Внутреннее тестирование Вики/E-XI — различия между версиями

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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For Belenor had, a few hours earlier, beaten Melkiar in the final trial of military strategy. Something he still couldn't truly understand. This test consisted in the setting of army battles in the form of a game with precise rules. Partially hidden behind a folding screen, each player had troops, represented by various counters, and a palette of equipment, such as calculating tables, measuring instruments, and also dice to simulate the effect of luck. A referee checked each player's moves and kept track of time. This event, although among the oldest in the Academy, was far less popular than the others. The fault lay in its apparent complexity. As a result, Belenor was far less sought after by admirers, which, all in all, suited him quite well. And if he was proud to have won the title, it was his victory against Melkiar that had particularly moved him. He would never forget the look of admiration that this one had given him, as Belenor played the move that had compelled him to surrender. Later that day, Melkiar had also lost the athletic showdown to Varran, who had then found himself in the final against his brother Garius. The twins Decos twins had been unable to separate themselves and both won the title. Eliminated in their turn in the semi-finals by Melkiar and Xynala during the free fight trial, they awaited the grand finale from the private stand of the defeated.
For Belenor had, a few hours earlier, beaten Melkiar in the final trial of military strategy. Something he still couldn't truly understand. This test consisted in the setting of army battles in the form of a game with precise rules. Partially hidden behind a folding screen, each player had troops, represented by various counters, and a palette of equipment, such as calculating tables, measuring instruments, and also dice to simulate the effect of luck. A referee checked each player's moves and kept track of time. This event, although among the oldest in the Academy, was far less popular than the others. The fault lay in its apparent complexity. As a result, Belenor was far less sought after by admirers, which, all in all, suited him quite well. And if he was proud to have won the title, it was his victory against Melkiar that had particularly moved him. He would never forget the look of admiration that this one had given him, as Belenor played the move that had compelled him to surrender. Later that day, Melkiar had also lost the athletic showdown to Varran, who had then found himself in the final against his brother Garius. The twins Decos twins had been unable to separate themselves and both won the title. Eliminated in their turn in the semi-finals by Melkiar and Xynala during the free fight trial, they awaited the grand finale from the private stand of the defeated.
Lorsque, de leur grincement si caractéristique, les deux portes²²² de l’arène circulaire s’ouvrirent finalement, l’astre du jour avait perdu tout son éclat et l'astre ambré touchait à son apogée. À la lueur du gigantesque brasier suspendu au-dessus de l’amphithéâtre, les quarante-mille spectateurs réunis se turent. Comme attendu, Euriyaseus Icaron passa l’une des portes. La Fyrosse, qui avait fait ses armes avec les grands-parents de Xynala, était probablement la plus célèbre générale de l’Empire. En 2436, alors âgée de vingt-neuf ans, elle avait participé, aux côtés du futur Empereur Pyto, le frère de Thesop, à une attaque visant à rétablir la Route de l’Eau et l’exploitation de l’Aqueduc, ''via'' la reconquête du pays de Trykoth, envahi par les Matis suite aux ravages causés par l’incendie des Mines d’Ambre de Coriolis. Continuant sa carrière militaire par la suite, et cela malgré les décès des Empereurs Abylus et Pyto, elle avait fini par être promue générale. Si les rumeurs allaient bon train concernant son inimitié à l’égard de l’Empereur Thesop, que certains séparatistes notoires accusaient d’avoir assassiné son père et son frère trente ans auparavant, cela ne l’avait jamais empêchée de se donner corps et âme à l’Empire. Elle était notamment à l’origine de plusieurs coups d’éclat stratégiques ayant permis de repousser loin à l’ouest les tribus fyrosses insoumises. Aujourd’hui âgée de soixante ans, elle participait aussi à l’instruction militaire des élèves de l’Académie.
