de:Was ist neu in 2020
en:Patch 2020
es:Lo nuevo en 2020
fr:Patch 2020
ru:Новое в 2020 году
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Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Dorothée, 2020-04-30)


Что нового в 2017, 2018, 2019 .

Новая биллинговая услуга

    Script edit.png Статус переводаЭта страница является одной из 246, которые мы хотели бы видеть переведенными на русский язык.
De.png ÜbersetztGb.png TranslatedEs.png Traducción requeridaFr.png TraduitRu.png Запрошенный перевод

Выход в свет нового биллингового сервиса с переключением с WorldPay на Xsolla. Xsolla будет управлять периодическими подписками и покупками премиум-времени. Тарифы не меняются, равно как и способы и продолжительность оплаты.

de:Neuer Abrechnungsservice
en:New Billing Service
es:Nuevo servicio de facturación
fr:Nouveau service de facturation
ru:Новая биллинговая услуга
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-12-03)

Ryzom logo.png

New billing system

Ryzom is getting a new billing system offering more possibilities in terms of subscription duration and means of payment. The system is accessible from its website


Durations of subscription and rates

Premium Rates

Xsolla (lower rates for 12 months) * Paypal (tariffs 3, 6 and 12 months down) Steam (unchanged rates)
1 month: 7.95€

3 months: 22.50€

6 months: 41.70€

12 months: 59.00€
1 month: 8.95€

3 months: 22.50€

6 months: 41.70€

12 months: 59.00€
1 month: 9.98€

3 months: 27.98€

6 months: 52.95€

12 months: 96.95€

* Please note, however, that some new payment methods offered by Xsolla cause an additional cost, as it is already the case for Paypal and Steam.

Short duration Premium rates

The Premium rates for short periods are being introduced.

Xsolla Paypal
2 days: 1.5€

3 days: 2€

5 days: 2.5€

7 days: 3€
2 days: 2€

3 days: 2.5€

5 days: 3€

7 days: 3.5€

Premium advantages

New Billing image5.png

Payment Options

New Billing image1.png

The Premium access offers several payment options:

Both Xsolla and Steam accept a wide variety of payment methods.

The recurring subscription via Xsolla

New Billing image2.png
  1. How to activate the recurring subscription?
  2. How to switch from a one-time payment via Paypal to a recurring subscription?
  3. How to activate a recurring subscription if the Ryzom account is linked to a Steam account?
  4. How to unsubscribe?
  5. How to change the periodicity of the recurring subscription?
  6. What happens to the bank details entered when subscribing to a recurring Premium subscription?
  7. Who to contact in case of a billing problem?

How to activate the recurring subscription?

Choose the first subscription option (Recurring Payments) and enter the requested information.

How to switch from a one-time payment via Paypal to a recurring subscription?

Choose the first subscription option (Recurring Payments) and enter the requested information.
Please note that the recurring subscription via Xsolla starts on the same day as the subscription, but that the next payment is delayed of the number of Premium days you have left. So you don't lose any Premium days paid via Paypal.

How to activate a recurring subscription if the Ryzom account is linked to a Steam account?

Payments via Steam being one-time ones, not recurring ones, this is not possible without further intervention. Here is the procedure to follow:
  1. Untie your account from Steam using the link at the bottom of the billing window (see screenshot below).
  2. Choose the first subscription option (Recurring Payments) and enter the requested information.
  3. Link again (optionally) your account to Steam on the next game launch.

Please note that the recurring subscription via Xsolla starts on the same day as the subscription, but that the next payment is delayed of the number of Premium days you have left. So you don't lose any Premium days paid via Steam.

How to unsubscribe?

Click on the Cancel your subscription button. An email containing a link to cancel the subscription will then be sent to you.
Your Premium access is retained until the date on which the next payment should have occured.

How to change the periodicity of the recurring subscription?

  1. Click on the Cancel your subscription button. An email containing a link to cancel the subscription will then be sent to you.
  2. Select Recurring Payments and then choose the desired new duration.

What happens to the bank details entered when subscribing to a recurring Premium subscription?

The subscription system is entirely managed by XSolla, sole recipient of this information. The Ryzom team has no access to it.

Who to contact in case of a billing problem?

In case of a problem with the billing system, please contact exclusively Xsolla support by clicking on the Xsolla Customer Support link at the bottom of the transaction window. Indeed, the Ryzom team does not manage the payment process.

One-time payments

New Billing image3.png

One-time payments via Xsolla and Paypal

  1. How to activate the one-time payment via Xsolla or Paypal?
  2. How to activate a one-time payment via Xsolla or Paypal if the Ryzom account is linked to a Steam account?
  3. Can one-time payments be accumulated?
  4. What happens to the bank details entered when activating a one-time payment?
  5. Who to contact in case of a billing problem?

How to activate the one-time payment via Xsolla or Paypal?

Choose the desired Premium duration (two days, three days, five days or one week) and follow the instruction

How to activate a one-time payment via Xsolla or Paypal if the Ryzom account is linked to a Steam account?

