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Примечания : (Leda, 2021-08-26)

The манхарт is a shrub that can thrive in a semi-aquatic environment. It avoids the drowning of its base thanks to a clever system of “root-stilts” that allows the plant to live as if on pilings.

Furthermore it has adopted viviparicity to spread: seeds, rather than risk being drowned or suffocated, germinate on the shrub and it is these young seedlings that detach from the mother tree to plant themselves directly in the ground.

The манхартс serve as natural huts for Trykers who get lost. They have only to add a few branches. It's a familiar technique to Corsairs that they teach their young recruits.

манхарт roots contain a brown substance that serves as a protective coating varnish for Tryker constructions.

Последняя версия 2021-08-27•

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