Vêtue de son armure de cuir rigide bardée de décorations, la célèbre héroïne à la chevelure blanche et au visage recouvert de cicatrices s’avança jusqu’au centre de l’arène. Décrochant une corne creuse de sa ceinture, elle porta l’objet à sa bouche et entama son discours. Sa voix rauque et amplifiée résonna dans l’amphithéâtre.
When, with their so characteristic creaking, the two doors of the circular arena finally opened, the daylight had lost all its brilliance and the amber star was at its peak. In the light of the gigantic blaze hanging over the amphitheater, the forty thousand spectators gathered fell silent. As expected, Euriyaseus Icaron passed through one of the doors. The Fyrossa, who had won her spurs with Xynala's grandparents, was probably the most famous general in the Empire. In 2436, then aged twenty-nine, she had participated, alongside the future Emperor Pyto, Thesop's brother, in an attack aimed at re-establishing the Water Route and the operation of the Aqueduct, "via" the reconquest of the country of Trykoth, invaded by the Matis following the devastation caused by the burning of the Coriolis Amber Mines. Continuing her military career thereafter, despite the deaths of Emperors Abylus and Pyto, she eventually had been promoted to general. While rumors were rife of her enmity with Emperor Thesop, whom some notorious separatists accused of having murdered her father and brother thirty years earlier, this had never stopped her from giving her heart and soul to the Empire. In particular, she had been responsible for several strategic coups that helped push the rebellious Fyros tribes far to the west. Now sixty years old, she was also involved in the military training of the Academy's students.
« Peuple Fyros ! Amis de l’Empire ! Comme chaque année depuis la fondation de notre célèbre institut, cette journée a vu s'enchaîner les épreuves finales des Jeux de l’Académie ! Comme chaque année, nous avons été fiers de voir à l'œuvre dans leurs exploits nos jeunes académiciens et académiciennes ! Mais plus que jamais cette année, nous avons été ébahi par les prouesses de la nouvelle génération ! La Génération des Miracles ! Grâce à elle, l’Empire s’assure un avenir prospère et glorieux ! »
Dressed in her armor, made of stiff leather and decked out with medals, the famous heroine with white hair and a face covered with scars walked to the center of the arena. Unhooking a hollow horn from her belt, she brought the object to her mouth and began her speech. Her hoarse, amplified voice echoed through the amphitheater.
À ces mots, la foule s’emporta : les hourras fusèrent, les chopes s’entrechoquèrent et l’alcool vola. Euriyaseus laissa le tumulte se calmer puis reprit son discours.
"Fyros people! Friends of the Empire! Like every year since the founding of our famous institute, this day has seen the final round of the Academy Games! As every year, we have been proud to see our young academicians at work in their feats! But more than ever this year, we have been astounded by the prowess of the new generation! The Generation of Miracles! Thanks to them, the Empire is securing a prosperous and glorious future!"
At these words, the crowd went wild: cheers erupted, mugs clinked and alcohol flew. Euriyaseus let the tumult subside and then resumed his speech.
« Patriotes, je comprends la ferveur qui vous anime ! Ce soir, un combat d’anthologie va se jouer ici-même, au centre de notre antique Colisée ! Ce soir, durant la finale de l’épreuve de combat libre, Xynala Zeseus va prendre sa revanche contre celui qui détient depuis ses treize ans le titre de champion ! Celui contre qui elle a échoué en finale, l’an dernier, et qui va à nouveau tenter ce soir de conserver son titre ! J’ai nommé Melkiar de la tribu des Larmes du Dragon ! »
« Patriotes, je comprends la ferveur qui vous anime ! Ce soir, un combat d’anthologie va se jouer ici-même, au centre de notre antique Colisée ! Ce soir, durant la finale de l’épreuve de combat libre, Xynala Zeseus va prendre sa revanche contre celui qui détient depuis ses treize ans le titre de champion ! Celui contre qui elle a échoué en finale, l’an dernier, et qui va à nouveau tenter ce soir de conserver son titre ! J’ai nommé Melkiar de la tribu des Larmes du Dragon ! »

Версия 18:02, 3 февраля 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики