Тень и свет

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Версия от 09:38, 16 мая 2022; Dorothée (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{TIP|DE=4|EN=4|ES=4|FR=0|RU=1}} {{:en:Shadow and light}} Категория:Тень и свет»)
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de:Licht und Schatten
en:Shadow and light
es:Luces y sombras
fr:Ombre et lumière
ru:Тень и свет
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-05-16)


Note of the first edition of 2682 for the 150 years of the birth of the Karae Tamiela[1] [2].

This book compiles the writings of Serae Liosta Be'Zephy, Karae's lady-in-waiting. It recounts whole sections of the often unknown life of the Karae, told by Serae Be'Zephy. Written day by day, these scenes of daily life are a precious testimony of the life of the Court under the reign of Stevano.

  1. Scene 1 : Twenty-one years old.

Complements to this page:

  1. https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/31858/1
  2. [OOC]These stories were written by the player Liostabezephy in conjunction with the Lore team and while they cannot currently be directly refrenced by your character during roleplay since they will be published in the future, they do provide information and flesh out the personality of Karae Tamiela.[/OOC]