Строка 154: Строка 154:
Melkiar let out a scream and collapsed backwards, while Xynala, wobbly, tore off the hatchet stuck in her thigh while clenching her teeth. Without taking her eyes off Melkiar, who was trying to remove his distorted helmet, she chose to heal the gaping wound that was torturing her leg, rather than launch an uncertain assault. Once the Fyros had been decasked, he infused Sap into his skull and repaired the facial fracture that disfigured him. Admittedly, this wound had been inflicted by the visor of his helmet. But without this latter, the worst could have happened. When Melkiar was fully healed, Xynala stood up, her left leg untouched of any injury. Now armed with a club and a hatchet, she was also still equipped with her helmet. As for Melkiar, he was face uncovered and armed with a simple dagger. If Xynala clearly had the advantage, the determined look that Melkiar sent her reminded her not to underestimate him. For a short while, the two adversaries gauged each other. Apparently affected by the echoes of the mental duel, the crowd suddenly calmed down. The tension was palpable throughout the Coliseum. Long seconds passed, as if time was suspended. And then, finally, Melkiar swooped on his rival.
Melkiar let out a scream and collapsed backwards, while Xynala, wobbly, tore off the hatchet stuck in her thigh while clenching her teeth. Without taking her eyes off Melkiar, who was trying to remove his distorted helmet, she chose to heal the gaping wound that was torturing her leg, rather than launch an uncertain assault. Once the Fyros had been decasked, he infused Sap into his skull and repaired the facial fracture that disfigured him. Admittedly, this wound had been inflicted by the visor of his helmet. But without this latter, the worst could have happened. When Melkiar was fully healed, Xynala stood up, her left leg untouched of any injury. Now armed with a club and a hatchet, she was also still equipped with her helmet. As for Melkiar, he was face uncovered and armed with a simple dagger. If Xynala clearly had the advantage, the determined look that Melkiar sent her reminded her not to underestimate him. For a short while, the two adversaries gauged each other. Apparently affected by the echoes of the mental duel, the crowd suddenly calmed down. The tension was palpable throughout the Coliseum. Long seconds passed, as if time was suspended. And then, finally, Melkiar swooped on his rival.
Le Fyros préparait quelque chose, Xynala en était convaincue. Tenant fermement ses armes, elle écarta légèrement ses jambes et abaissa son centre de gravité, raffermissant ainsi ses appuis. D’ici deux secondes, il serait au contact. Sans casque. Si elle arrivait à l’atteindre à la tête avec sa massue, ses chances de l’emporter augmenteraient grandement. Alors pourquoi s’exposait-il ? Dans quel piège tentait-il de la pousser ? Elle ne devait pas entrer dans son jeu. Elle ne devait pas l’attaquer. Elle l’attaqua. Effectuant une frappe de taille précise, elle obligea son adversaire à esquiver, le Fyros n’étant pas suffisamment armé pour parer un tel coup. Mais contre toute attente, plutôt que de se décaler latéralement, Melkiar se laissa tomber à genoux, dos courbé et bras écartés, et glissa sur la sciure, sous la hachette. Alerte, Xynala abattit furieusement sa massue à l’horizontale, espérant toucher le Fyros qu’elle suspectait de vouloir lui trancher les jarrets. Si Melkiar réussit à se décaler suffisamment pour ne pas se prendre la massue en pleine tête, celle-ci percuta violemment son épaule. Son bras craqua et sa dague tomba. Mais malheureusement, cela ne suffit pas. Car Xynala vit un sourire se dessiner sur le visage de Melkiar, malgré la douleur que lui infligeait sa fracture. D’un mouvement précis, le guerrier envoya une poignée de sciure en plein dans la visière grillagée de sa rivale, située désormais à quelques centimètres de sa main. Aveuglée, la Fyrosse fit plusieurs bonds en arrière tout en assénant des coups dans le vent, persuadée que Melkiar comptait profiter de sa cécité pour l’attaquer. Pourtant, il n’en fut rien. Et lorsqu’elle retira son casque empli de sciure, elle le vit simplement ramasser la massue et la rondache laissées sur le sol. Une fois ceci fait, le Fyros se dirigea tranquillement vers elle, puis lui tendit l’arme.
« On échange, Xynala ? »
The Fyros was up to something, Xynala was convinced. Holding her weapons tightly, she spread her legs slightly and lowered her center of gravity, firming her bearings. Within two seconds, he would be in contact. Without a helmet. If she could hit him in the head with her club, her chances of winning would greatly increase. So why was he exposing himself? What trap was he trying to push her into? She was not to play his game. She should not attack him. She attacked him. With a precise strike, she forced her opponent to dodge, the Fyros not being armed enough to parry such a blow. But against all odds, instead of shifting sideways, Melkiar dropped to his knees, back bent and arms spread, and slid down on the sawdust, under the hatchet. Alert, Xynala angrily swung her club horizontally, hoping to hit the Fyros she suspected of trying to cut off his hocks. If Melkiar managed to move back enough to avoid being hit full in the head, the club hit his shoulder hard. His arm cracked and his dagger fell. But unfortunately, that wasn't enough. Xynala saw a smile on Melkiar's face, despite the pain of his fracture inflicted him. With a precise movement, the warrior sent a handful of sawdust right into the grilled visor of her rival, now located a few centimeters from her hand. Blinded, the Fyrossa made several jumps backwards while striking strikes in the wind, persuaded that Melkiar counted to take advantage of his blindness to attack him. However, it was not the case. And when she took off her helmet filled with sawdust, she saw him simply pick up the club and the rondache left on the ground. Once this was done, the Fyros walked quietly towards her, then handed her the weapon.
La Fyrosse soupira puis rendit la hachette à Melkiar. Décidément, ce combat allait être long.

