Строка 58: Строка 58:
A Black Kami, undoubtedly from the jungle, floated over the crib. Taking several steps back, the Fyros hit the wall and fell backwards. Eutis rushed to the doorway, but the damage was done: the Kami was gone.
A Black Kami, undoubtedly from the jungle, floated over the crib. Taking several steps back, the Fyros hit the wall and fell backwards. Eutis rushed to the doorway, but the damage was done: the Kami was gone.
« Tiralion ! Je vous avais dit de ne pas faire de bruit !
:''"Tiralion! I told you not to make any noise!"
:''"If you had warned me that one of these terrifying creatures had infiltrated the home of my ancestors, I might have reacted otherwise!" the Fyros railed as he painfully stood up.
:''"If you had warned me that one of these terrifying creatures had infiltrated the home of my ancestors, I might have reacted otherwise!" the Fyros railed as he painfully stood up.
Строка 90: Строка 90:
:''"I don't remember. You know very well that the flow of time dilates when I stare at you too long."
:''"I don't remember. You know very well that the flow of time dilates when I stare at you too long."
Belenor closed her eyes and massaged her temples. Talking with Brandille was not going to make her headache go away. Brandille, like all Tryker people, was a small, light-skinned being with particularly childlike features. Of course, at nine years old, it was not uncommon to still have a baby face. But Trykers, unlike the Fyros, retained a childlike appearance once they became adults. Only the secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair, voice, hips or chest, were evidence of maturity. Belenor opened his eyes and looked at the youthful face still facing him, which had not lost its amused look.:''"Have you been watching me sleep for long?"
Belenor closed her eyes and massaged her temples. Talking with Brandille was not going to make her headache go away. Brandille, like all Tryker people, was a small, light-skinned being with particularly childlike features. Of course, at nine years old, it was not uncommon to still have a baby face. But Trykers, unlike the Fyros, retained a childlike appearance once they became adults. Only the secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair, voice, hips or chest, were evidence of maturity. Belenor opened his eyes and looked at the youthful face still facing him, which had not lost its amused look.
:''"I don't remember. You know very well that the flow of time dilates when I stare at you too long."
:''"Have you been watching me sleep for long?"
Belenor closed her eyes and massaged her temples. Talking with Brandille was not going to make her headache go away. Brandille, like all Tryker people, was a small, light-skinned being with particularly childlike features. Of course, at nine years old, it was not uncommon to still have a baby face. But Trykers, unlike the Fyros, retained a childlike appearance once they became adults. Only the secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair, voice, hips or chest, were evidence of maturity. Belenor opened his eyes and looked at the youthful face still facing him, which had not lost its amused look.:''"Have you been watching me sleep for long?"
:''"I don't remember. You know very well that the flow of time dilates when I stare at you too long."
:''"I don't remember. You know very well that the flow of time dilates when I stare at you too long."
Строка 104: Строка 102:
Now standing, Belenor tried to comb his red hair, disheveled by her unexpected nap, and put back her beautiful beige linen tunic. Her vertigo was passing.
Now standing, Belenor tried to comb his red hair, disheveled by her unexpected nap, and put back her beautiful beige linen tunic. Her vertigo was passing.
"I had a strange dream, yes. It involved our last History class, my young parents, a Kami visiting me in my infant bed, and the Black Mask!"
:''"I had a strange dream, yes. It involved our last History class, my young parents, a Kami visiting me in my infant bed, and the Black Mask!"
Brandille abruptly jumped up on the table and raised her arms to the sky. For a few moments, her loose purple clothes and multicolored braids seemed to float.
Brandille abruptly jumped up on the table and raised her arms to the sky. For a few moments, her loose purple clothes and multicolored braids seemed to float.
"Enor! Is today the day you and I have been waiting for? The day that will mark the return of your inspiration?!"
:''"Enor! Is today the day you and I have been waiting for? The day that will mark the return of your inspiration?!"
The Fyros smiled and gathered his belongings scattered on his writing table. The parchment he had been dozing on was moist with saliva.
The Fyros smiled and gathered his belongings scattered on his writing table. The parchment he had been dozing on was moist with saliva.
