II.2 — различия между версиями

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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{{NavChap|[[Chapitre II·I - Le Kami Noir]]|[[La Guerre Sacrée#Table des matières|Table des matières]]|[[Chapitre II·III - Le feu et la glace]]}}
{{NavChap|[[Chapter II·I - The Black Kami]]|[[The Sacred War#Table of contents|Table of contents]]|[[Chapter II·III - Fire and ice]]}}
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Строка 6: Строка 6:
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<center><span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold"><big><big><big><big>'''II·II - L'interprète'''</big></big></big></big></span></center><br>
<center><span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold"><big><big><big><big>'''II·II - The interpreter'''</big></big></big></big></span></center><br>
<center><span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold"><big><big>'''An 2481 de Jena'''</big></big></span></center>
<center><span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold"><big><big>'''Jena Year 2481'''</big></big></span></center>
{{Quotation|''Bélénor Nébius, narrateur''|
{{Quotation|''Bélénor Nébius, narrator''|
<!--{{Paragraphes FR|Texte}}-->La première chose que vit lorsqu’il reprit connaissance fut la grosse tête d’une sentinelle Kami. Un couple d’oiseaux multicolores était juché sur celle-ci. S’il n’avait jusqu’alors jamais rencontré de tels Kamis, sa mère - bonne dessinatrice de son vivant - utilisait un cahier pour illustrer ses enseignements. Pü n’avait oublié aucun de ces cours, et se souvenait des quatre types de sentinelles qui avaient jusqu’alors été répertoriés. Bien que très différentes les unes des autres, elles avaient pour point commun une taille impressionnante, surtout comparée à celle des Kamis les plus communs. La sentinelle qui était actuellement penchée au-dessus de mesurait trois mètres de haut et était de celles qui protégeaient les jungles d’Atys. Comme le Kami Noir, sa face était pourvue de deux yeux blancs et vides. En revanche, à sa différence, le pelage qui la recouvrait n’était pas d’un noir profond, mais présentait une teinte crémeuse. Si bouche elle possédait, celle-ci était masquée par l’épaisse pilosité, qui formait en cet endroit une énorme moustache à laquelle un homin aurait pu se percher. Deux paires de longs poils noirs, situées de part et d’autre de sa tête, lui donnaient finalement un air amusant. Un air qui tranchait avec le physique redoutable de la créature. Car ces Kamis possédaient deux larges épaules auxquelles étaient fixés deux gigantesques bras, ainsi qu’une poitrine et un abdomen particulièrement musculeux, mis en avant par l’absence de pelage en cet endroit. Essentiellement quadrupèdes, ils se déplaçaient au sol en prenant appui sur la plante de leurs pieds et sur les phalanges de leurs mains repliées. On racontait qu’ils pouvaient atteindre des vitesses impressionnantes au sol, malgré leur taille et leur poids. Mais leurs longs bras leurs permettaient aussi de grimper aux arbres de la Jungle et de bondir de branche en branche.
The first thing saw when he regained consciousness was the large head of a Kami sentinel. A couple of multicolored birds were perched on it. If he had never encountered such Kamis since then, his mother - a good draughtsman in her lifetime - used a notebook to illustrate her teachings. Pü hadn't forgotten any of these lessons, and remembered the four types of sentinel that had so far been catalogued. Although very different from one another, they all had one thing in common: an impressive size, especially when compared to the most usual Kamis. The sentinel currently leaning over was three meters tall and was one of those protecting the jungles of Atys. Like the Black Kami, its face was provided with two white, empty eyes. The difference, however, was that the fur covering her was not deep black, but showed a creamy hue. If she had a mouth, it was masked by the thick pilosity that formed an enormous moustache on which an homin could have perched. Two pairs of long black hairs on either side of his head finally gave him an amused look. An air that contrasted with the creature's formidable physique. For these Kamis had two broad shoulders to which were attached two gigantic arms, as well as particularly muscular chest and abdomen, highlighted by the absence of fur there. Essentially quadrupedal, they moved along the ground on the soles of their feet and the phalanges of their folded hands. They were said to be able to reach impressive speeds on the ground, despite their size and weight. But their long arms also enabled them to climb jungle trees and leap from branch to branch.