 Et effectivement, le duel s’éternisa. Plus encore que celui qui les avait opposés l'année précédente. Si Melkiar dominait toujours son adversaire techniquement et physiquement, Xynala faisait preuve d’une rage et d’une audace à toute épreuve. Une audace qui donnait souvent lieu à de grands moments de bravoure, dont le public raffolait. C’est ainsi que, environ trente minutes après le début du combat, la Fyrosse réussit à arracher la main gauche de son rival tombé au sol. Il faut dire que les deux combattants semblaient atteindre leurs limites. Leurs armures avaient depuis longtemps volé en éclats et leurs blessures étaient à peine refermées. Là était la limite des homins : leur incapacité à canaliser sans relâche la Sève qui les irriguait. Si Xynala crut quelques secondes que cette blessure infligée allait signer la défaite de son rival, c’était mal connaître l'opiniâtreté de Melkiar. Faisant fi de toute douleur, le Fyros profita de sa position pour planter sa main valide dans la plaie béante qui balafrait l’abdomen de Xynala. Au bout de ses forces, la Fyros poussa un cri et lâcha sa massue. Sentant sa rivale sur le point de défaillir, Melkiar infusa tout ce qu’il put de Sève dans ses jambes et bondit en l’air. Atterrissant à genoux sur les épaules de Xynala, il assena de violents coups de coude sur son crâne ensanglanté. La Fyrosse tituba et mordit le sexe de son adversaire, qui poussa un hurlement. Pourtant, il ne s'interrompit pas, et continua de lui défoncer le crâne. Finalement, sentant la Fyrosse lâcher prise, il lui assena un dernier coup de coude et fit pivoter son bassin d’un coup sec. Un craquement sourd retentit dans le Colisée. Si Melkiar chuta avec Xynala, il fut le seul des duellistes à se relever. À moitié conscient, il chancela en direction des soigneurs pour les pousser à intervenir. Il avait brisé la nuque de son adversaire : paralysée ou inconsciente, elle perdrait cette finale dans moins de dix secondes, il en était certain. Amplificateurs de magie enfilés, les soigneurs accoururent. Melkiar sourit, et sous les acclamations de la foule, leva son moignon vers le ciel. Et au même moment, un éclair lui transperça l’échine. Transi de douleur, le Fyros se retourna et passa ses mains dans son dos. Au sol, à quelques mètres de lui, Xynala était toujours couchée sur le ventre. Couchée sur le ventre, le bras tendu vers l’avant. Elle lui avait lancé une dague dans le dos. La même dague qu’il avait dégainée et perdue au début du duel. Melkiar tomba à genoux et essaya de retirer la lame assassine. En vain. Un voile noir brouilla sa vue et le guerrier s’évanouit.
:''"Shall we swap, Xynala?"
The Fyrossa sighed and then returned the hatchet to Melkiar. Decidedly, this fight was going to be long.

