Строка 51: Строка 51:
And at that same time, the homin in question, as if obeying an invocation, passed the drapes of the hut. Resting on a muscular neck and trapezius, the impressive mask entirely tattooed with black swept the room with his gaze. Seeing that his elder had already arrived, Sang stopped short. He stared at him coldly for a few seconds, then shifted  eyes to his wife.
And at that same time, the homin in question, as if obeying an invocation, passed the drapes of the hut. Resting on a muscular neck and trapezius, the impressive mask entirely tattooed with black swept the room with his gaze. Seeing that his elder had already arrived, Sang stopped short. He stared at him coldly for a few seconds, then shifted  eyes to his wife.
:''"We were right, Looï. I spent my day tracking down the Karavan Agents, and I can confirm that they have set up a campment far to the south, on the border of the poison Lands. They are conducting experiments on Goo, I am convinced!"
:''"We were right, Looï. I spent my day tracking down the Karavan Agents, and I can confirm that they have set up camp in the west, on the border of the Poison Marshes. They are conducting experiments on the evil that is rampant there, I am convinced!"
At the word "Goo", Looï's body tensed. Goo was a mysterious form of pollution or disease that seemed to consume Atys as it progressed. Made of a purple, bright and translucent,  gelatinous material, it was more abundant in the Jungle than in other régions of the known world. Due to its perpetual growth, many scholars considered it to be a living matter with an insatiable appetite. As the protectors of Atys, the Kamis abhorred Goo. They seemed to fear it even more than the humans or other animal species of Atys, unlike the Agents of the Karavan showed a much special interest in the strange material.
At the mention of the Poison Marshes, Looi's body tensed. This diseased area of the Jungle was plagued by some mysterious form of pollution or sickness, able to contaminate living things and seemingly consuming Atys as it progressed.
Sang continued, his tone as raging as ever.
Sang continued, his tone as raging as ever.
Строка 61: Строка 61:
Looï put the pieces Niï had just finished cutting into a bowl containing dried fruit and stood up.
Looï put the pieces Niï had just finished cutting into a bowl containing dried fruit and stood up.
:''"I don't think so, Sang. The Theocracy is greedy and corrupt, but not so greedy as to encourage the Karavan to experiment on Goo. The Kamis would never forgive Min-Cho. Tomorrow, a diplomatic meeting between the various Jungle tribes and the Theocracy will be held in Zoran. I will try to find out more."
:''"I don't think so, Sang. The Theocracy is greedy and corrupt, but not so greedy as to encourage the Karavan to conduct experiments in the Poison Marshes. The Kamis would never forgive Min-Cho. Tomorrow, a diplomatic meeting between the various Jungle tribes and the Theocracy will be held in Zoran. I will try to find out more."
Sang muttered a few words at the mention of Min-Cho, the so-called Great Sage, and grabbed a goatskin of water. Looï continued, ignoring her husband's annoyance.
Sang muttered a few words at the mention of Min-Cho, the so-called Great Sage, and grabbed a goatskin of water. Looï continued, ignoring her husband's annoyance.

Версия 13:15, 17 февраля 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

Источник — «https://ru.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Внутреннее_тестирование_Вики/E-II&oldid=6024»