Строка 178: Строка 178:
Varran supported his brother's plea and then the three of them eventually walked away. When Belenor opened her eyes again, her attackers had reached the end of the alley. As she turned the corner, the named Xynala swiveled slightly and met his gaze. She looked saddened. And as the three teenagers disappeared down the avenue, Belenor instantly felt the tension drop. He was in extreme pain. But as Garius had pointed out, it would take him less than ten minutes to heal his ribs. The child struggled to his feet and put his hands on his side. His nice outfit was all messed up, which would certainly worry his nanny Penala when he got home in a few minutes. Infusing Sap into his wound, he grumbled at the sight of his precious manuscripts spread out in the sawdust. Belenor was angry. As much at the twins as at himself. When would he learn to keep his mouth shut? At the Academy or outside, for that matter. For he spent his time making remarks to others, and every time, it backfired to him. But worst of all, the contempt he was accused of expressing was the very one he blamed on his parents. At that moment, the young Fyros was hating himself.
Varran supported his brother's plea and then the three of them eventually walked away. When Belenor opened her eyes again, her attackers had reached the end of the alley. As she turned the corner, the named Xynala swiveled slightly and met his gaze. She looked saddened. And as the three teenagers disappeared down the avenue, Belenor instantly felt the tension drop. He was in extreme pain. But as Garius had pointed out, it would take him less than ten minutes to heal his ribs. The child struggled to his feet and put his hands on his side. His nice outfit was all messed up, which would certainly worry his nanny Penala when he got home in a few minutes. Infusing Sap into his wound, he grumbled at the sight of his precious manuscripts spread out in the sawdust. Belenor was angry. As much at the twins as at himself. When would he learn to keep his mouth shut? At the Academy or outside, for that matter. For he spent his time making remarks to others, and every time, it backfired to him. But worst of all, the contempt he was accused of expressing was the very one he blamed on his parents. At that moment, the young Fyros was hating himself.
Minutes passed, and finally repaired, the child knelt down to gather his documents. It didn't take him long to pick them all up. And as he turned around to see if he had forgotten any, he leapt against the wall of the alley. Another teenager, also dressed in a leather-banded jumpsuit, was standing in front of him. He was carefully examining what appeared to be a leaf from Belenor.
Minutes passed, and finally repaired, the child knelt down to gather his documents. It didn't take him long to pick them all up. And as he turned around to see if he had forgotten any, he leapt against the wall of the alley. Another teenager, also dressed in a leather-banded jumpsuit, was standing in front of him. He was carefully examining what appeared to be one of Belenor's sheets.
:''"Are you the author of this text?"
:''"Are you the author of this text?"
Строка 186: Строка 186:
:''"G... Give me that back!"
:''"G... Give me that back!"
The unknown, particularly agile, had no trouble dodging him.
The stranger, particularly agile, had no trouble dodging him.
:''"Oh dear! Calm down, I'm not going to damage it."
:''"Oh dear! Calm down, I'm not going to damage it."
Строка 201: Строка 201:
Upon hearing his name, Belenor looked up. The teenager was smiling mischievously at him. The child blushed a second time and looked at the ground.
Upon hearing his name, Belenor looked up. The teenager was smiling mischievously at him. The child blushed a second time and looked at the ground.
« Oui, je te connais. Varran et Garius m’ont parlé de toi. Si on ne prend pas en compte les disciplines physiques, tu es le meilleur élève de votre section, à l’Académie. Mais c’est surtout ton arrogance qui te fait remarquer, n’est-ce pas ? À vrai dire, je ne sais même pas si tu t’entends parler… Tu sais, à ce rythme là, tu risques de perdre les quelques amis qu’il te reste. »
Instantanément, Bélénor pensa à Brandille. Il se demanda s’il l’avait déjà vexée, avant de se demander s’il était possible de la vexer. L’inconnu posa ses yeux sur la feuille qu’il tenait en main.
:''"Yes, I know you. Varran and Garius told me about you. If we don't take into account the physical disciplines, you're the best student in your section, at the Academy. But it's mostly your arrogance that gets you noticed, isn't it? To tell the truth, I don't even know if you hear yourself speak... You know, at this rate, you might lose the few friends you have left."
« Enfin, bref. Ton texte est superbe. C’est toi qui a inventé ce personnage ? Le héros Zoraï au masque noir ? »
Instantly, Belenor thought of Brandille. He wondered if he had already offended her, before wondering if it was possible to offend her. The stranger put his eyes on the sheet he held in hand.
Bélénor acquiesça timidement. L’adolescent dégageait une assurance rare à son âge.
:''"Anyway. Your text is superb. Did you invent this character? The Zorai hero with the black mask?"
« Et d’où tires-tu toutes ces idées ?
Belenor nodded shyly. The teenager exuded a rare confidence at his age.
— De… De mes rêves, réussit à répondre Bélénor.
:''"And where do you get all these ideas?"