 And indeed, the duel dragged on. Even more than the one that had opposed them the year before. If Melkiar always dominated his opponent technically and physically, Xynala showed a rage and an audacity to any test. A boldness that often gave rise to great moments of bravery, which the public loved. Thus, about thirty minutes after the beginning of the fight, the Fyrosse succeeded in tearing off the left hand of his fallen rival. It must be said that the two fighters seemed to reach their limits. Their armors had long since shattered and their wounds had barely closed. There was the limit of the homins: their incapacity to channel without slackening the Sap which irrigated them. If Xynala thought for a few seconds that this wound would signal the defeat of her rival, it was not knowing Melkiar's obduracy. Flouting all pain, the Fyros took advantage of his position to plant his valid hand in the gaping wound that scarred Xynala's abdomen. Out of strength, the Fyrossa let out a scream and dropped her club. Sensing his rival about to collapse, Melkiar infused all the Sap he could into his legs and leapt in the air. Landing on his knees on Xynala's shoulders, struck violent blows with his elbow on her bleeding skull. The Fyrossa staggered and bit the sex of his opponent, who pushed a howl. However, he did not break off, and continued to smash her skull. Finally, feeling the Fyrossa letting go, he struck a last elbow and rotated his pelvis with a sharp blow. A dull crack resounded in the Coliseum. If Melkiar fell with Xynala, he was the only one of the duelists to get up. Half-conscious, he staggered toward the healers to push them to intervene. He had broken his opponent's neck: paralyzed or unconscious, she would lose this final in less than ten seconds, he was sure. Magic amplifiers donned, the healers came running. Melkiar smiled, and to the cheers of the crowd, raised his stump to the sky. At the same time, a bolt of lightning pierced his back. Transi of pain, the Fyros turned around and put his hands behind his back. On the ground, a few meters away from him, Xynala was still lying on her stomach. She was lying on her stomach, her arm stretched forward. She had thrown a dagger at his back. The same dagger he had drawn and lost at the beginning of the duel. Melkiar fell to his knees and tried to pull out the murderous blade. It was in vain. A black veil blurred his vision and the warrior fainted.
{{Couillard}}▼ TO TRANSLATE ▼
Melkiar et Xynala furent les derniers à arriver dans la loge de la tribune des champions. Totalement soignés, ils étaient désormais vêtus, comme ces derniers, d’une belle tunique de lin vert. À peine eut-il passé le seuil de la porte que Melkiar s’arrêta. Se massant fermement la main gauche, il scruta longuement chacun et chacune de ses camarades : Tisse, Garius, Varran, Brandille, Xynala, Bélénor. Comme tous les Fyros présents dans cette pièce, toutes et tous avaient gagné une épreuve des Jeux de l’Académie. Et hormis Brandille, qui soutenait le regard du guerrier en souriant, personne ne semblait en supporter l’intensité. Le malaise contamina ceux qui ne faisaient pas partie du groupe d’amis et s'installa bientôt dans la pièce un silence gêné qui perdura de longues minutes. Puis, tel un sauveur, un costumier surgit et brisa la glace.
Melkiar et Xynala furent les derniers à arriver dans la loge de la tribune des champions. Totalement soignés, ils étaient désormais vêtus, comme ces derniers, d’une belle tunique de lin vert. À peine eut-il passé le seuil de la porte que Melkiar s’arrêta. Se massant fermement la main gauche, il scruta longuement chacun et chacune de ses camarades : Tisse, Garius, Varran, Brandille, Xynala, Bélénor. Comme tous les Fyros présents dans cette pièce, toutes et tous avaient gagné une épreuve des Jeux de l’Académie. Et hormis Brandille, qui soutenait le regard du guerrier en souriant, personne ne semblait en supporter l’intensité. Le malaise contamina ceux qui ne faisaient pas partie du groupe d’amis et s'installa bientôt dans la pièce un silence gêné qui perdura de longues minutes. Puis, tel un sauveur, un costumier surgit et brisa la glace.

Версия 21:01, 11 февраля 2022

Шаблон:Внутреннее тестирование Вики

Источник — «https://ru.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Внутреннее_тестирование_Вики/E-XI&oldid=5973»