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Версия от 11:51, 24 ноября 2019; Lanstiril (обсуждение | вклад)
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Тоопетз Топха
Страница, предложенная в Ризомском Лоре
Последнее издание: Lanstiril, 24.11.2019
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Примечания : (Lanstiril, 2019-11-24)

The тоопетз (known as топха in the Kitin's Lair of Almati Wood) is a plant of the same family as the бамбú of the Lakes or the таленг of the Jungle.

Beginning to grow by developing its upper part from a dry and straight sheath, it tends to form a luminescent crook at its apex at the end of its growth. It seems that this luminescence is used here to preserve the seeds although all botanists do not agree on this theory. Some advocate the idea of a kind of parry to attract pollen from other sets, suggesting that we are dealing with an intelligent plant.

The stem is sometimes used in construction by the homins. It seems that the Matis botanists have made lamp posts of it during the Exile.

Toopetz field

Последняя версия 2019-11-24•

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