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Примечания : (Leda, 2021-08-25)

Aquaplant, the стинга is provided with a spongy stem which spreads out into long tubular growths.

Two varieties have been identified: the first grows on the edge of lakes, the second on the lake beds. The first variety is physically distinguished by its bright colours.

The стинга, like all intelligent plants, will attack homins if it is threatened, in which case it uses a magical missile of cold.

It is found exclusively in the Lakes.[1]


The стинга is used as a flavouring ingredient in the local composition of beer and rum[2]. This is why some mistakenly believe that Lakes beer is стинга rum.

Main Details

  • Naturally immune to Fear.
  • Highly resistant to Acid magic.
  • Moderately resistant to Cold magic.
  • Partially resistant to Pierce and Blunt damage.
  • Stinga can cast Root spells.

Valued Resources

Stingas can be quartered for:

Exceptional Specimens

An homina looking at Stinkan.


Morbid Stinga


Hierarchy of Species

Level Name
233 Devastating Стинга
146 Noxious Стинга
136 Rooting Стинга
125 Stalking Стинга
115 Parched Стинга
97 Famished Стинга
86 Dehydrated Стинга
75 Blooming Стинга
61 Robust Стинга
48 Budding Стинга
36 Minor Стинга
24 Drowsy Стинга
13 Sluggish Стинга

  1. http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_IntelligentPlants
  2. Стинга rum is a favourite of many a Tryker and has spread to the other lands. As of date it is unknown what part of the стинга is femented to make the liquor.

Последняя версия 2021-08-25•

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