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Версия от 18:09, 13 ноября 2019; Lanstiril (обсуждение | вклад)
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Дзику Амоеба
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Примечания : (Lanstiril, 2019-11-13)

The дзику (known as амоеба in the Kitin's Lair of Almati Wood) is also an animal, of the same family as the цокамоол.

Unlike its cousin it is not composed of multiple small replicas of itself and develops no protective shell. The outer face is flexible and non-yielding to touch.

It bears a multitude of bioluminescent stinging hairs on some of its tips (harmless to larger animals) which allow it to attract and catch the microorganisms which it feeds upon.

The inside is 98% water. The denser central part is its stomach.

The homins have no use for it.

Three дзикус

Последняя версия 2019-11-13•

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