Allongé sur un duveteux amas de mousse, fixant la sentinelle d’un air hagard, Pü se redressa finalement et examina les alentours. Au vu de la végétation, il était certain d’être dans la jungle. Une jungle abondante de fleurs colorées, qui ne semblait jamais avoir connu l’hiver. Le Zoraï leva le masque et aperçut le ciel au travers des cimes verdoyantes. Bien qu’il fut persuadé avoir rejoint les Primes Racines, il se trouvait sans conteste à la surface. La sensation de perdre toute consistance, puis de s’enfoncer au travers du Zo’laï Gong, était pourtant encore vive. Voici quelques instants à peine, son corps était en train de couler le long des racines d’Atys, attiré par l’astre lumineux qui battait en son cœur. D’ailleurs, autour de lui, nulle trace du réseau de lumière qui s’était alors superposé à son regard. Tout était redevenu normal.
Lying back on a downy heap of moss, staring haggardly at the sentry, Pü finally straightened up and surveyed the surroundings. Judging by the vegetation, he was sure he was in the jungle. A jungle abundant with colorful flowers, which never seemed to have known winter. The Zoraï lifted the mask and caught a glimpse of the sky through the green treetops. Although he was convinced he had reached the  Prime Roots, he was unquestionably on the surface. Yet the sensation of losing all consistency, then going down through the Zo'laï Gong, was still vivid. Only moments ago, his body had been sinking along the roots of Atys, drawn by the luminous star beating in his heart. And all around him, there was no trace of the network of light that had then superimposed itself on his gaze. Everything was back to normal.
« Le Kami Noir vous a téléporté, mon garçon. Vous voilà désormais transporté au cœur du Jardin Éternel. »
:''"The Black Kami has teleported you, my boy. You are now transported to the heart of the Eternal Garden."
se releva complètement et posa à nouveau son regard sur la sentinelle. Elle était parfaitement immobile. Seule la brise légère venait animer son pelage et sa longue moustache. L’absence de l’hiver dans cette zone de la jungle confirmait qu’il se trouvait dans le Jardin Éternel, une région de printemps sans fin particulièrement mystérieuse. Située à l’est de Zoran, elle formait un gigantesque labyrinthe en reconfiguration permanente, que la plupart des Zoraïs de la Théocratie visitaient une unique fois au cours de leur vie. C’était en effet ici que les Kamis emmenaient les Zoraïs en passe de quitter l’enfance, afin qu’ils puissent suivre le Rituel de l’Adoption. Le reste du temps, les portes du labyrinthe restaient closes.
rose to his full height and put again his gaze at the sentry. She was perfectly still. Only the light breeze animated her coat and her long moustache. The absence of winter in this part of the jungle confirmed that he was in the Eternal Garden, a particularly mysterious region of never-ending spring. Located to the east of Zoran, it formed a gigantic labyrinth in permanent reconfiguration, which most Zoraïs of the Theocracy visited only once during their lifetime. It was here, in fact, that the Kamis took Zoraïs about to leave childhood, so that they could undergo the Ritual of Adoption. The rest of the time, the doors of the labyrinth remained closed.
Le Rituel de l’Adoption était une suite de cérémonies complexes, pouvant durer jusqu’à plusieurs mois, au bout duquel les participants « recevaient » leur masque « de parenté », en l’honneur de Cho, le premier Zoraï masqué, et de Jena, la mère de l’hominité. Pour la tribu de Pü, le Rituel de l’Adoption n’était qu’une vulgaire comédie païenne servant deux principaux objectifs. De manière très prosaïque, le premier consistait en la survie des jeunes Zoraïs, incapables de supporter la pousse de leur masque sans être aidés. Les Kamis, souhaitant voir prospérer ce peuple fidèle, s’étaient pliés au jeu de la Théocratie et avaient décidé d’accompagner le rituel. Car finalement, cérémonies ou non, les Zoraïs devaient avant tout leur survie aux substances qui leur étaient administrées, pour la plupart conçues grâce à l’aide des Kamis. Le second objectif était de toute autre nature, et consistait en un lourd exercice de propagande, permettant aux participants de devenir de parfaits Zoraïs, fidèles aux Kamis, à Jena, mais aussi et surtout aux institutions de la Théocratie. Sous ses airs d’État sage et pacifiste, la Théocratie Zoraï restait un régime politique totalitaire dirigé par une poignée d’homins prétendant tirer leur légitimité d’une puissance divine. Un tel carcan idéologique, ancré depuis l’enfance, expliquait pourquoi la grande majorité des Zoraïs étaient fidèles à la Théocratie, mais aussi pourquoi les rares groupes dissidents - telle que la tribu de ou les Antékamis - s’opposaient si violemment à elle.
