Строка 17: Строка 17:
Perched on a high branch of a large sylvan tree, '''Pü was silently unrolling his daily prayer'''. Above him, even closer, so far from the jungle, from its zenith, the day star was about to reach its full brilliance, and despite the thick leafy layer that separated him from the sky, the warm light managed to warm the young Zoraï's bluish skin. He had learned to forget Jena's astral imprint, however, striving to remember the cold and echo of the abyssal pits that dotted his village beneath the bark, and which allowed Ma-Duk to watch over him and his family from the heart of Atys. In any case, he had no choice: the heights were by far the most suitable place for meditation. On the ground, predators and patrolling soldiers were a constant disturbance, threatening his peace and preventing him from engaging in peaceful activities.
Perched on a high branch of a large sylvan tree, '''Pü was silently unrolling his daily prayer'''. Above him, even closer, so far from the jungle, from its zenith, the day star was about to reach its full brilliance, and despite the thick leafy layer that separated him from the sky, the warm light managed to warm the young Zoraï's bluish skin. He had learned to forget Jena's astral imprint, however, striving to remember the cold and echo of the abyssal pits that dotted his village beneath the bark, and which allowed Ma-Duk to watch over him and his family from the heart of Atys. In any case, he had no choice: the heights were by far the most suitable place for meditation. On the ground, predators and patrolling soldiers were a constant disturbance, threatening his peace and preventing him from engaging in peaceful activities.
Thousands of miles away, his tribesmen were probably also finishing their prayers. Despite the distance and loneliness, Pü had tried to keep the same rhythm as before he left. At the first light of dawn, the village awoke and prepared for the routine work necessary for the smooth running of the community: maintenance, crafts, hunting, cooking, various meetings, welcoming the few emissaries and traders, etc. The goal was to make a complete and accurate assessment of the situation. The goal was to complete as many tasks as possible before the start of the long morning litany. This one was led by Looï, the mother of Pü, and ended with a collective meal in the heart of the refectory, a meal in which the whole tribe participated. After lunch, the Zoraïs trained in the art of combat for several hours. The teachings, intended for all, without distinction of age or gender, were very varied: hand-to-hand, white weapons, shooting weapons, magic. Indeed, the tribe was above all a clan of fighters, who sooner or later would participate in the advent of the Sacred War. Once the training was over, the families would gather for a meal and engage in various personal activities before going to bed. Pü had always attended evening classes with his mother, who taught him homin history, geopolitics, mastery of other languages and science. From time to time, he was accompanied by his older brother Niï. But most of the time, Niï took other private classes with their father, the Black Mask.
Thousands of miles away, his tribesmen were probably also finishing their prayers. Despite the distance and loneliness, Pü had tried to keep the same rhythm as before he left. At the first light of dawn, the village awoke and prepared for the routine work necessary for the smooth running of the community: maintenance, crafts, hunting, cooking, various meetings, welcoming the few emissaries and traders, etc. The goal was to make a complete and accurate assessment of the situation. The goal was to complete as many tasks as possible before the start of the long morning litany. This one was led by Looï, the mother of Pü, and ended with a collective meal in the heart of the refectory, a meal in which the whole tribe participated. After lunch, the Zoraïs trained in the art of combat for several hours. The teachings, intended for all, without distinction of age or gender, were very varied: hand-to-hand, white weapons, shooting weapons, magic. Indeed, the tribe was above all a clan of fighters, who sooner or later would participate in the advent of the Sacred War. Once the training was over, the families would gather for a meal and engage in various personal activities before going to bed. Pü had always attended evening classes with his mother, who taught him homin history, international relations, mastery of other languages and science. From time to time, he was accompanied by his older brother Niï. But most of the time, Niï took other private classes with their father, the Black Mask.
The child was jolted out of his memories when a sad sound broke the harmony of the trees' song. Above the treetops, the muffled roar of a Karavan flying machine had shaken the air and frightened away the javings, these strange creatures with jagged, greenish wings and whose long, black, shiny, barbed tongue was used to pierce their prey. Rising to his feet at full speed, Pü checked the strength of his lifeline and began to climb the last few meters of the large trunk that separated him from the sky. As his frail body pulled itself out of the ocean of leaves, he was forced to squint behind his mask, so blinding was the daylight. Not far from him, the infernal machine was losing altitude. The strange black matter which composed its hull reflected the bright astral glow of Jena, as if to taunt him. Despite this, Pü was able to identify the device. It was one of those small transporters that the Karavan usually used to harvest the resources gathered by its human slaves. Strangely, it seemed to come straight from one of the immense celestial roots that made up the [[Canopy]], that as yet unexplored part of the Bark, the word by which its inhabitants commonly referred to Atys, their world of living wood, composed solely of ever-growing plant matter. Its opulent valleys and lush hills were formed by colossal roots, on which the homins had established their civilizations. The water that filled the deep root cracks gave life to its lakes, lagoons and oceans. The most inclined roots formed its mountains and extended towards the sky in a slow and inexorable rise. Certain thermal anomalies even caused the slow burning of the root mat, giving rise to deserts. And deeper under the Bark were the Prime Roots, the most mysterious ecosystem in Atys after the one that was supposed to exist in the Canopy. It formed an immense labyrinth made  of verdant and humid caverns, plunging into the bowels of the plant world right into its Heart.
The child was jolted out of his memories when a sad sound broke the harmony of the trees' song. Above the treetops, the muffled roar of a Karavan flying machine had shaken the air and frightened away the javings, these strange creatures with jagged, greenish wings and whose long, black, shiny, barbed tongue was used to pierce their prey. Rising to his feet at full speed, Pü checked the strength of his lifeline and began to climb the last few meters of the large trunk that separated him from the sky. As his frail body pulled itself out of the ocean of leaves, he was forced to squint behind his mask, so blinding was the daylight. Not far from him, the infernal machine was losing altitude. The strange black matter which composed its hull reflected the bright astral glow of Jena, as if to taunt him. Despite this, Pü was able to identify the device. It was one of those small transporters that the Karavan usually used to harvest the resources gathered by its human slaves. Strangely, it seemed to come straight from one of the immense celestial roots that made up the [[Canopy]], that as yet unexplored part of the Bark, the word by which its inhabitants commonly referred to Atys, their world of living wood, composed solely of ever-growing plant matter. Its opulent valleys and lush hills were formed by colossal roots, on which the homins had established their civilizations. The water that filled the deep root cracks gave life to its lakes, lagoons and oceans. The most inclined roots formed its mountains and extended towards the sky in a slow and inexorable rise. Certain thermal anomalies even caused the slow burning of the root mat, giving rise to deserts. And deeper under the Bark were the Prime Roots, the most mysterious ecosystem in Atys after the one that was supposed to exist in the Canopy. It formed an immense labyrinth made  of verdant and humid caverns, plunging into the bowels of the plant world right into its Heart.

Версия 19:18, 16 марта 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

Источник — «https://ru.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Внутреннее_тестирование_Вики/E-IV&oldid=6420»