Строка 13: Строка 13:
<center><span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold"><big><big>'''Jena Year 2467'''</big></big></span></center>
<center><span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold"><big><big>'''Jena Year 2467'''</big></big></span></center>
{{Quotation|''Bélénor Nébius, narrator''|Panting and sweating, Belenor ran laboriously through the streets of Fyre. It was early, he had slept badly and his body was aching. In short, he was in a bad mood. But why had he had the misfortune to qualify, he who hated to make the least physical effort? His honor as a Fyros, no doubt. Every year, the Fyros Empire held the Academy Games, a national event with a multitude of events open to every student between the ages of ten and eighteen. The age mix was an important part of the event, allowing each youngster to learn from the older ones, and each older to learn humility. After several days of qualifying, the long-awaited day of the finals had arrived. The quarter-coriolis was one of them. It consisted of a long distance race of about 125 kilometers, corresponding to a quarter of the distance between Coriolis and Fyre. Divided into five 25-kilometer laps, the race went through the different districts of the city. This trial, one of the most recent ones, had been inaugurated thirty-five years earlier by the Emperor Abylus the Erudite. It was a tribute to the Fyrossa Aporalion Deps, who undertook a twenty-four hour race between the two cities to warn the sharükos of the impending cataclysmic fire, and who died like a number of Fyros fighting the fire at the gates of Fyre. This was the first time that Belenor, now thirteen years old, had qualified to run in the quarter-coriolis. The previous three years he had narrowly failed to qualify. Today, feeling as bad as he had ever felt, he bitterly regretted his achievement. It is thus with relief that, crushed by the heat of the daystar and drowned under the cries of the crowd, he saw in the distance the famous saving tunnel. Several kilometers long, this ancient vein of sap ran under the city and through the poorest district of the capital. If, caught up in the effort, Belenor had already forgotten how many laps he was at, he had not forgotten the freshness and priceless calm of the depths of the Bark. And as he swallowed the last few strides, he dived into the only non-hostile segment of the course. Taking advantage of this moment of respite, the Fyros slowed his pace and infused his legs with Sap to ease his muscles and joints. While several runners passed him on this occasion, he had long ago put aside any idea of ranking. The last place suited him perfectly. He would distinguish himself otherwise at the end of the morning, during his preferred trial: military strategy. The past three years, Melkiar had won this event. If he had an advantage due to his age, and therefore his experience, Belenor still expected to succeed in defeating him sooner or later. Ah, how good it was to think of the calm and freshness of an amphitheater, the scratching of quills on paper, the rolling of dice on wood, the beauty of measuring instruments and topographical maps.... Lost in his thoughts, smiling, Belenor ran nonchalantly in the wide and cool dark tunnel, letting several of his competitors pass. Two silhouettes, in particular, passed him on his right and left. In the darkness, they looked absolutely identical: two huge rectangular blocks of bark mounted on two large wooden poles. Even before Belenor recognized the two Fyros, they joined hands and braked immediately. The dreamer's nose crashed into Varran's gnarled triceps, and the rest of his body, destabilised, slid onto the sawdust. The Decos twins burst out laughing and Belenor grabbed his face swearing. He was dripping with blood.
{{Quotation|''Bélénor Nébius, narrator''|Panting and sweating, Belenor ran laboriously through the streets of Fyre. It was early, he had slept badly and his body was aching. In short, he was in a bad mood. But why had he had the misfortune to qualify, he who hated to make the least physical effort? His honor as a Fyros, no doubt. Every year, the Fyros Empire held the Academy Games, a national event with a multitude of events open to every student between the ages of ten and eighteen. The age mix was an important part of the event, allowing each youngster to learn from the older ones, and each older to learn humility. After several days of qualifying, the long-awaited day of the finals had arrived. The quarter-coriolis was one of them. It consisted of a long distance race of about 125 kilometers, corresponding to a quarter of the distance between Coriolis and Fyre. Divided into five 25-kilometer laps, the race went through the different districts of the city. This trial, one of the most recent ones, had been inaugurated thirty-five years earlier by the Emperor Abylus the Erudite. It was a tribute to the Fyrossa Aporalion Deps, who undertook a twenty-four hour race between the two cities to warn the sharükos of the impending cataclysmic fire, and who died like a number of Fyros fighting the fire at the gates of Fyre. This was the first time that Belenor, now thirteen years old, had qualified to run in the quarter-coriolis. The previous three years he had narrowly failed to qualify. Today, feeling as bad as he had ever felt, he bitterly regretted his achievement. It is