The Ritual of Adoption was a complex series of ceremonies, lasting up to several months, at the end of which participants received their kinship mask, in honor of Cho, the first masked Zoraï, and Jena, the mother of hominity. This symbolized the filiation between the Zoraïs and the Kami, and paid homage to Cho, the first Zoraï to have, according to the sacred texts of the Theocracy, received a mask from Jena. For the tribe of Pü, the Adoption Ritual was nothing more than a vulgar pagan comedy serving two main purposes. The first, in very prosaic terms, was the survival of young Zoraïs, unable to support the growth of their mask without help. The Kamis, wishing to see this faithful people thrive, had complied with the Theocracy's wishes and decided to guide the ritual. After all, ceremonies or not, the Zoraïs owed their survival above all to the substances administered to them, most of which had been developed with the help of the Kamis. This is why, in the Pü tribe, the ''kinship mask'' and the ''Adoption Ritual'' were not referred to, but the ''merit mask'' and the ''Sprouting Ceremony''. The mask was not a right, but had to be earned. The Theocracy's second purpose was of a completely different nature, and consisted of an aggressive propaganda exercise, enabling participants to become perfect Zoraïs, loyal to the Kamis, to Jena, but also and above all to the institutions. Beneath its airs of a wise and pacifist State, the Zoraï Theocracy remained a totalitarian political regime ruled by a handful of homins claiming to derive their legitimacy from a divine power. Such an ideological straitjacket, anchored since childhood, explained why the vast majority of Zoraïs were loyal to the Theocracy, but also why the rare dissident groups - such as the tribe of or the Antekamis - opposed it so violently.
Évidemment, Pü n’avait aucunement participé au Rituel de l’Adoption. Et jusqu’alors, aucune occasion ne lui avait permis de visiter le Jardin Éternel. Il savait en revanche que Grand-Mère Bä-Bä et sa mère avaient pu s’y rendre à plusieurs reprises. Ce fut notamment le cas lorsque cette dernière alla à la rencontre des Kamis afin qu’ils l’aident à tomber enceinte. À cette pensée, Pü salua bien bas la sentinelle. Il devait son existence aux Kamis. Il fit ensuite quelques pas pour se dégourdir les jambes, et remarqua au passage l’absence des blessures infligées par les prisonniers. Il avait été totalement soigné. Jusqu’alors immobile, la sentinelle pivota la tête pour suivre le Zoraï du regard et le couple d’oiseaux nichés sur son crâne s’envola.
Of course, Pü had never taken part in the Adoption Ritual. And until then, there had been no opportunity for him to visit the Eternal Garden. He did know, however, that Grandmother Bä-Bä and his mother had been there on several occasions. This was particularly the case when the latter went to meet the Kamis so that they could help her become pregnant. At this thought, Pü bowed low to the sentinel. He owed his existence to the Kamis. He then took a few steps to stretch his legs, noticing in the process the absence of wounds inflicted by the prisoners. He had been completely healed. Hitherto motionless, the sentry's head swivelled to follow the Zoraï with his gaze, and the pair of birds nestling on his skull flew away.
« Êtes-vous, mon garçon, réceptif à la magnificence de cet endroit ? Ces fleurs, en particulier, sont d'une rare splendeur. »
:''"Are you, my boy, receptive to the magnificence of this place? These flowers, in particular, are of rare splendor."
Le Zoraï contempla les nombreuses fleurs qui l’entouraient et acquiesça intérieurement. Si ces spécimens étaient bien endémiques de la Jungle, il était rare d’en trouver d’aussi imposantes. Deux fleurs aux pétales blancs, situées à mi hauteur d’un tronc, attirèrent notamment son attention. Leur éclat était si fort qu’elles semblaient gorgées de lumière. En les fixant ainsi, les autres fleurs semblaient perdre leur couleur. Lorsque comprit qu’il ne s'agissait pas d’une simple impression, le Kami avait tout juste commencé à se matérialiser. Une poignée de secondes suffirent aux fleurs entourant les deux blanches pour perdre leur teinte, revêtir une robe noire et profonde et s’agglomérer finalement les unes aux autres. Une fois la créature divine complètement apparue, elle se laissa flotter lentement jusqu’à lui, telle le pétale desséché d’une rose fanée.
