very strict. But in contrst to the last, he knew how to express compliments. Thinking back on the conversation he had just had with his mother, Pü couldn't help but wonder if Ke'val had ever wished to take the Black Mask's place. The thought terrified him. Very fortunately, his uncle did not give him the opportunity to wander any longer in his thoughts.

Версия 16:51, 16 декабря 2021

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

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