Строка 16: Строка 16:
{{Quotation|'''Azazor Eridlo Mirihus'''|Why did I listen to her? We are lost somewhere in the Sea of Wood, we have nothing left to eat but bark and a few sparse plants, and we are thinking of killing our last mektoub to avoid starving. This is what happens when you listen to Eeri's genius ideas.  
{{Quotation|'''Azazor Eridlo Mirihus'''|Why did I listen to her? We are lost somewhere in the Sea of Wood, we have nothing left to eat but bark and a few sparse plants, and we are thinking of killing our last mektoub to avoid starving. This is what happens when you listen to Eeri's genius ideas.  
We have managed so far to stay on the road, to follow the beacons. Then, at the exit of the Maze, on approaching the cliffs, when the road forks to the left and the path becomes narrower, misfortune get us running into a huge herd of jugulas. We then left the road to approach the cliffs from the right, hoping that we could walk along them and pass all the same, as we often did in the New Lands, when it is a question of best avoiding the dangers. Generally this technique works well. But not here: we might well to skim the cliff as close as possible, but the herd of jugulas was still present. I had then the idea to go back and to pass the herd by following the cliff from the left. But Eeri had then another brilliant idea. Ah this genius…
We have managed so far to stay on the road, to follow the beacons. Then, at the exit of the Maze, on approaching the cliffs, when the road forks to the left and the path becomes narrower, misfortune get us running into a huge herd of jugulas. We then left the road to approach the cliffs from the right, hoping that we could walk along them and pass all the same, as we often did in the New Lands, when it is a question of best avoiding of dangers. Usually this technique works well. But not here: we might well to skim the cliff as close as possible, but the herd of jugulas was still present. I had then the idea to go back and to pass the herd by following the cliff from the left. But Eeri had then another brilliant idea. Ah this genius…
"''What if we go down the cliff by climbing that big root, there, to get directly into the Sea of Wood. Then, going northeast, we'll end up finding the road again.''" [...] "''The mektoub? Of course, he'll succeed making it down.''"
"''What if we go down the cliff by climbing that big root, there, to get directly into the Sea of Wood. Then, going northeast, we'll end up finding the road again.''" [...] "''The mektoub? Of course, he'll succeed making it down.''"
Строка 23: Строка 23:
However, thinking about it, we should have simply followed the cliff once at the bottom, going back up to the north. That would have made it a bit longer, but at least safer. Except that Eeri wanted to go fast. Except that Eeri, when she has an idea in mind, when she feels confident, she rushes headlong. I understand, I used to be like that before I realized that the Fyros technique of rushing straight ahead is a mistake, especially here. I guess she hasn't evolved since the Fyros Legions. After that, I blame her, but that's also my bad. I should have been firmer with her. I let myself be fooled by her self-confidence. But I'm the head here. And she's the legs. That's how it was planned.  
However, thinking about it, we should have simply followed the cliff once at the bottom, going back up to the north. That would have made it a bit longer, but at least safer. Except that Eeri wanted to go fast. Except that Eeri, when she has an idea in mind, when she feels confident, she rushes headlong. I understand, I used to be like that before I realized that the Fyros technique of rushing straight ahead is a mistake, especially here. I guess she hasn't evolved since the Fyros Legions. After that, I blame her, but that's also my bad. I should have been firmer with her. I let myself be fooled by her self-confidence. But I'm the head here. And she's the legs. That's how it was planned.  
Since our arrival at the bottom of the cliff, more than three weeks have passed. We advanced more or less in the fog during one week towards the northeast. Because yes, it would have been easier if there was not this thick fog which makes it impossible to see the horizon. Everything is dull here, the ground is bare, nothing grows or almost nothing. This Sea of Wood, it is the negation of life. I feel so weak here, my head is spinning more and more, and it doesn't get any better with the time spent in these desolate lands. It's as if this Sea of Wood was sucking our vital energy. As if it was feeding on us. And to make it worse, we couldn't see the cliffs in the distance that should have been on our left. Alors après une semaine de marche sans croiser de balises, on a tenté d’aller sur notre gauche, pour rejoindre la falaise même si on ne la voyait pas. On a fini par y arriver, après seulement un jour de marche. Puis on l’a longée. Et après dix jours de marche à coller la falaise, rien. Pas de balise, pas de pente ou d’accès quelconque pour remonter à Fort-le-Phare. , ça semble encore tourner vers le sud, si j’en crois la position de l’astre du jour qui peine à percer dans le brouillard.  
Since our arrival at the bottom of the cliff, more than three weeks have passed. We advanced more or less in the fog during one week towards the northeast. Because yes, it would have been easier if there was not this thick fog which makes it impossible to see the horizon. Everything is dull here, the ground is bare, nothing grows or almost nothing. This Sea of Wood, it is the negation of life. I feel so weak here, my head is spinning more and more, and it doesn't get any better with the time spent in these desolate lands. It's as if this Sea of Wood was sucking our vital energy. As if it was feeding on us. And to make it worse, we couldn't see the cliffs in the distance that should have been on our left. Then, after one week of walk without crossing no beacon, we tried to go on our left, to join the cliff even if we couldn't see it. We finally reached it, after only one day of walk. Then we went along the cliff. And after ten days of walk skimming it, nothing. No beacon, no slope or any access to go back up to Fort Beacon. There, we should again turn towards the south, if I trust the position of the day star whose glow struggles to pierce the fog.  
