Внутреннее тестирование Вики/E-XV — различия между версиями

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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Строка 21: Строка 21:
Obsessed by these questions, the Fyros had combed all the studies on the Kamis available at the Academy. He wanted to know everything about these spirits of nature. Of course, he knew that the knowledge compiled by the Empire was not enough, and that sooner or later he would have to go to the highest place of known Kamic knowledge: the city of Taai-Toon, where the Great Library of the Zorai people was rebuilt after the Empire had sacked Zoran in 2328. Unable to resign himself to leaving the Academy without the highest rank, like Melkiar before him, Belenor had to find something to quench his thirst for knowledge. Thus he began to frequent the Kamis temples of the capital, sometimes accompanied by Xynala, where they were both initiated into various ritual practices. Although freedom of worship was a right granted by the Empire to its citizens, the spirituality of the Fyros was never to prevail over the "Four Pillars of the Empire". That is why the Empire allowed, under certain conditions only, the construction of temples within its cities. Moving thus from theory to practice, Belenor was surprised to see how the followers of the various Kamic faiths maintained good relations, despite certain major disagreements. The most important of these was the existence and identity of the Supreme Kami. According to the majority of cults, the Supreme Kami was Jena, the Goddess of the Day Star and the Mother of the hominity, while for other more animistic currents, there was no Supreme Kami. If in "The Sacred War", the story he had written a few years earlier, Belenor had amused himself by imagining the Supreme Kami as a gigantic entity buried somewhere in the depths of Atys, none of the Kamic cults he had studied described such a being. Yet he had never forgotten the time he had met that Zorai trader in the tavern more than ten years before. He had never forgotten the frightened look she had given him as he spoke the words "Black Mask"… A black mask he had seen himself caressing in a vision, triggered by the Black Kami's physical contact, as he and Xynala had gone to Garius' improvised burial chamber. Deep down, Belenor was convinced that his childhood dreams, the very ones that had fed his story, were not insignificant. Perhaps they had something to do with this Black Kami. So the Fyros got into his head to meet a Kami, in order to discuss with him.
Obsessed by these questions, the Fyros had combed all the studies on the Kamis available at the Academy. He wanted to know everything about these spirits of nature. Of course, he knew that the knowledge compiled by the Empire was not enough, and that sooner or later he would have to go to the highest place of known Kamic knowledge: the city of Taai-Toon, where the Great Library of the Zorai people was rebuilt after the Empire had sacked Zoran in 2328. Unable to resign himself to leaving the Academy without the highest rank, like Melkiar before him, Belenor had to find something to quench his thirst for knowledge. Thus he began to frequent the Kamis temples of the capital, sometimes accompanied by Xynala, where they were both initiated into various ritual practices. Although freedom of worship was a right granted by the Empire to its citizens, the spirituality of the Fyros was never to prevail over the "Four Pillars of the Empire". That is why the Empire allowed, under certain conditions only, the construction of temples within its cities. Moving thus from theory to practice, Belenor was surprised to see how the followers of the various Kamic faiths maintained good relations, despite certain major disagreements. The most important of these was the existence and identity of the Supreme Kami. According to the majority of cults, the Supreme Kami was Jena, the Goddess of the Day Star and the Mother of the hominity, while for other more animistic currents, there was no Supreme Kami. If in "The Sacred War", the story he had written a few years earlier, Belenor had amused himself by imagining the Supreme Kami as a gigantic entity buried somewhere in the depths of Atys, none of the Kamic cults he had studied described such a being. Yet he had never forgotten the time he had met that Zorai trader in the tavern more than ten years before. He had never forgotten the frightened look she had given him as he spoke the words "Black Mask"… A black mask he had seen himself caressing in a vision, triggered by the Black Kami's physical contact, as he and Xynala had gone to Garius' improvised burial chamber. Deep down, Belenor was convinced that his childhood dreams, the very ones that had fed his story, were not insignificant. Perhaps they had something to do with this Black Kami. So the Fyros got into his head to meet a Kami, in order to discuss with him.
