Строка 72: Строка 72:
:''"Will be completed soon, I just have to collect the precious liquid. Don't try to calm him down, pain gives strength to blood."
:''"Will be completed soon, I just have to collect the precious liquid. Don't try to calm him down, pain gives strength to blood."
The old woman placed the dagger on the altar and retrieved a small leather purse from her apron. One by one, she took out seven strange dice, which she passed over the bloody blade. Once the last relic was blessed with blood, she incanted a formula. Then the strange symbols engraved on the faces of the dice absorbed the light and came to life. Pü had completely stopped crying, hypnotized by the terrifying spectacle unfolding before his eyes. The witch was throwing the dice at full speed and without interruption on the altar, which ones were projecting reddish animated frescoes on the walls.
The old woman placed the dagger on the altar and retrieved a small leather purse from her apron. One by one, she took out seven strange orange dice, which she passed over the bloody blade. Once the last relic was blessed with blood, she incanted a formula. Then the strange symbols engraved on the amber faces of the dice absorbed the light and came to life. Pü had completely stopped crying, hypnotized by the terrifying spectacle unfolding before his eyes. The witch was throwing the dice at full speed and without interruption on the altar, which ones were projecting reddish animated frescoes on the walls.
Pü was contemplating a circle of homins and Kamis. A round dancing on the circular walls of the hut. He could almost hear them singing. He could almost hear them singing. Stopping abruptly, the Kamis turned into gigantic maws and devoured a large part of the homins, who were trying in vain to fight back. The scene then focused on the survivors of the macabre dance, who, led by a Zorai, climbed a mountain of corpses. Although the slope became steeper with each step, new homins joined the group and helped their climb. Finally, once reached the top, the warrior brandished his sword towards the sky and shattered the star that was center staging there. At the same time, the dice went out and gave the light back to the hut.
Pü was contemplating a circle of homins and Kamis. A round dancing on the circular walls of the hut. He could almost hear them singing. He could almost hear them singing. Stopping abruptly, the Kamis turned into gigantic maws and devoured a large part of the homins, who were trying in vain to fight back. The scene then focused on the survivors of the macabre dance, who, led by a Zorai, climbed a mountain of corpses. Although the slope became steeper with each step, new homins joined the group and helped their climb. Finally, once reached the top, the warrior brandished his sword towards the sky and shattered the star that was center staging there. At the same time, the dice went out and gave the light back to the hut.

Версия 12:42, 17 февраля 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

Источник — «https://ru.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Внутреннее_тестирование_Вики/E-I&oldid=6022»