To benefit of these payment options, the Ryzom account has first to be untied from the Steam account. These options will then be visible and selectable from the billing account. This will only result in the Ryzom account having to be linked again to the Steam account on the next game launch.

Can one-time payments be accumulated?

Yes, and this makes it possible to accumulate one-time payments of several days or months in order to extend the total duration of your Premium access.
To do this, click on Add Premium Days and then select the desired duration.
Note that it is possible to cumulate the single payments via Xsolla and those via Paypal.

What happens to the bank details entered when activating a one-time payment?

The subscription system is entirely managed by XSolla and by Paypal, sole recipients of this information. The Ryzom team has no access to it.

Who to contact in case of a billing problem?

In case of a problem with the billing system, please contact exclusively Xsolla support or that of Paypal. Indeed, the Ryzom team does not manage the payment process.
For Xsolla, click on the Xsolla Customer Support link at the bottom of the transaction window.
For Paypal, click on the Contact link at the bottom of the transaction window.

One-time payments via Steam

New Billing image4.png
  1. How to activate the one-time payment via Steam?
  2. What happens to the bank details entered when activating a one-time payment?
  3. Who to contact in case of a billing problem?
  4. Who to contact in case of a billing problem?

How to activate the one-time payment via Steam?

If the Ryzom account is linked to a Steam account, only the payment option via Steam is visible on the Ryzom billing system. Just click on it and follow the instructions.
Special case: if a recurring subscription via Xsolla has been taken out before linking the Ryzom account to the Steam account, the Steam option is not available on the Ryzom billing system. To make it available, the recurring subscription must be cancelled first.

What happens to the bank details entered when activating a one-time payment?

The subscription system is entirely managed by Valve, sole recipient of this information. The Ryzom team has no access to it.

Who to contact in case of a billing problem?

The Steam payment system is managed by Valve. In case of problem with the billing system, contact Steam Support. Indeed, the Ryzom team does not manage the payment process.

Worldpay case

Ryzom's previous billing system allowed a recurring subscription to be taken out only via WorldPay. This option will remain operational for a few months during the transition period.
Please note that the switch from recurring subscription via WorldPay to recurring subscription via Xsolla is not automatic: it has to be done manually by the concerned players. The Premium access time remaining on the Worldpay subscription is then automatically carried over to the Xsolla subscription.

Last version 2021-12-03•

Большие перемены

Патч 00791, февраль 2020

19 февраля 2020 года запланирован патча клиента, данных и сервера, а также перезапуск игрового сервера с целью реализации следующих дополнений и исправлений [1]:

Изменения :

Patch791-Npc icons.png
Patch791-Npc icons2.png

Улучшения и исправления ошибок :

Дополнительно :

Сюжетная линия (Storyline, Сторилайн) :

Patch791-Season2 prologue window.png

Эта новая опция будет открывать диалоги, которые дадут вам информацию, иногда полезную, иногда ложную или простительную.

Команда Ризома остается в вашем распоряжении для получения любой дополнительной информации и всего наилучшего для вас!

Команда Ризома Client v8696 / Data v1832 - Server v1286 / Data v3982

Патч 00803, март 2020

Патч 803 - Client v8726 / Data v1921 - Server v1297 / Data v3999, 19.03.2020 [2]

Улучшения и исправления ошибок:


Tykus: A bug blocking a mission if an NPC is politely asked a question about rumors during the dialogue about it;
Moniq: This issue was generally fixed, however some badly coded missions might still cause you troubles. It was not possible to test all missions so please:
Try to avoid asking for rumors while you also fulfilling a mission for the same NPC (generally, when you already have another conversation bubble opened with the NPC).
In case you get to a situation you are unable to continue with a mission (due a missing option, for example), re-log your character (or restart your client) and let us know about such mission

Патч 00813, апрель 2020

Патч 813 - Client v8915 / Data v1952 - Server v1308 / Data v4022  ; 10/04/2020 [3]


Изменения в ежедневных миссиях

Добавленный : Теги RP (ролевая игра)

Для Фироса, Матиса, Трикера, Зораи, Ками, Каравана, Мародера и Рейнджера.

Поддельные отчёты


  1. Forum:
  4. Чтобы лучше понять, как работают аллегории и откуда они берутся, вы можете поговорить с Zin Di-Dao (Зин Ди-Дао) в Китинник и начать серию слухов.
  5. По причинам логики ролевой игры, эти RP-теги отображаются только тогда, когда вы активировали ваш PvP-тег. Действительно, ваш персонаж, говоря словами RP, как гомин плоти и крови, не может быть неуязвим для атак других гоминов. Это не противоречит "пацифистской" ролевой игре (ни один игрок в PvP-режиме не вынужден атаковать), а просто отражает физическую уязвимость персонажа, роль которого вы играете.
    Когда вы отображаете RP-тег (нация, фракция, организация или другое), он просто заменяет обычный "OOC" PvP-тег (тот, что с двумя скрещенными мечами). Это позволяет легко отличить HRP-игроков, которые просто хотят сражаться в PvP, от RP-игроков, которые принимают физическую уязвимость своего персонажа.
  6. Rocket Chat

Источник — «Новое_в_2020_году&oldid=2485»