— Franchement, bravo. Au-delà d’être très bien écrit, c’est aussi particulièrement inventif. Tu sais, je manque totalement d’imagination. Alors les personnes comme toi me fascinent. »
:''"From... From my dreams," Belenor managed to answer.
À ces mots, l’inconnu lui tendit la feuille. Bélénor récupéra son bien, toujours silencieux, et osa cette fois-ci le regarder. L’adolescent lui fit un clin d'œil puis se dirigea tranquillement vers la grande avenue. Bélénor le suivait des yeux, comme hypnotisé, lorsqu'à mi-chemin, il s’arrêta net et se retourna. Sur son visage, l’air malicieux avait laissé place à une puissante détermination.
:''"Frankly, bravo. Beyond being very well written, tht's also particularly inventive. You know, I totally lack imagination. So people like you fascinate me."
« Quand je serais grand, j’ai pour projet de réunir toutes les tribus à l’Ouest du Désert, où je suis né. Là bas, la vie est bien plus difficile qu’ici. Ni armée régulière, ni aqueduc… J'aimerais pouvoir y fonder une grande cité, égale à Fyre. Bien sûr, faire la guerre aux tribus insoumises pour forcer leur coopération pourrait suffire. Mais là ne sont pas mes valeurs. Je me promets d’y arriver à ma manière : prouver ma bravoure, réaliser des exploits, gagner leur confiance. Mais pour ce faire, quelqu’un devra raconter mon histoire. Quelqu’un devra faire de moi le héros dont ils ont besoin. J’aime m’entourer de talents, Bélénor Nébius. Et un jour, j’aurai besoin de quelqu’un comme toi. »
At these words, the stranger handed him the sheet. Belenor recovered his property, still silent, and dared this time to look at him. The teenager winked at him and then walked quietly towards the main avenue. Belenor followed him with his eyes, as if hypnotized, when, halfway along, he stopped and turned around. On his face, the mischievous look had given way to a powerful determination.
Bélénor rangea sa feuille en tremblotant. Son cœur battait la chamade. Pourquoi était-il autant perturbé par ce Fyros ? Lui qui, d’ordinaire, ne perdait jamais la face ?
:''"When I grow up, I plan to bring all the tribes to the West of the Desert, where I was born. Life there is much harder than here. No regular army, no aqueduct… I would like to found a great city there, equal to Fyre. Of course, waging war on the rebellious tribes to force their cooperation might be enough. But that's does'nt fit my values. I promise myself to do it my way: to prove my bravery, to perform feats, to gain their trust. But to do that, someone will have to tell my story. Someone will have to make me the hero they need. I like to surround myself with talent, Belenor Nebius. And one day, I'll need someone like you."
« … Tu n’es pas très bavard, hein ? Ce n’est pourtant pas ce que Varran et Garius m’ont dit. Enfin, bref, je te laisse. Je vais demander aux trois autres de ne plus te chahuter. Quant à toi, cesse de mépriser tes camarades, et sors un peu la tête de tes cours. Ouvre-toi au monde, ouvre-toi à ceux qui ne te ressemblent pas. Sinon, tu risques de t’enliser dans la solitude. Sinon, tu risques de perdre en créativité. »
Belenor tucked his paper away while shaking. His heart was pounding. Why was he so disturbed by this Fyros? He who usually never lost face?
Alors que l’adolescent arrivait à l’angle de la ruelle, Bélénor, jusqu'alors mutique, bafouilla quelques mots.
"... You're not very talkative, are you? That's not what Varran and Garius told me. Anyway, I leave you. I'll ask the other three to stop heckling you. As for you, stop looking down on your classmates, and get your head out of your classes. Open up to the world, open up to people who are not like you. Otherwise, you risk getting bogged down in loneliness. Otherwise, you risk losing your creativity."
« Co… Comment t’appelles-tu ? »
As the teenager reached the corner of the alley, Belenor, who had been mute until then, stammered a few words.
Un sourire malicieux se dessina à nouveau sur le visage de l’inconnu.
"W... What's your name?"
« Je m’appelle Melkiar. Retiens bien ce nom, Bélénor Nébius, et aiguise bien ta plume. Car d’ici quelques années, toi et moi aurons des choses à raconter. J’en ai la certitude. »}}
A mischievous smile appeared again on the stranger's face.
"My name is Melkiar. Remember that name well, Belenor Nebius, and sharpen your pen. For in a few years, you and I will have things to talk about. I am certain of it."}}
{{NavChap|[[Chapter IX - Solitude]]|[[Chronicles of the First Crusade#Table of contents|Table of contents]]|[[Chapter XI - The Generation of Miracles]]}}
{{NavChap|[[Chapter IX - Solitude]]|[[Chronicles of the First Crusade#Table of contents|Table of contents]]|[[Chapter XI - The Generation of Miracles]]}}
{{Portal|The Great Library}}
{{Portal|The Great Library}}

Версия 15:07, 23 января 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

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