The Zoraï gazed at the many flowers surrounding him and nodded inwardly. If these specimens were indeed endemic of the Jungle, it was rare to find such imposing ones. Two flowers with white petals, halfway up a trunk, caught her eye. Their brilliance was so strong that they seemed to be bursting with light. While staring at them, the other flowers seemed to lose their color. By the time realized that this was more than just an impression, the Kami had just begun to materialize. It took only a few seconds for the flowers surrounding the two white ones to lose their hue, take on a deep black robe and finally clump together. Once the divine creature had fully appeared, it floated slowly towards him, like the withered petal of a wilted rose.
salua le Kami puis l’observa de longues secondes. Ce Kami était celui qu’il avait secouru à Zoran, et qui l’avait en retour sauvé des prisonniers, il en était certain. Mais ce n’était pas tout. Il lui était aussi étrangement familier. Après avoir hésité un instant, il l'interpella finalement.
greeted the Kami, then watched him for several long seconds. This Kami was the one he had rescued in Zoran, and who had in return saved him from the prisoners, he was sure. But that wasn't all. He was also strangely familiar. After hesitating for a moment, he finally called out to him.
« Je vous salue, Maître Kami. Je suis honoré d’avoir pu vous aider et vous remercie de m’avoir secouru en retour. Une question cependant m’occupe l’esprit, j’espère que vous pourrez y répondre. Êtes-vous le Kami Noir qui s’est présenté à moi enfant ? Dans l’atelier de ma mère, et durant la pousse de mon masque ?»
:''"Greetings, Master Kami. I'm honored to have been able to help you, and thank you for rescuing me in return. One question, however, is on my mind, and I hope you'll be able to answer it. Are you the Black Kami who came to me as a child? In my mother's workshop, and during the growth of my mask?"
La créature divine inclina la tête sur le côté. Une minute passa ensuite, sans qu’aucune réponse ne fut formulée. Pü savait qu’il était souvent délicat de communiquer avec les Kamis. D’autant que tous ne semblaient pas être doués de parole. Déçu, il s’apprêta à reposer sa question. Mais au même instant, la voix intérieure se manifesta.
The divine creature tilted his head to one side. A minute passed, then, without any response. Pü knew it was often tricky to communicate with Kamis. Especially as not all of them seemed to be able to speak. Disappointed, he prepared to ask again. But at the same moment, the voice inside manifested itself.
« Pardonnez mon impolitesse, mon garçon, mais je serai curieux de savoir ce que vous inspire la réponse du Kami. Vous semblez en pleine méditation. J’avoue être un brin excité par la situation.
:''"Forgive my rudeness, my boy, but I'd be curious to know what the Kami's answer inspires in you. You seem to be in deep meditation. I confess I'm a bit excited by the situation."
— De quelle réponse parles-tu ? répondit Pü, sans comprendre où la Voix voulait en venir.
:''"What answer are you talking about?” replied Pü, without understanding what the Voice was getting at."
— De celle du Kami, bien évidemment.
:''"The one the Kami gave, of course."
— Le Kami a répondu quelque chose ? Je n’ai rien entendu.
:''"Did the Kami answer anything? I heard nothing."
— Sa réponse était pourtant audible, quoiqu’assez alambiquée. Il a répondu qu’il était tous les Kamis Noirs. »
:''"His answer was audible, though rather convoluted. He replied that he was all the Black Kamis."
observa le Kami qui le fixait lui-même de son regard vide. Les Kamis étaient des êtres métamorphes capables de se téléporter sur de grandes distances. Que certains d’entre eux puissent se trouver à plusieurs endroits à la fois ne l’étonna pas. En revanche, l’idée que ce Kami puisse être tous les Kamis Noirs lui échappait. Il ne comprenait pas non plus pourquoi il ne l’avait pas entendu répondre. Pü tendit l’oreille et parla à nouveau.
looked at the Kami, who was himself staring back at him with a blank gaze. Kamis were shape-shifting beings capable of teleporting over great distances. That some of them could be in several places at once didn't surprise him. On the other hand, the idea that this Kami could be all the Black Kamis escaped him. Nor did he understand why he hadn't heard him answering. Pü pricked up his ears and spoke again.
