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Примечания : (Lanstiril, 2019-11-18)

луминдра of the Trench of Trials

The луминдра is a predatory plant. It develops at the top of a long woody stem a fleshy bud on which grow supple stems terminated by luminescent balls exuding a very sticky resin. When an insect or pollen sticks to one of these balls, the plant secretes a deoxygenating substance that piecemeal digests the organism.

While this plant grows very humbly at first, some луминдрас can reach 60 feet in height.

This plant has a singular reproductive system. Indeed its microscopic pollen is released by the bud and sometimes fastens onto the sticky balls. The plant recognizes pollen and instead of digesting it, uses it to fertilize itself. The particular mechanisms of the reproduction of луминдрас remain a mystery for homin botanists.

The bud is spongy and can be consumed. The stringy stem is used to make ropes.

Последняя версия 2019-11-18•

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