Alors soit on est allé trop loin vers le nord et on a loupé la balise murale indiquant la route, soit… on est au niveau de cette colline sur la carte, à l’est de Fort-le-Phare. On croit longer la falaise ouest alors qu’on tourne autour de la colline.  
So either we went too far north and we missed the wall beacon indicating the way, or… we are at the level of this hill noted on the map east of Fort Beacon. We think we follow the west cliff whereas we turn around the said hill.  
J’espère que c’est ça. À vue de nez, on en a bien pour une semaine à rejoindre la falaise en allant vers l’ouest. Puis, théoriquement, faudra descendre un peu et on devrait croiser la route. Faudra pas louper la balise. Sinon, on va descendre trop bas. On n’a plus le droit à l’erreur. Mais si on va pas clairement à l’ouest, on risque aussi d’arriver à la falaise au sud de la route. Va falloir marcher le plus droit possible et espérer que cette foutue carte soit correcte. Le mektoub n’a plus de fourrage mais il semble se contenter pour l'instant de la micro végétation qui pousse par endroit. Il avance lentement, mais il nous suit. Et nous ? On a bouffé notre dernier morceau de viande séchée hier matin. Va-t-on se contenter d’écorce et de graminées pendant une semaine ?
Hope that's it. At sight, it will take us a whole week to reach the cliff while going towards the west. Then, theoretically, we'll have to go down a bit and we should find the road. We will have not to miss the beacon. If so, we would get too far down. We don't have no more right to make a mistake. But if we don't go westright, we also risk to arrive at the cliff south of the road. We'll have to walk as straight as possible and hope that this damn map is correct. The mektoub has no more fodder but it seems to be satisfied for the moment with the micro-vegetation which grows by places. He moves slowly, but he follows us. And us? We ate our last piece of dried meat yesterday morning. Are we going to be satisfied with bark and grasses for a week?
J'ai peur. Voilà, c'est écrit, j'ai peur. J'entends des bruits, des bruits étranges. Un grondement sourd qu'on pouvait entendre autrefois au bord des falaises dans les Nouvelles Terres. Une sorte de meuglement de grosse bestiole. Je pensais que c'était les craquements de l'écorce, mais ici on les entend beaucoup plus fort, et c'est clairement pas ça. C'est plus… guttural. Eeri parle de shalah géant. Moi ça me fait penser à des bodocs monstrueux. Et des tapements aussi… ça tape un bodoc ? Je veux pas rencontrer ce qui fait ce bruit. Il y a quelques jours de ça, j'ai cru voir une forme au loin. Un truc gigantesque. J'en ai pas parlé à Eeri. Je crains qu'elle veuille aller voir ce que c'est. Je suis pas prêt. Alors j'ai fermé ma gueule et j'ai continué d'avancer. Elle l'a peut être vu aussi et n'a rien dit non plus. Elle a peut être peur elle aussi ? En tout cas elle ne le montre pas.  
I am afraid. There, it's written, I'm afraid. I hear noises, strange noises. A dull rumbling that could be heard in the old days at the edge of the cliffs in the New Lands. A kind of mooing of a big beastie. I thought it was the cracking of the bark, but here it's much louder, and it's clearly not the same noise. It's more… guttural. Eeri talks about a giant shalah. It sounds like a monstrous bodoc to me. And tapping too… does a bodoc tap? I don't want to meet what's making that noise. A few days ago, I thought I saw a shape in the distance. A gigantic something. I didn't tell Eeri about it. I'm afraid she'll want to go see what it is. I'm not ready. So I shut my mouth and kept on walking. Maybe she saw it too and didn't say anything either. Maybe she's afraid too? At least she doesn't show it.  
C'est décidément trop épuisant d'écrire. Mais je préfère le faire maintenant, tant que j'ai encore assez de force et l'esprit assez clair. Parce que cet endroit rend fou si on y reste trop longtemps, j'en suis sûr. On devrait appeler cette Mer de Bois le Désert de la Confusion. Ou mieux, le Désert Qui Rend Fou. C'est peut être la folie qui me fait voir des formes sombres à l'horizon. C'est peut être elle qui beugle dans ma tête et tape dans mon crâne. Hallucination, délire, folie… La Mer Qui Rend Fou…
Writing is definitely too exhausting. But I prefer to do it now, while I still have enough strength and a clear mind. Because this place makes you crazy if you stay here too long, I'm sure. We should call this Sea of Wood the Desert of Confusion. Or better yet, the Desert That Drives You Mad. Maybe it's madness that makes me see dark shapes on the horizon. Maybe it's madness bellowing in my head and banging in my skull. Hallucination, delirium, madness… The Sea That Drives You Mad…
ramèch, je veux pas crever comme ça, de faim et complètement fou au milieu de nulle part ! Si le mektoub tient, je tiens. Si Eeri ne craque pas, je ne craque pas non plus !
ramèch, I don't want to die like that, starving and completely mad in the middle of nowhere! If the mektoub holds, I hold. If Eeri doesn't crack, I won't either!
Au pire, si le mektoub crève, on aura à bouffer. Et si c'est Eeri qui crève ? Pareil haha! Hop, fournée de légionnaire à la sciure de bois accompagnée de ses herbes folles…
At worst, if the mektoub dies, we'll have something to eat. And if Eeri dies? Same thing haha! Hop, a batch of sawdust legionnaire accompanied by his crazy herbs…
J'en ai marre, j'ai peur, je veux rentrer…}}
I'm tired, I'm scared, I want to go back home…}}

Версия 19:53, 7 января 2023

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

Источник — «https://ru.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Большое_путешествие/E-I-6&oldid=7522»