« Que vous est-il arrivé à Zoran ? Comment vous êtes-vous retrouvé dans une telle situation ? »
:''"What happened to you, in Zoran? How did you end up in such a situation?"
attendit une dizaine de secondes, et à nouveau, il n’entendit rien. Il interpella la Voix, mais celle-ci le coupa aussitôt.

waited about ten seconds, and again heard nothing. He called out to the Voice… who cut him off immediately.

« Un instant mon garçon, je suis à vous d’ici quelques secondes. J’écoute le Kami. »
:''"Just a moment, my boy, I'll be with you in a few seconds. I'm listening to the Kami."
Confus, Pü s’apprêta à répliquer, mais se ravisa. Pourquoi donc n’était-il pas capable de l’entendre ? Face à lui, la créature demeurait dans une parfaite immobilité. Quelques  frustrantes secondes passèrent avant que la voix intérieure ne retentisse à nouveau.
Confused, Pü was about to reply, but thought better of it. Why couldn't he hear the Kami? Facing him, the creature remained perfectly still. A few frustrating seconds passed before the inner voice sounded again.
« Veuillez pardonner mon impolitesse, mon attention initiale n’était pas de vous interrompre si brusquement. Il se trouve que le Kami se trouvait déjà à Zoran au moment de l’invasion. Un membre du Conseil des Sages souhaitait s’entretenir avec lui. Puis l’invasion a débuté et la Karavan est arrivée pour secourir les habitants de Zoran. Dans leur chasse, des agents sont tombés nez à nez avec le Kami et ont cru pouvoir le capturer. Un combat s’est alors enclenché. Plusieurs agents sont tombés avant que l’un d’entre eux parvienne à atteindre le Kami avec sa lance. Blessés, les survivants se sont malheureusement fait submerger par le flot de monstres. Aucun d’entre eux n’a survécu. Même si le Kami ne l’a pas mentionné, je suppose donc que les créatures l’ont ignoré, alors qu’elles auraient probablement pu l’achever. Je ne saurai dire pourquoi. Ensuite l’essaim s’est dissipé, la Karavan s’est envolée, et quelques jours plus tard, les prisonniers libérés l’ont finalement trouvé et monté au sommet du Zo’laï-gong.
:''"Please forgive my rudeness, my original intention was not to interrupt you so abruptly. As it happens, the Kami was already in Zoran at the time of the invasion. A member of the Council of Sages wished to speak with him. Then the invasion began and the Karavan arrived to rescue the people of Zoran. In their hunt, some agents came face to face with the Kami and thought they could capture him. A battle ensued. Several agents fell before one of them managed to hit the Kami with his spear. Wounded, the survivors were unfortunately overwhelmed by the flood of monsters. None of them survived. Although the Kami didn't mention it, I assume the creatures ignored him, even though they probably could have finished him off. I can't say why. Then the swarm dissipated, the Karavan flew away, and a few days later, the freed prisoners finally discover him and mounted him to the top of the Zo'laï-gong."
— Comment être certain que le Kami communique réellement, et que tu n’essaies pas de me duper ? répliqua , frustré.
:''"How can I be sure that the Kami is really speaking, and that you're not trying to fool me?"'' replied in frustration.
— Je crains malheureusement qu’il n’existe aucun moyen de le confirmer. Je suis en revanche assez peiné de savoir que vous doutez de moi à ce point. N’ai-je pas été jusqu’alors un allié dévoué ? »
:''"Unfortunately, I'm afraid there's no way of confirming this. On the other hand, I'm rather saddened to note that you doubt me so much. Have I not been a staunch ally up to now?"
repensa à ces dernières semaines puis soupira. Bien que le ton paternaliste de la Voix l’exaspérât souvent, il devait bien admettre qu’elle disait vrai.
thought back over the last few weeks, then sighed. Although the Voice's fatherly tone often exasperated him, he had to admit that  she was telling the truth.