thus with relief that, crushed by the heat of the daystar and drowned under the cries of the crowd, he saw in the distance the famous saving tunnel. Several kilometers long, this ancient vein of sap ran under the city and through the poorest district of the capital. If, caught up in the effort, Belenor had already forgotten how many laps he was at, he had not forgotten the freshness and priceless calm of the depths of the Bark. And as he swallowed the last few strides, he dived into the only non-hostile segment of the course. Taking advantage of this moment of respite, the Fyros slowed his pace and infused his legs with Sap to ease his muscles and joints. While several runners passed him on this occasion, he had long ago put aside any idea of ranking. The last place suited him perfectly. He would distinguish himself otherwise at the end of the morning, during his preferred trial: military strategy. The past three years, Melkiar had won this event. If he had an advantage due to his age, and therefore his experience, Belenor still expected to succeed in defeating him sooner or later. Ah, how good it was to think of the calm and freshness of an amphitheater, the scratching of quills on paper, the rolling of dice on wood, the beauty of measuring instruments and topographical maps…. Lost in his thoughts, smiling, Belenor ran nonchalantly in the wide and cool dark tunnel, letting several of his competitors pass. Two silhouettes, in particular, passed him on his right and left. In the darkness, they looked absolutely identical: two huge rectangular blocks of bark mounted on two large wooden poles. Even before Belenor recognized the two Fyros, they joined hands and braked immediately. The dreamer's nose crashed into Varran's gnarled triceps, and the rest of his body, destabilised, slid onto the sawdust. The Decos twins burst out laughing and Belenor grabbed his face swearing. He was dripping with blood.
:''"Gotta stay focused Belenut! I bet you were still thinking about your black Zoraï."
:''"Gotta stay focused Belenut! I bet you were still thinking about your black Zoraï."
Строка 29: Строка 29:
Putting his money where his mouth was, the huge Fyros dropped him to the dusty floor. Without adding another word, he patted Garius on the shoulder and both resume their run.
Putting his money where his mouth was, the huge Fyros dropped him to the dusty floor. Without adding another word, he patted Garius on the shoulder and both resume their run.
Exasperated, Belenor leaned against a doorway adjoining the bark wall of the cavernous avenue and made Sap circulate his nose. He had never expected to win this race, so after all, he could use a little rest. On the opposite wall of the tunnel, large skylights offered a view of the working-class district of Fyre, whose makeshift dwellings, linked by a network of suspension bridges, were built on the bark walls of a gigantic abyssal shaft.▼ TO TRANSLATE ▼ Privé de lumière du jour, le quartier était éclairé à l’aide de grands flambeaux, évidemment associés aux systèmes anti-incendie artisanaux dont les Fyros étaient coutumiers. Bélénor s’était inspiré du quartier ouvrier de Fyre pour inventer le village du héros de sa fiction, qu’il imaginait être construit à l’intérieur d’une gigantesque souche d’arbre-ciel de la Jungle, éclairée en grande partie à l’aide de lampes contenant des lucioles. Apaisé par cette vision, le Fyros s’assit et se laissa aller à la rêverie. Malheureusement, la pause fût de courte durée, car à peine son esprit se fut-il échappé qu’un nouveau coureur s’arrêta à son niveau. Malgré la pénombre, Bélénor reconnut sans mal son corps : fessier musclé, abdominaux tracés, avant-bras veineux, épaules massives et poitrine peu développée. Xynala. Vêtue d’une ample culotte et d’une simple brassière, la guerrière posa ses mains sur ses obliques ciselés et soupira. Du haut de ses quinze ans, elle le fixa d’un air sévère.
Exasperated, Belenor leaned against a doorway adjoining the bark wall of the cavernous avenue and made Sap circulate his nose. He had never expected to win this race, so after all, he could use a little rest. On the opposite wall of the tunnel, large skylights offered a view of the working-class district of Fyre, whose makeshift dwellings, linked by a network of suspension bridges, were built on the bark walls of a gigantic abyssal shaft. Deprived of daylight, the neighborhood was lit with large torches, obviously combined with the handcrafted fire-fighting systems that the Fyros were known for. Belenor had been inspired by the working-class district of Fyre to invent the village the hero of his fiction would live in, which he imagined would be built inside a gigantic jungle tree stump, lit largely by lamps containing fireflies. Soothed by this vision, the Fyros sat down and allowed himself to reverie. Unfortunately, the pause was short-lived, for no sooner had his mind escaped than a new runner stopped at his level. In spite of the half-light, Belenor recognized without difficulty his body: muscular buttocks, traced abdominal muscles, veiny forearms, massive shoulders and little developed breast. Xynala. Dressed of a wide panties and a simple bra, the warrior put her hands on her chiseled obliques and sighed. From the top of her fifteen years, she fixed him with a severe air.
« C’est une blague, Bélénor ? Tu crois qu’il est l’heure de se reposer ?
