Строка 20: Строка 20:
As he struggled to his feet, he heard a voice. Pü reflexively tried to draw his absent weapons and got into a fighting stance, looking around for his new opponent. No one. The voice became clearer: Matéis. Pü understood that it came from the general, and that this one had thus survived. This did not surprise him much, however: he had aimed at the motor area of the Matis's brain, not to kill him, but to damage his motor system and thus prevent him from extracting the blade that prevented regeneration. Taking the life of a homin was difficult. And when it was impossible to kill his opponent with one blow, it then became essential to try to reach his regenerative abilities. So, if the Matis had survived, he was unable to regenerate his brain, and was therefore doomed to death. Nevertheless, Pü cautiously moved towards him. For this homin was by far the toughest opponent he had ever faced, except perhaps his uncle and father. As he passed into his field of vision, '''the Matis, who was looking at the daylight, the dagger still stuck in his skull, put the gaze on him'''. Blood ran down his face. He articulated with difficulty.
As he struggled to his feet, he heard a voice. Pü reflexively tried to draw his absent weapons and got into a fighting stance, looking around for his new opponent. No one. The voice became clearer: Matéis. Pü understood that it came from the general, and that this one had thus survived. This did not surprise him much, however: he had aimed at the motor area of the Matis's brain, not to kill him, but to damage his motor system and thus prevent him from extracting the blade that prevented regeneration. Taking the life of a homin was difficult. And when it was impossible to kill his opponent with one blow, it then became essential to try to reach his regenerative abilities. So, if the Matis had survived, he was unable to regenerate his brain, and was therefore doomed to death. Nevertheless, Pü cautiously moved towards him. For this homin was by far the toughest opponent he had ever faced, except perhaps his uncle and father. As he passed into his field of vision, '''the Matis, who was looking at the daylight, the dagger still stuck in his skull, put the gaze on him'''. Blood ran down his face. He articulated with difficulty.
[[file:The Matis.png|right|400px|alt=… the Matis, who was looking at the daylight…|the Matis, who was looking at the daylight]]
[[file:The Matis.png|right|400px|alt=… the Matis, who was looking at the daylight…|the Matis, who was looking at the daylight]]
:''"My boy, your last stunt was impressive," he said, coughing. I have never fought an opponent as agile as you."
:''"My boy, your last stunt was impressive,"'' he said, coughing. ''"I have never fought an opponent as agile as you."
Pü weighed him coldly without answering. He was congratulating him? He would definitely not forget this opponent anytime soon.
Pü weighed him coldly without answering. He was congratulating him? He would definitely not forget this opponent anytime soon.
Строка 36: Строка 36:
:''"Firstly, I would like you to spare and secure Sivaldo, the machine-gunner you knocked out. He is a brave soldier, like many others, and he is also my nephew. But most of all, his soul is particularly beautiful. For too many decades the Matis have spread hate, and suffered it in return. Our people need boys like him. Earlier, you offered me to run away, leaving him to you. If you need  one life only, you've already got mine."
:''"Firstly, I would like you to spare and secure Sivaldo, the machine-gunner you knocked out. He is a brave soldier, like many others, and he is also my nephew. But most of all, his soul is particularly beautiful. For too many decades the Matis have spread hate, and suffered it in return. Our people need boys like him. Earlier, you offered me to run away, leaving him to you. If you need  one life only, you've already got mine."
:''"I accept," said Pü, who would have spared the soldier anyway.
:''"I accept,"'' said Pü, who would have spared the soldier anyway.
:''"Thank you very much," said the general, smiling faintly. Finally, I would like you to let me sing for my wife and daughter. They are what I hold dearest in Matia. They have since ever been my reason to fight. It is for them above all that I train soldiers and protect the Kingdom."
:''"Thank you very much,"'' said the general, smiling faintly. ''"Finally, I would like you to let me sing for my wife and daughter. They are what I hold dearest in Matia. They have since ever been my reason to fight. It is for them above all that I train soldiers and protect the Kingdom."