« Pardonne-moi, tu as raison. Je suis simplement déçu de ne pas pouvoir l’entendre, et de ne pas comprendre pourquoi. »
:''"Forgive me, you're right. I'm just disappointed I can't hear him, and not to understand why."
respira un grand coup et réfléchit aux propos que la Voix venait de lui rapporter. Ainsi donc, le Kami était déjà présent à Zoran avant que l’invasion ne débute. Cette version venait compléter les propos du prisonnier fyros et confirmer son intuition : que cela soit dans sa souche tribale où à Zoran, les Kamis n’avaient pas daigné secourir les homins. Pü déglutit et s’efforça de poser calmement la question qui le taraudait depuis plusieurs semaines.
took a deep breath and thought about what the Voice had just told him. So, the Kami was already present in Zoran before the invasion began. This version completed the words of the fyros prisoner and confirmed his intuition: whether in his tribal stump or in Zoran, the Kamis had not deigned to rescue the homins. Pü gulped and calmly asked the question that had been tormenting him for weeks.
« Quelque chose m’échappe. Les Kamis sont tout-puissants. Pourquoi aucun d’entre eux n'est-il intervenu pour protéger les habitants de la Jungle ? Pour sauver les membres de ma tribu ?
:''"Something eludes me. The Kamis are all-powerful. Why didn't any of them intervene to protect the people of the Jungle? To save the members of my tribe?"
— Il confesse que les Kamis ont été débordés par la situation, répondit la Voix. Jamais il n’avait été envisagé que les Kitins puissent un jour découvrir et envahir la surface. Les Kamis sont intervenus dans les profondeurs d’Atys pour les stopper, mais il était déjà trop tard. Toutes les régions occupées par l’hominité ont été submergées.»
:''"He confesses that the Kamis were overwhelmed by the situation, replied the Voice. It had never been considered that the Kitins would one day discover and invade the surface. The Kamis intervened in the depths of Atys to stop them, but it was already too late. All regions occupied by hominity were submerged."
Pris d’un accès de colère, Pü continua sur sa lancée, ne réussissant pas, cette fois-ci, à masquer son émotion.
Caught in a fit of anger, Pü continued on a roll, this time failing to mask his emotion.
« Je ne comprends vraiment pas. Je croyais que ma tribu était importante à vos yeux. Nous étions les Guerriers Noirs de Ma-Duk ! Nous étions son bras armé et purificateur ! Les gardiens de la Foi Véritable ! Le fléau qui s’abat sur les hérétiques ! Nous étions tout cela. Vos plus fidèles soldats. Chacun d’entre nous aurait donné sa vie pour vous. Et aujourd’hui, il ne reste que moi… Vous nous avez abandonnés. »
:''"I really don't understand. I thought my tribe was important to you. We were Ma-Duk's Black Warriors! We were his armed and purifying arm! The guardians of the True Faith! The scourge that descend upon heretics! We were all that. Your most faithful soldiers. Each and every one of us would have given his life for you. And today, I'm the only one left... You've abandoned us."
baissa le masque, conscient du caractère blasphématoire de ses propos. Il craignait la réaction du Kami. Mais, il se sentait aussi soulagé d’avoir pu crier ce qu’il avait sur le cœur. Lorsque la voix intérieure se manifesta, Pü comprit qu’elle tentait de le ménager.
lowered his mask, aware of the blasphemous nature of his words. He feared the Kami's reaction. But he also felt relieved to have been able to shout out what was in his heart. When the inner voice spoke, Pü understood that she was trying to spare him.
« Soyez certain que je partage votre peine, mon garçon. Aussi, n’oubliez pas que vous pourrez toujours compter sur moi si le besoin de parler se fait sentir. Vous n’êtes pas seul. Quant à la réponse du Kami, je crains qu’elle ne vous soit d’aucun réconfort… Celui-ci affirme que le Guerrier Sacré était l’unique membre réellement essentiel de votre tribu, du fait qu’il était l’unique homin sans qui la Guerre Sacrée ne peut être menée. De tout temps, le Kami a veillé sur vous, mon garçon. Qu’il se soit fait piéger à Zoran au moment de l’invasion fut un terrible concours de circonstance. »
:''"Be sure that I share your pain, my boy. Also, don't forget that you can always count on me if the need to talk arises. You're not on your own. As for the Kami's answer, I'm afraid it's of no comfort to you… He claims that the Sacred Warrior was the only truly essential member of your tribe, because he was the only homin without whom the Sacred War could not be fought. The Kami has always looked after you, my boy. That he got trapped in Zoran at the time of the invasion has been a terrible conjunction of circumstances."
