Экосистемы — различия между версиями

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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-07-30)

Ecosystems Map

➊ : Desert, ➋ : Forest, ➌ : Jungle, ➍ : Lakes, ➎ : Prime Roots

Common Species

By "common" we mean species which belong to several (at least two) ecosystems. As Flora is much more specific than fauna the various ecosytems are differentiated on its basis. However, as every rule, it suffers exceptions. The most important ones can be observed in Verdant Heights especially Hidden Source which has a desertic aspect with an important jungle flora and a forest fauna



As opposed to flora, most animal species can be observed in several ecosystems :

Arana, Arma, Bawaab, Bodoc, Bolobi, Capryni, Clopper], Cuttler, Gingo, Gnoof, Goari, Gubani, Horncher, Igara, Izam, Javing, Jugula, Lumper, Madakam, Mektoub, Messab, Najab, Ocyx, Ploderos, Ragus, Rendor, Shalah, Timari, Torbak, Tyrancha, Varinx, Wombaï, Yber, Yelk, Yubo, Zerx ;

to which we must obviously add all the Kitin :

Kiban, Kidinak, Kincher, Kinrey, Kipee, Kipesta, Kipucka, Kirosta, Kizarak, Kizoar.

In some cases, the look of wildlife can vary significantly from one ecosystem to another.

Table of Ecosystems by Species
Name Class Desert Forest Jungle Lakes Primes
Arana Herbivore 3
Arma Herbivore 5
Bawaab Herbivore 2
Bodoc Herbivore 5
Bolobi Herbivore 2
Capryni Herbivore 4
Clopper Carnivore 2
Cratcha Flora 3
Cray Herbivore 1
Cute Primitive Tribes 2
Cuttler Carnivore 2
Frahar Primitive Tribes 1
Frippo Herbivore 1
Gibbaï Primitive Tribes 3
Gingo Carnivore 2
Gnoof Herbivore 3
Goari Carnivore 2
Gubani Herbivore 2
Horncher Carnivore 2
Igara Avian 2
Izam Avian 4
Javing Javan 2
Jubla Flora 1
Jugula Carnivore 2
Kiban Kitin 5
Kidinak Kitin 3
Kincher Kitin 5
Kinrey Kitin 5
Kipee Kitin 5
Kipesta Kitin 5
Kipucka Kitin 5
Kirosta Kitin 5
Kizarak Kitin 3
Kizoar Kitin 5
Lumper Herbivore 3
Madakam Herbivore 2
Mektoub Herbivore 5
Messab Herbivore 2
Najab Carnivore 2
Ocyx Carnivore 2
Ploderos Herbivore 2
Psykopla Flora 3
Ragus Carnivore 3
Raspal Herbivore 1
Rendor Herbivore 2
Shalah Herbivore 2
Shooki Flora 1
Slaveni Flora 2
Stinga Flora 1
Timari Herbivore 2
Torbak Carnivore 3
Tyrancha Carnivore 2
Varinx Carnivore 2
Vorax Carnivore 1
Wombaï Herbivore 2
Yber Avian 2
Yelk Herbivore 4
Yetin Carnivore 1
Yubo Herbivore 4
Zerx Carnivore 4


The Desert near Oflovak

The “Desert” ecosystem is found mainly in the Burning Desert, but also in the Matis country (region of the Hidden Source of the Verdant Heights) and the Zoraï land (The Great Outback, northwest of the Knot of Dementia, in the Witherings. The Aelius Dunes in the Old Lands are also part of it.


Endemic Species




Springtime in forest

The “Forest” ecosystem is found mainly in the Verdant Heights, but also in the Nexus Minor, in the Almati Wood and in the Zorai country (Witherings) as well as on Silan island.


Endemic Species


Alinea, Angelio, Arino, Balogna, Bolka, Campana, Crolice, Dorio, Dorotea, Endilweis, Fongice, Fragaria, Gonju, Irena, Iriscea, Maydea, Mill Perle, Pepo, Pocea, Psykopla, Rosae Matia, Rosae Yrkanis, Rotoa, Salin, Salina, Suvue



The jungle of the Cities of Intuition

The “Jungle” ecosystem is found mainly in the Witherings, but also in the Matis country (Verdant Heights), in particular in the Heretic's Hovel, as well as on the island of Silan.


Endemic Species


Alao, Alewo, Alezao, Araj, Arinish, Ba-Che, Batao, Dorao, Faham, Faneng, Fragaria, Fu-Shia, Gonju, Jayazeng, Li-Un, Lu-Tuo, Psykopla, Rosae Matia, Rosae Yrkanis, Salvo, Slaveni, Suvue, Taleng, Vu-Che.



Landscape of the Lakes (Dew Drops)

The Trykers' country (Aeden Aqueous) is the only one in mainland to host the “Lakes” ecosystem, but the latter is also present on the island of Silan (around the “Shining Lake”) as well as in Lake of Olkern for the part of the Old Lands that is still known.


Endemic Species



  • Carnivores : Cray.

Prime Roots

Landscape of the Prime Roots (Abyss of Ichor)

So is named the unique ecosystem of the depths of Atys, which can be found in the Prime Roots or, in Rangers' country, when entering the Kitins' Lair of Almati Wood.


Endemic Species


Amoeba, Bomton, Cocoa, Cokamool, Dziku, Fungao, Fyta, Jiang, Jibung, Lumindra, Ploomweed, Plumash, Plun, Rotoa[1], Soil of Prime Roots, Spone, Toopetz, Topha, Topil.


The Prime Roots are the refuge of the most singular fauna of Atys. The species have had to adapt to an ecosystem deprived of daylight and most of the species found there are also present on the bark surface but, paradoxically, they seem to be significantly more vigorous in this environment.

  • The Vorax, a particularly dangerous carnivore, seems to be the only species adapted only to Prime Roots.

See Also

  1. The Architect of the Living Bravichi Lenardi has acclimatized the Rotoa in the Forest. Despite this fact, this plant remains classified as an endemic species of Prime Roots.

Last version 2020-07-30•

Последняя версия 2020-06-20•