"Maybe… If the Kamis want it. And again, I haven't told you the strangest: in my dream, the infant in my bed was the Black Mask."
:''"Maybe… If the Kamis want it. And again, I haven't told you the strangest: in my dream, the infant in my bed was the Black Mask."
"Oh, Enor! Your flow is so clear! Now you are one with your character, that is sure! Praise the Winds! Goodbye hesitation, hello imagination!"
:''"Oh, Enor! Your flow is so clear! Now you are one with your character, that is sure! Praise the Winds! Goodbye hesitation, hello imagination!"
"I hope you are right. I'm very much eager to get back to our story."
:''"I hope you are right. I'm very much eager to get back to our story."
Brandille did a salto and landed with both feet on a rough step of the amphitheater. The child waved to an absent audience and climbed the stairs in a hurry.
Brandille did a salto and landed with both feet on a rough step of the amphitheater. The child waved to an absent audience and climbed the stairs in a hurry.
"Anyway, don't worry, you didn't miss anything at the end of the propaganda… er, History class. Nothing, except the endless praises to the Sharükos!"
:''"Anyway, don't worry, you didn't miss anything at the end of the propaganda… er, History class. Nothing, except the endless praises to the Sharükos!"
The acrobat placed his hands behind his back, took a superior air and a serious voice.
The acrobat placed his hands behind his back, took a superior air and a serious voice.
"Don't forget that Thesop the Builder reconstructed with his own hands the Empire, which had fallen into decadence under the reign of his brother Pyto!"
:''"Don't forget that Thesop the Builder reconstructed with his own hands the Empire, which had fallen into decadence under the reign of his brother Pyto!"
Belenor, who had finished putting his belongings away, took the stairs in turn. Brandille put an arm around his waist and the two children left the amphitheater.
Belenor, who had finished putting his belongings away, took the stairs in turn. Brandille put an arm around his waist and the two children left the amphitheater.
"And you know what I think of all this tom-tom, right, Enor? Pytoful and Thesopilating."
:''"And you know what I think of all this tom-tom, right, Enor? Pytoful and Thesopilating."
The Fyros raised his eyes to the sky.
The Fyros raised his eyes to the sky.
"One day, some ill-intentioned person will hear your remarks, and word will get out that you are outraging the Sharükos. Then an imperial patrol will catch you, and you will be sent back to Trykoth. You are well aware of this, aren't you? I know as well as you do what is told about Emperor Thesop. However, I remain discreet and careful."
:''"One day, some ill-intentioned person will hear your remarks, and word will get out that you are outraging the Sharükos. Then an imperial patrol will catch you, and you will be sent back to Trykoth. You are well aware of this, aren't you? I know as well as you do what is told about Emperor Thesop. However, I remain discreet and careful."
"Let them try to catch me! Nobody is faster than Brandille. Not even the rumors that go around… Oh, by the way, I'm almost done weaving my next melody! I can't wait to let you hear my inner wind."
:''"Let them try to catch me! Nobody is faster than Brandille. Not even the rumors that go around… Oh, by the way, I'm almost done weaving my next melody! I can't wait to let you hear my inner wind."
"Great news, Brandille. And with great pleasure," replied Belenor, smiling.
:''"Great news, Brandille. And with great pleasure," replied Belenor, smiling.
For the friendship between the two children, both nine years old, was based above all on their common taste for art and their overflowing creativity. Bélénor drew and wrote fiction. Brandille drew, composed songs, wrote poetry, staged plays, and knew how to juggle and dance. And like two muses, both supported and inspired each other.
For the friendship between the two children, both nine years old, was based above all on their common taste for art and their overflowing creativity. Bélénor drew and wrote fiction. Brandille drew, composed songs, wrote poetry, staged plays, and knew how to juggle and dance. And like two muses, both supported and inspired each other.
Строка 142: Строка 140:
Finally, after a few minutes of walking through the hollowed-out and nicely decorated corridors of the Academy, the two comrades passed through the great archway and found daylight again. Going down the imposing staircase, they reached the streets of Fyre, the incredible capital of the Fyros Empire. The foundations of what would later become the flagship city of the Desert had been laid two centuries earlier, when the previously nomadic Fyros began to settle down. And the location was not chosen at random. The cave city was built in a broken section of the Dragon's Ridge, the gigantic continental shelf that separated the southern part of the Desert, administered by the Fyros Empire, from the hostile and infinite ocean of dunes to the north. The crack in which the Fyros set up their city, covering several dozen square kilometers, was the probable remnant of a prehistoric catastrophe. In this place, the network of crevasses of the plateau offered multiple advantages: protection against predators, a slight but appreciable coolness, and even a little water, produced by condensation in its deepest caves. If the majority of the city's dwellings were dug directly into the high bark walls, some of which could reach a hundred meters, many buildings had been built in a more traditional way, and were bathed with light every day. For despite its semi-underground construction, the city was never short of light, as the daystar never left the zenith, but simply lost  of its radiance once night came. Combined with the relative coolness of the streets of Fyre, the sunshine also allowed for the practice of a rudimentary agriculture of drought-resistant vegetables. Finally, a large wall and guard towers had been built further down the plateau, where the crevices overlooked the desert of dunes. But in truth, few were Fyros tribes not subject to the Fyros Empire daring to approach Fyre, and never before had the armies of the Matis Kingdom penetrated so deeply into the desert west.
Finally, after a few minutes of walking through the hollowed-out and nicely decorated corridors of the Academy, the two comrades passed through the great archway and found daylight again. Going down the imposing staircase, they reached the streets of Fyre, the incredible capital of the Fyros Empire. The foundations of what would later become the flagship city of the Desert had been laid two centuries earlier, when the previously nomadic Fyros began to settle down. And the location was not chosen at random. The cave city was built in a broken section of the Dragon's Ridge, the gigantic continental shelf that separated the southern part of the Desert, administered by the Fyros Empire, from the hostile and infinite ocean of dunes to the north. The crack in which the Fyros set up their city, covering several dozen square kilometers, was the probable remnant of a prehistoric catastrophe. In this place, the network of crevasses of the plateau offered multiple advantages: protection against predators, a slight but appreciable coolness, and even a little water, produced by condensation in its deepest caves. If the majority of the city's dwellings were dug directly into the high bark walls, some of which could reach a hundred meters, many buildings had been built in a more traditional way, and were bathed with light every day. For despite its semi-underground construction, the city was never short of light, as the daystar never left the zenith, but simply lost  of its radiance once night came. Combined with the relative coolness of the streets of Fyre, the sunshine also allowed for the practice of a rudimentary agriculture of drought-resistant vegetables. Finally, a large wall and guard towers had been built further down the plateau, where the crevices overlooked the desert of dunes. But in truth, few were Fyros tribes not subject to the Fyros Empire daring to approach Fyre, and never before had the armies of the Matis Kingdom penetrated so deeply into the desert west.
"I must take flight, Belenice! I can hear ideas germinating in my little head, I have to go quickly to water them!! If you move forward by tomorrow, will you tell me the rest of our hero's adventures?"
:''"I must take flight, Belenice! I can hear ideas germinating in my little head, I have to go quickly to water them!! If you move forward by tomorrow, will you tell me the rest of our hero's adventures?"
Belenor smiled again.
Belenor smiled again.
"I'll do that. I indeed think that inspiration is coming back to me."
:''"I'll do that. I indeed think that inspiration is coming back to me."
Brandille kissed her friend on the cheek, winked at him, and gambolled gracefully toward the residential areas. Belenor stared at his sandals for a moment. As he had already noticed, his muse sometimes seemed to float. In fact, he would have sworn that, once airborne, it took Brandille longer to hit the ground than other Trykers or Fyros. But more than his apparent lightness, it was his constant agitation that fascinated Belenor. For Brandille was never inert, physically or intellectually. Belenor had no memory of an immobile Brandille. No memory of an idle Brandille. Brandille was the very definition of Movement. Of Vitality. And even when her muse slept, she wriggled and hummed. Belenor took advantage of the moment and waited to see her disappear into the crowd. Then he went to the opposite side, to the beautiful districts.