Foudroyé par le manque de considération à l’égard de ses proches, Pü se laissa tomber à genoux. Sa gorge se serra et son cœur se souleva. Mécaniquement, sa main gauche se dirigea vers le fourreau de son épée. Une soudain désir de mort venait de le traverser.
Devastated by the lack of consideration for those closest to him, Pü dropped to his knees. His throat tightened and his heart heaved. Mechanically, his left hand went to the scabbard of his sword. A sudden desire for death had passed through him.
« Me… Mener la Guerre Sacrée ? L’hominité entière a été décimée par ces monstres. À quoi bon mener la Guerre Sacrée s’il n’y a plus de compagnons à fédérer et d'ennemis à combattre ? Puis ce… ce masque noir, je ne devrais pas le porter. Niï aurait dû être le Guerrier Sacré. Là était son destin. Je me suis tatoué uniquement pour honorer la mémoire de ma tribu. Uniquement car j’étais le dernier à pouvoir le faire. Et je n’ai pas survécu car je me suis mieux battu, ou que sais-je. J’ai simplement été mis à l’écart du combat au pire des moments. Un pan d’écorce m’est tombé dessus. J’aurai… j’aurai dû mourir. J’aurai préféré ne jamais me réveiller…
:''"Le… Lead the Sacred War? The entire hominity has been decimated by these monsters. What's the point of waging the Sacred War if there are no more companions to unite and enemies to fight? Then this… this black mask, I shouldn't be wearing it. Niï should have been the Sacred Warrior. That was his destiny. I tattooed myself only to honor the memory of my tribe. Only because I was the last one who could do it. And I didn't survive because I fought better, or whatever. I was simply left out of the fight at the worst possible moment. A piece of bark fell on me. I should… I should have died. I wish I'd never woken up…."
— Allons mon garçon, vous et moi avons déjà eu cette discussion. La vie est un cadeau, et votre survie une bénédiction. Je… Ah, attendez, le Kami souhaite répondre.. »
:''"Come on, my boy, you and I have had this discussion before. Life is a gift, and your survival a blessing. I… Ah, wait, the Kami wishes to reply…."
Plusieurs dizaines de secondes filèrent, silencieuses. Pü, qui avait réussi à ne pas se saisir de son arme, avait enfoncé ses ongles dans ses cuisses tout en gardant les yeux fixés sur le sol, pris de tremblements. Depuis le massacre de ses proches, il avait pensé de nombreuses fois au suicide. Sans la Voix, il ne serait probablement plus de ce monde. Elle l’avait aidé à surmonter chacune de ses crises.
Several dozen seconds passed in silence. Pü, who had managed not to reach for his weapon, had dug his nails into his thighs and kept his eyes fixed on the ground, trembling. Since the massacre of his loved ones, he had thought of suicide many times. If it hadn't been for the Voice, he probably wouldn't be alive today. It had helped him to overcome each of his crises.
« Le Kami déclare que malgré l’ampleur du génocide, un nombre non négligeable d’homins a survécu, dit la voix intérérieure. Certains ont été emmenés en lieu sûr par la Karavan, tandis que d’autres, restés sur place, sont d’ores et déjà en train de se réunir en communautés. Il reconnaît que la Karavan a réussi là où les Kamis ont échoué et craint que cela nuise à leur réputation. La Guerre Sacrée est donc plus que jamais essentielle. Ensuite, le Kami a insisté sur le fait que vous êtes bien le Guerrier Sacré, précisant que vous étiez destiné à le devenir avant même votre naissance. La chute d’un pan d’écorce, aussi gros soit-il, n’aurait jamais dû arrêter le Guerrier Sacré. Le Kami rend votre mère et la doyenne de votre tribu responsables de cet accident. Durant votre enfance, toutes deux ont refusé que les Kamis vous bénissent, et vous ont ainsi empêché d’atteindre votre plein potentiel. »
:''"The Kami declares that, despite the scale of the genocide, a significant number of homins have survived, says the inner voice. Some have been taken to safety by the Karavan, while others, who stayed behind, are already reuniting in communities. He recognizes that the Karavan has succeeded where the Kamis have failed, and fears that this will damage their reputation. The Sacred War is therefore more essential than ever. Next, the Kami insisted that you are indeed the Sacred Warrior, pointing out that you were destined to become one even before you were born. The fall of a piece of bark, however large, should never have stopped the Sacred Warrior. The Kami holds your mother and the doyenne of your tribe responsible for this accident. During your childhood, both of them refused to let the Kamis bless you, and thus prevented you from reaching your full potential."