[[file:Kami 1.jpg|right|400px|alt=Fire Kami]]
C’est la demande qu’il fit à Messen Dyn, un vieux moine kamiste avec lequel il s’était lié d’amitié. D’abord hésitant, le vieux Fyros accepta finalement la requête du jeune adepte, avec moins l’objectif de lui rendre service que de lui faire comprendre que les Kamis n’étaient pas créatures loquaces. D’après lui, si le jeune homin était réellement béni des Kamis, c’est de lui-même qu’il devait comprendre le destin qu’ils lui réservaient. Les premières fois que Messen tenta d’invoquer un Kami, le rituel échoua : assis en tailleur devant le grand brasier qui surplombait l’autel, les deux Fyros méditèrent et prièrent longuement, sans succès. Et puis un jour, alors que rien ne présageait du caractère particulier de cette séance de méditation, le grand feu cessa brusquement de vaciller. Comme si elles venaient de se solidifier, cinq flammes rouges se figèrent, tandis que dans le fond du brasier, les bûches noircies semblaient animées d’étranges mouvements. Assurément, une force invisible était en train de modeler la matière carbonée et flamboyante. Ce n’est que lorsque le Fyros comprit que les deux formes jaunes qu’il observait n’étaient rien d'autre qu’une paire d’yeux, qu’il sut que le rituel avait fonctionné. Pourvu de longs membres glabres de couleur brune, et de cinq cornes rappelant du bois brûlé encore rougeoyant à l'extrémité, parcourues de nervures rouges et orangées s'étendant jusqu'à ses grands yeux jaunes, le Kami de Feu était en train de s’extirper du brasier. Quelques secondes plus tard, c’est le dos voûté, accroupie sur le rebord de l’autel devant les flammes incandescentes, que la divine créature observait silencieusement les deux homins. Messen remercia longuement son invité puis lui expliqua brièvement pourquoi il avait fait appel à lui. Et alors que le vieux moine donnait la parole à Bélénor, et que celui-ci remerciait à son tour le Kami de Feu, la créature divine bondit en arrière et disparut dans une gerbe de flammes…
This is the request he made to Messen Dyn, an old Kamist monk with whom he had befriended. Hesitant at first, the old Fyros finally accepted the young follower's request, not so much to do him a favor as to make him understand that the Kamis were not loquacious creatures. In his opinion, if the young homin was really blessed by the Kami, he should by himself understand the fate they had in store for him. The first few times Messen tried to invoke a Kami, the ritual failed: sitting cross-legged in front of the great brazier that overhung the altar, the two Fyros meditated and prayed for a long time, without success. And then one day, when there was no indication that this meditation session would be special, the great fire suddenly stopped flickering. As if they had just solidified, five red flames froze, while at the bottom of the blaze, the blackened logs seemed to be animated by strange movements. Surely some unseen force was shaping the flaming and carbonaceous material. Only when the Fyros realized that the two yellow shapes he was watching at were nothing more than a pair of eyes, did he know that the ritual had worked. Endowed with long, hairless, brown limbs and five horns that looked like burnt wood, still glowing at the tip, with red and orange veins running down to its large yellow eyes, the Fire Kami was in the process of extricating itself from the inferno. A few seconds later, it is the arched back, crouched on the edge of the altar in front of the incandescent flames, that the divine creature observed silently the two homins. Messen thanked his guest for a long time then explained him briefly why he had called upon him. And while the old monk gave the word to Belenor, and that this one thanked in his turn the Kami of Fire, the divine creature jumped back and disappeared in a spray of flames…
{{Couillard}}▼ TO TRANSLATE ▼
Assis confortablement sur le fauteuil en cuir de rendor de son père, les coudes posés sur son magnifique bureau en bois massif, et les mains occupées à jouer avec la tresse de sa longue barbe acajou, Bélénor fixait la flamme de la lanterne murale d’un air éteint. Encore aujourd’hui, le souvenir de cette brève rencontre restait brûlant. Autant que la déception qui lui était associée. Car depuis cette fois-là, jamais il n’avait revu de Kami. Détachant son regard de la source de lumière hypnotique, le Fyros reporta son attention sur le devoir de son étudiant. Mais à peine eut-il froncé les sourcils, décelant une erreur grossière, qu’il entendit quelqu’un toquer à la porte.
Assis confortablement sur le fauteuil en cuir de rendor de son père, les coudes posés sur son magnifique bureau en bois massif, et les mains occupées à jouer avec la tresse de sa longue barbe acajou, Bélénor fixait la flamme de la lanterne murale d’un air éteint. Encore aujourd’hui, le souvenir de cette brève rencontre restait brûlant. Autant que la déception qui lui était associée. Car depuis cette fois-là, jamais il n’avait revu de Kami. Détachant son regard de la source de lumière hypnotique, le Fyros reporta son attention sur le devoir de son étudiant. Mais à peine eut-il froncé les sourcils, décelant une erreur grossière, qu’il entendit quelqu’un toquer à la porte.

Версия 11:13, 14 мая 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики