Избранная статья/Мэги/Неделя/6

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

Версия от 12:22, 29 апреля 2022; Zorroargh (обсуждение | вклад)
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Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-04-29)

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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-04-24)

Spell Ambar
Electricity spell hitting a kidinak
Domain Jungle
Skill Elemental
Level requirement 125

Electricity is one of the 7 elemental damage types.

Electricity spell

Electricity is the racial damage type of the Zoraï. The electricity damage elemental spell can only be learned from a Zoraï magic trainer once a mage reaches level 125 elemental magic. It is generally the preferred damage type to use while in the jungle, as creatures there tend to resist it poorly.

Most animals and most intelligent plants have no protection against Electricity magic; exceptions are the Goari, Gubani, Madakam, and Psykopla. Most kitin do have protection against Electricity magic, though in the case of Kincher, Kirosta and Kinrey it's no more than against any other elemental damage type. Outpost guards in jungle outposts are immune to Electricity spells.

Protection from Electricity

Electricity may be used against you by other players in PvP, or by homin casters from bandits or tribes. Furthermore, Psykopla are also capable of casting Electricity spells.

Zoraï player characters have a natural 20% protection from Electricity damage. Any player can protect themself against Electricity damage by wearing jewelry that gives additional Electricity protection. You can have at maximum 70% protection, whether you're Zoraï or not.

You can also increase your chances of resisting an Electricity elemental spell by wearing jewelry that raises your Jungle resistance.

Non-magical Electricity damage

Goari and Kincher are both capable of naturally unleashing Electricity on their enemies, but these attacks are physical and not magical in nature. That means Electricity protection will protect you against them, but Jungle resistance will not help you resist them.

Many bandits and tribes guards also have random elemental damage added to their melee and ranged attacks, including Electricity. If you're hit with Electricity damage that way, Electricity protection will decrease that damage, but Jungle resistance will not help you resist it.

Last version 2022-04-24•

Последняя версия 2022-04-29•