"Is this a joke, Belenor? Do you think it's time to rest?"
— Mais… Cela vous dirait, vous toutes et tous, d’arrêter de m’ennuyer, rien que cinq minutes ? Varran et Garius viennent de me frapper. Comme si cette course n’était pas  déjà assez pénible… J’ai rien demandé, moi, tu saisAlors maintenant laisse-moi, s’il te plait. »
"But…. How about you all of you people stop bothering me for just five minutes? Varran and Garius just hit me. As if this race wasn't already pain enough…. I didn't ask for anything, you knowSo now please leave me alone."
Pour toute réponse, la Fyrosse lui tendit une main. Dans son regard, la sévérité avait laissé place à la compassion.
For all answer, the Fyrossa held out a hand to him. In her eyes, the severity had given way to compassion.
« Je suis désolée… Tu les connais, ils ne sont pas méchants. Ils sont juste… un peu stupides ? »
"I'm sorry... You know them, they're not mean. They're just... a little stupid?"
Bélénor attrapa la main de sa camarade et se releva.
Belenor grabbed her classmate's hand and stood up.
« Non, ils ne sont pas stupides, Xynala. Et puis la stupidité ne justifierait pas le harcèlement qu’ils me font subir depuis toutes ces années. Car oui, c’est du harcèlement. Je veux bien reconnaître que j’ai longtemps été odieux, et qu’il m’arrive encore parfois d’être énervant, mais j’ai beaucoup changé, je crois. Pas eux. »
"No, they're not stupid, Xynala. And then stupidity wouldn't justify the harassment they've been putting me through for all these years. Because yes, it is harassment. I'll admit I was obnoxious for a long time, and I still get annoying sometimes, but I've changed a lot, I think. They haven't."
La Fyrosse sourit de manière compatissante.
The Fyrossa smiled a compassionate smile.
« En effet, tu n’as plus rien à voir avec la tête à claque que tu étais autrefois. Mais tu sais, Varran et Garius vivent des moments compliqués, chez eux, en lien avec le travail de leur père, dans les mines appartenant à ta famille. Quoi que tu fasses, tu ne pourras jamais changer ça, Bélénor. Pour eux, tu seras toujours le fils de celui qui exploite leur père.
"Indeed, you're nothing like the real pain you once were. But you know, Varran and Garius are having a hard time at home because of their father's work in the mines your family owns. No matter what you do, you can never change that, Belenor. To them, you will always be the son of the one who exploits their father."
— Je sais, je sais… C’est bien pour ça que j’essaie de me montrer patient. Mais s'ils ne changent pas à dix-huit ans, quand changeront-ils ? Enfin, bref, reprenons cette course. Tu es en train d’accumuler du retard. »
"I know, I know…. That's why I try to be patient. But if they don't change at eighteen, when will they?Anyway, let's get back to this race. You're building up a backlog."
À ces mots, Xynala effectua quelques étirements.
« Oh, tu sais, ma position au quart-coriolis ne m’intéresse pas vraiment. Je suis concentrée comme jamais sur l’épreuve de combat libre de cet après-midi. J’espère battre Garius, comme l’an dernier. Mais surtout réussir enfin à vaincre Melkiar…
At these words, Xynala did some stretching.
Bélénor, dont la colère était en train de passer, sourit à son amie. Si une personne pouvait bien remporter un duel contre Melkiar, c’était définitivement elle. Car, comme tous les membres de la famille Zeseus, Xynala était une guerrière d'exception. Ses grands-parents, déjà célèbres à l’époque, avaient fini d’enraciner leur renommée lorsque, en 2435, le Royaume de Matia profita de l’incendie des Mines d’Ambre de Coriolis pour reprendre la cité sainte de Karavia. Ses deux aïeuls, en effet, s'étaient alors sacrifiés pour permettre aux Fyros installés à Karavia de fuir la cité assiégée, évitant ainsi le massacre. Si Xynala n’avait pas connu ses grands-parents, sa mère, âgée de treize ans à leur décès, avait souvent évoqué pour elle ses souvenirs. Des souvenirs qui, associés au roman national, dépeignaient un portrait très héroïque de ses grands-parents.
"Oh, you know, I'm not really interested in my position in the quarter-coriolis. I'm focused as ever on the trial of free fight this afternoon. I'm hoping to beat Garius, just like last year. But more importantly, I hope that I'll finally succeed in beating Melkiar…."
