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en:Special command
es:Comandos especiales
fr:Commandes spéciales
ru:Специальные команды
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2024-06-18)

See Chat and RC FAQ about the external Ryzom Rocket Chat.

Autocompletion is here!

See Patch 00994, 2024 June 12.




These are the prepared texts that are displayed in the Surroundings channel, along with the gestures.

Please note that no matter on which channel you write them, the emotes and the command/em are directly and always sent to the Around channel. It is impossible to use these commands on other channels.

More on the Emote page.

Player information

Online Status

This Function is to set the Output in your Friends or Guildmember Chat if you are come ON- /Offline.

(No message in system info and must relogin)

Guild Commands

League Commands


Some new commands

tar improvement

From Patch 2019#Patch JY 2603.

Outfit Commands

Since patch 916-921 (2022-09-23) a graphical interface has been added (with Pockets).

I, groups


For further reading on groups.

Automatic translations (or not)

See DeepL for more information.

ESC to quit

ESC show a menu, to quit, or use an other toon (on same account) - 2 buttons have been added, to open the configuration and shortcuts (K). Added with patch 916-921 (2022/09/23)

The channels

In 2019 (JA 2603 patch), the team began by testing the DeepL automatic translation on the channel Around and on some RC channels [1]. In September 2022, many channels are translated, both in-game and on RC [2].


A flag to show Deepl translated (here, from English to French)
Messages sent normally in the around channel have a 25m range.

These commands will make your messages have a 50m range and will appear red (by default) for you.

Emotes are translated too.

With JA 2603 patch (in 2019/08), all text in Around is translated using Deepl.

The image above is an example, a flag indicates that Deepl has translated (here from English to French) - excerpt from the album Kami blast.

More info on the forum:


With these commands a message is sent to the guild channel, visible to all who are in the same guild as you.


These commands send a message visible to all who are in the same region as you at the time.


With these commands a message is sent to the Team channel and is visible to those currently in your party.

Universe channel and universe by languages

These send a message to the universe channel, which is visible to everyone online at that moment.

There are also "per language" universe channels. To join and leave them, use the following command:

Dynamic Channels

A player can have up to 5 dynamic channels: One faction channel, one racial channel, two custom channels and possibly an event channel too.

However, it's also possible to have no dynamic channels at all. And usually players are prohibited from talking in event channels. So depending on which dynamic channels you have, these commands might not work.

To record your dynamic channels, see Patch 2019/JY 2603 Documentation.

Custom channels

You can create your own channels as well, or join those created by others. A player can be connected to at most 2 custom channels at a time.

RC FAQ can have custom channels too (as much more features - RC is for Ryzom Rocket Chat, the external chat).

Private messages

Developer and GM Commands

Developers, GMs, CSR and the events team have special commands that they can use for debugging, support, and for hosting live events. You can read external list of required privileges for client commands or Shard commands list

Obsolete Commands

See also

  1. Using Rocket Chat via your browser, you have access to the in-game channels, including /tel and many others... The teams use it, the wiki project has its channel, accessible to all, at
  2. All major updates to the Ryzom client is published on the wiki under the Category:Updates

Источник — «Специальные_команды&oldid=3726»