Второй рой

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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The Second Swarming The Second Swarming OOC: The Merge  OOC: The Merge
de:Zweiter Schwarm
en:Second Swarming
es:Segundo enjambre
fr:Second Essaim
ru:Второй рой
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-04-16)

Kitin activity continued to be strong in the New Lands, culminating in a massive invasion of the homin populations around the years 2561 and 2562. The invasion covered all territories, until all capitals are taken.

The Second Swarming had begun

The great Atysian powers, namely the Karavan, the Kamis but also the Rangers and the Trytonists, came together in order to be able to help the homin populations.. The Kamis built walls around Zora and Pyr, while the Karavan took over the defence of Fairhaven and Yrkanis. The tribes and inhabitants of the peripheral cities all migrated, where possible, to the capitals. As the Kitin armies advanced, the last bastions of homin resistance fell, leaving only the walls of Pyr intact .

Pyr became the last refuge of the continent population before it had to flee once more: It was from there that the homins left for the Secret Kami Oasis

This was the Second Exodus .

The Marauders remained on their side to face the Kitin threat. Akilia declared that those who survived the ordeal would be recognized as full Marauders.

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Last version 2022-04-16•