« J’imagine que tu espères toi aussi battre Melkiar durant l’épreuve de stratégie militaire, continua la Fyrosse. Et puis de toute façon, nous connaissons déjà le vainqueur de la course, n’est-ce pas ? D’ailleurs, je crois reconnaître sa voix. Tu l’entends ? Il arrive, cela doit probablement être son dernier tour. »
Belenor, whose anger was was on its way out, smiled at his female friend. If anyone could win a duel against Melkiar, it was definitely her. For, like all members of the Zeseus family, Xynala was an exceptional warrior. Her grandparents were already famous at the time, and their reputation was cemented when, in 2435, the Kingdom of Matia took advantage of the burning Amber Mines of Coriolis to take back the holy city of Karavia. His two forefathers had sacrificed themselves to allow the Fyros living in Karavia to flee the besieged city, thus avoiding the massacre. Xynala did not know her grandparents, but her mother, who was thirteen years old when they died, often recalled their memories for her. Memories that, combined with the romanticized national history, painted a very heroic picture of her grandparents.
La Fyrosse donna une claque amicale dans le dos de Bélénor et s’élança à la suite des coureurs.
"I imagine that you too hope to beat Melkiar during the military strategy test, continued the Fyrossa. And anyway, we already know the winner of the race, don't we? Besides, I think I recognize his voice. Can you hear it? He's coming, this is probably his last lap."
« À tout à l’heure, Bélénor, et courage ! »
The Fyrossa gave Belenor a friendly slap on the back and dashed after the runners.
Après avoir observé durant quelques secondes la belle accélération de sa camarade, il se retourna. Elle avait raison. On pouvait entendre son chant résonner dans le tunnel. Bélénor sourit. Il connaissait bien cette  lugubre comptine, dont les paroles gagnaient en ampleur à mesure que l’interprète approchait. Il connaissait bien cette voix, qui avait récemment commencé à muer de manière si singulière :
"See you later, Belenor, and take heart!"
After watching for a few seconds the beautiful acceleration of his comrade, he turned around. She was right. Her song could be heard echoing in the tunnel. Belenor smiled. He knew well this lugubrious rhyme, whose words gained in amplitude as the interpreter approached. He knew that voice well, which had recently begun to change in such a singular way:
           Dans leurs navires volants,
           In their flying ships,
           Esseulés et affamés,
           Lonely and hungry,
           Guidés par le chant du vent,
           Led by the song of the wind,
           Ont trouvé astre à leur pied.
           Found a star at feet.
           Dans la nuit interminable,
           In the endless night,
           Pèlerins et orphelins,
           Pilgrims and orphans,
           De leurs pouvoirs ineffables,
           With their ineffable powers,
           Ont fait germer le matin.
           Made morning sprout.
           Dans leur fabrique à idées,
           In their mill of ideas,
           Arrogants et impatients,
           Arrogant and impatient,
           Ont oublié le passé,
           Forgetful of the past,
           Ont payé le prix du sang.
           Paid the price of blood.
           Dans leurs barques vacillantes,
           In their faltering boats,
           Visionnaires et tortionnaires,
           Visionaries and torturers,
           De leur mains sanguinolentes,
           With their bloody hands,
           Ont enfanté des chimères.
           Given birth to chimeras.
{{Bélénor s’était surpris à fermer les yeux durant la chanson et à accompagner de ses murmures les versets. Pourtant, la suite manquait. Déçu, le Fyros ouvrit les yeux. Sans surprise, Brandille lui faisait maintenant face, le visage habillé d’un sourire espiègle. Fidèle à ceux de son peuple, l’enfant avait peu grandi. Ce qui n’était pas le cas de ses tresses multicolores, qui flottaient désormais au niveau de ses fesses.
Belenor had caught himself closing his eyes during the song and accompanying the verses with his whispers. Yet the following was missing. Disappointed, the Fyros opened his eyes. Unsurprisingly, Brandille was now facing him, the face bearing a mischievous smile. True to those of his people, the child had grown little. This was not the case with her multicolored braids, which were now floating at her buttocks.
« Re, mon bel Énor ! Que fais-tu là ? Tu traînasses ? Tu rêvasses ? Quelque chose te tracasse ?
— Non, tout va bien. Merci de t’inquiéter. Et toi, pourquoi as-tu cessé de courir ?
"Hi again, my Belenice! What are you doing here? Are you dallyin'? Are you daydreamin'? Is something bothering you?"
— Car j’ai cessé de chanter, répondit aussitôt son amie. »
"No, everything is fine. Thanks for your concern. And you, why did you stop running?"
"Because I stopped singing," her friend answered immediately.
Bélénor fronça les sourcils. S’il voulait rebondir en lui demandant pourquoi elle avait cessé de chanter, il savait d’avance que sa réponse ne lui conviendrait pas.
Bélénor fronça les sourcils. S’il voulait rebondir en lui demandant pourquoi elle avait cessé de chanter, il savait d’avance que sa réponse ne lui conviendrait pas.

Версия 20:41, 27 января 2022

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