Brandille kissed her friend on the cheek, winked at him, and gambolled gracefully toward the residential areas. Belenor stared at his sandals for a moment. As he had already noticed, his muse sometimes seemed to float. In fact, he would have sworn that, once airborne, it took Brandille longer to hit the ground than other Trykers or Fyros. But more than his apparent lightness, it was his constant agitation that fascinated Belenor. For Brandille was never inert, physically or intellectually. Belenor had no memory of an immobile Brandille. No memory of an idle Brandille. Brandille was the very definition of Movement. Of Vitality. And even when her muse slept, she wriggled and hummed. Belenor took advantage of the moment and waited to see her disappear into the crowd. Then he went to the opposite side, to the beautiful districts.
{{Couillard}}▼ TO TRANSLATE ▼
Plongé dans ses pensées, Bélénor avançait mécaniquement en direction du palais impérial. Après plusieurs mois de batailles contre cette satanée page blanche, il allait peut-être enfin pouvoir reprendre l’écriture de son histoire. Il se sentait heureux et fébrile. Totalement ailleurs, l’enfant ne se rendit pas compte qu’il était suivi lorsqu’il tourna au coin de l’avenue principale pour emprunter la petite ruelle qui lui permettait de rejoindre plus rapidement la demeure familiale. Ce n’est que lorsqu’il leva la tête qu’il comprit qu'il était tombé dans un piège. Au bout de l’allée, deux Fyros marchaient dans sa direction : une jeune fille aux cheveux blond platine et à la musculature marquée, et un gigantesque garçon au crâne rasé, chacun vêtu d’une tenue faite à partir de bandes de cuirs de mauvaise qualité. Cette tenue, très populaire parmi les habitants de la cité, était fabriquée à bas prix à partir de chutes de cuir et offrait une grande durabilité. Bélénor pivota, pensant regagner rapidement l’avenue bondée, mais percuta ce faisant le torse d’un autre garçon, en tout point identique à celui qui se trouvait désormais dans son dos. S’il ne connaissait pas la fille, il reconnut sans mal les deux garçons : les jumeaux Varran et Garius Décos, avec qui il partageait de nombreux cours à l’Académie. Il savait d’ailleurs ce qu’ils avaient à lui reprocher, et imaginait sans peine comment allait se terminer leur “discussion“. Car malheureusement, Bélénor était coutumier de ce genre de situations. Varran posa ses grosses mains poussiéreuses sur les épaulières d’ambre de la belle tunique de Bélénor.
Plunged in his thoughts, Belenor mechanically moved towards the imperial palace. After several months of battling against this damn blank page, he was perhaps finally going to be able to resume writing his story. He felt happy and excited. Totally elsewhere, the child did not realize that he was being followed when he turned the corner of the main avenue to take the small alley that would allow him to reach the family home more quickly. It was only when he looked up that he understood he had fallen into a trap. At the end of the alley, two Fyros were walking in his direction: a young girl with platinum-blond hair and a pronounced musculature, and a gigantic boy with a shaved head, both wearing an outfit made from strips of poor quality leather. This outfit, very popular among the city's inhabitants, was crafted at low cost from scrap leather and offered great durability. Belenor turned around, thinking he could quickly get back to the crowded avenue, but in doing so, he bumped into the torso of another boy, identical in every way to the one now at his back. He didn't know the girl, but he recognized the two boys: the twins Varran and Garius Decos, with whom he had shared many classes at the Academy. He knew what they had to reproach him with, and he could imagine how their "discussion" would end. For, unfortunately, Belenor was used to this kind of situation. Varran placed his large, dusty hands on the amber spaulders of Belenor's beautiful tunic.
« Alors Bélénaze, tu croyais que t’allais t’en tirer comme ça ? »
:''"So Belenut, did you think you were going to get away with this?"
L’enfant, déjà très frêle pour un Fyros, paraissait minuscule face au colosse qui lui faisait face. Certes, Varran était de cinq ans son aîné. Cependant, il n’en demeurait pas moins particulièrement costaud pour son âge. Bélénor soutint son regard.
L’enfant, déjà très frêle pour un Fyros, paraissait minuscule face au colosse qui lui faisait face. Certes, Varran était de cinq ans son aîné. Cependant, il n’en demeurait pas moins particulièrement costaud pour son âge. Bélénor soutint son regard.

Версия 20:24, 21 января 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

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