Tears began to flow and mingle with the blood as he stared back at the day star.
Tears began to flow and mingle with the blood as he stared back at the day star.
:''"If you accept, I will be a fulfilled homin. Died in a magnificent fight under Jena's gaze, in honour of the homina in my life."
:''"If you accept, I will be a fulfilled homin. Died in a magnificent fight under Jena's gaze, in honour of the hominas in my life."
Pü looked discreetly in the direction of where he had caught sight the Kami. It was no longer there. Deep down, he knew it was wrong to let an enemy utter a pagan chant. But by mentioning his wife and daughter, the general had touched him. How could he not grant his last request? Pü knelt down beside him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
Pü looked discreetly in the direction of where he had caught sight the Kami. It was no longer there. Deep down, he knew it was wrong to let an enemy utter a pagan chant. But by mentioning his wife and daughter, the general had touched him. How could he not grant his last request? Pü knelt down beside him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
Строка 48: Строка 48:
:''"I am listening to you."
:''"I am listening to you."
:''"I knew you would accept," sighed the Matis before clearing his throat. Close your eyes, let your mind go, and hear the song of the Forest.  I am going to accompany it with my voice."
:''"I knew you would accept,"'' sighed the Matis before clearing his throat. ''"Close your eyes, let your mind go, and hear the song of the Forest.  I am going to accompany it with my voice."
Losing all notion of caution, Pü obeyed him. It was true that in many ways the forests of Matia were full of wonders, which once the eyes were closed, were expressed as much in its fragrant scents as in the soothing rustle of its trees. The silence fell. The general waited for the wind to rise and began his song.
Losing all notion of caution, Pü obeyed him. It was true that in many ways the forests of Matia were full of wonders, which once the eyes were closed, were expressed as much in its fragrant scents as in the soothing rustle of its trees. The silence fell. The general waited for the wind to rise and began his song.
Строка 87: Строка 87:
If only he knew, thought Pü, recalling Grandmother Bä-Bä's predictions.
If only he knew, thought Pü, recalling Grandmother Bä-Bä's predictions.
:''"Come on… I've made this moment too long…. It's time for me to join my ancestors," he stammered, slumping onto the Zorai.
:''"Come on…. I've made this moment too long…. It's time for me to join my ancestors,"'' he stammered, slumping onto the Zorai.
:''"Wait, tell me your name! And those of your daughter and your wife!"
:''"Wait, tell me your name! And those of your daughter and your wife!"
:''"I am Sirgio di Rolo... My wife's name is Virinia… And our beautiful little girl… Trini…"
:''"I am Sirgio di Rolo…. My wife's name is Virinia…. And our beautiful little girl… Trini…."
Pü held the general's shoulders, and laid him on the ground. He was dead. He closed his eyes and gently dislodged the murderous dagger.
Pü held the general's shoulders, and laid him on the ground. He was dead. He closed his eyes and gently dislodged the murderous dagger.
Строка 133: Строка 133:
The very evening, the Return Ceremony took place. The entire tribe gathered in the Ceremonial Square where a drink was distributed to each villager, newborns included. It contained an alcoholic mixture of sap in which a cocoon of flesh had been dissolved. The Zorais placed in concentric circles and waited for Grandmother Bä-Bä to arrive, accompanied as always by Pü's mother. Although accustomed to the various rituals that often took place within the community, all held their breath when she raised her arm. The lights of the dwellings overlooking the square flyed in her closed palm, and a small sphere of light emerged when she opened her hand. The star flew up to the totem pole and flared, before entering the mouth of a mask. The orifices of the other faces then lit up instantly. The old lady let go of Looï's arm, which had been her support until then, and recovered the bowl she was holding out to her with a trembling movement.  She stepped forward to the totem pole.
The very evening, the Return Ceremony took place. The entire tribe gathered in the Ceremonial Square where a drink was distributed to each villager, newborns included. It contained an alcoholic mixture of sap in which a cocoon of flesh had been dissolved. The Zorais placed in concentric circles and waited for Grandmother Bä-Bä to arrive, accompanied as always by Pü's mother. Although accustomed to the various rituals that often took place within the community, all held their breath when she raised her arm. The lights of the dwellings overlooking the square flyed in her closed palm, and a small sphere of light emerged when she opened her hand. The star flew up to the totem pole and flared, before entering the mouth of a mask. The orifices of the other faces then lit up instantly. The old lady let go of Looï's arm, which had been her support until then, and recovered the bowl she was holding out to her with a trembling movement.  She stepped forward to the totem pole.
:''"My sons, my daughters, we are gathered tonight to celebrate the return of Pü Fu-tao to us!" shouted the old homina in a strangely amplified voice. The young boy has returned stronger from his exile in pagan lands, and in possession of the one hundred and fifty-one requested seeds of life! The Great Genitor salutes his effort. But that is not all! Ma-Duk also entrusted me with something. We are now certain that the Sacred War will begin soon, and that it will be led by our children! Within a few years, we will set out. Guided by the Sacred Warrior, we will march across the world, hunting down the minions of the Karavan relentlessly!"
:''"My sons, my daughters, we are gathered tonight to celebrate the return of Pü Fu-tao to us!"'' shouted the old homina in a strangely amplified voice. ''"The young boy has returned stronger from his exile in pagan lands, and in possession of the one hundred and fifty-one requested seeds of life! The Great Genitor salutes his effort. But that is not all! Ma-Duk also entrusted me with something. We are now certain that the Sacred War will begin soon, and that it will be led by our children! Within a few years, we will set out. Guided by the Sacred Warrior, we will march across the world, hunting down the minions of the Karavan relentlessly!"
Pü stared at the beverage filling his bowl, as if mesmerized. The color of the liquid oscillated between purple and black, and small particles of reddish flesh floated on the surface. And then the grayish seed of Sirgio di Rolo emerged. So Ma-Duk had spoken to Grandmother Bä-Bä to tell her that the Sacred War would soon take place? Pü shuddered. He who had spent his return trip dreaming of another future, had just been coldly caught up in reality.
Pü stared at the beverage filling his bowl, as if mesmerized. The color of the liquid oscillated between purple and black, and small particles of reddish flesh floated on the surface. And then the grayish seed of Sirgio di Rolo emerged. So Ma-Duk had spoken to Grandmother Bä-Bä to tell her that the Sacred War would soon take place? Pü shuddered. He who had spent his return trip dreaming of another future, had just been coldly caught up in reality.
:''"Now drink the offering of Pü!" resumed Looï. "Feed on the essence of the Karavan's minions! They will give you the strength to accomplish the divine project in which we must all participate before long! And if the Great Genitor wills it, they will then be absolved of their sins!"
:''"Now drink the offering of Pü!"'' resumed Looï. ''"Feed on the essence of the Karavan's minions! They will give you the strength to accomplish the divine project in which we must all participate before long! And if the Great Genitor wills it, they will then be absolved of their sins!"
The Zorais drank the viscous liquid in one gulp and the parents took care of the youngests' dose. Pü swallowed the horrible mixture without reluctance, still lost in his thoughts. As his people began to sing in chorus the first liturgical songs of the evening, Pü looked sadly at the one he had just found, and might lose again in a few years. He hummed another tune.
The Zorais drank the viscous liquid in one gulp and the parents took care of the youngests' dose. Pü swallowed the horrible mixture without reluctance, still lost in his thoughts. As his people began to sing in chorus the first liturgical songs of the evening, Pü looked sadly at the one he had just found, and might lose again in a few years. He hummed another tune.

Версия 10:28, 21 мая 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

Источник — «https://ru.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Внутреннее_тестирование_Вики/E-V&oldid=7039»