À ces mots, Pü se souvint des dernières paroles qu’il avait échangées avec sa vénérable ancêtre. Cette dernière lui avait révélé qu’il était prédestiné à devenir le Guerrier Sacré, que le dessein que Ma-Duk lui réservait était inévitable. Les propos du Kami confirmaient les siens. Grand-Mère Bä-Bä lui avait ensuite expliqué pourquoi elle avait demandé à sa mère de faire passer Niï pour le futur Guerrier Sacré. Si l’explication restait assez floue, Pü avait néanmoins compris que son objectif principal était de le mettre à l’écart. Pour le protéger, lui, mais aussi pour protéger le reste de la tribu. De quoi Grand-Mère Bä-Bä cherchait-elle à les protéger ? Pü n’en savait rien. Bien des secrets avait été emporté dans la tombe de la puissante sorcière. Comme le fait qu’elle et sa mère aient refusé qu’il soit béni par les Kamis… Cette information-là était nouvelle. Une information qui, il y a quelques semaines encore, lui aurait paru invraisemblable. Pourtant en cet instant, il l’accueillait presque avec indifférence. Rares étaient les élus pouvant prétendre avoir été bénis par les Kamis. L’honneur était immense. Parmi les membres de sa tribu, seules Grand-Mère Bä-Bä et sa mère l’étaient. Refuser qu’un individu reçoive une telle bénédiction était insensé. Sauf, évidemment, si on souhaitait l’éloigner du chemin que les Kamis avaient tracé pour lui. Enfant, juste après sa première rencontre avec le Kami Noir, Pü se souvint avoir exprimé à sa mère son envie d’être béni par les Kamis, et de celle-ci lui rétorquant que ce n’était pas quelque chose que l’on pouvait choisir. Sa mère avait, semble-t-il, choisi pour lui…
Hearing that, Pü remembered the last words he had exchanged with his venerable ancestor. She had revealed to him that he was predestined to become the Sacred Warrior, that the destiny Ma-Duk had in store for him was inevitable. The Kami's words confirmed his own. Grandmother Bä-Bä went then on to explain why she had asked her mother to pass Niï off as the future Sacred Warrior. Although the explanation remained rather vague, Pü had nonetheless understood that her main purpose was to keep him out of the way. To protect him, but also to protect the rest of the tribe. What was Grandmother Bä-Bä trying to protect them from? Pü didn't know. Many secrets had been buried in the powerful witch's grave. Like the fact that she and her mother had refused to allow him to be blessed by the Kamis… This was new information. Information that, just a few weeks ago, would have seemed implausible. Yet right now, he was almost indifferent to it. Rare were the chosen ones who could claim to have been blessed by the Kamis. The honor was immense. Among his tribe, only Grandmother Bä-Bä and her mother were. To deny an individual such a blessing was insane. Unless, of course, one wished to lead him astray from the path the Kamis had laid out for him. As a child, just after his first encounter with the Black Kami, Pü remembered having expressed to his mother his desire to be blessed by the Kami, and of her retorting that this was not something one could choose. His mother had, it seemed, chosen for him…
« Mon garçon, le Kami propose de vous entraîner. Il souhaite vous aider à développer vos capacités de perception et de manipulation de la Sève. Il dit que votre part homine est aussi forte que votre part kami est faible. Pour remédier à cela, il vous propose de rester à ses côtés dans le Jardin Éternel. Et cela le temps qu’il faudra. »
:''"My boy, the Kami offers to train you. He wants to help you develop your ability to perceive and manipulate the Sap. He says that your homin part is as strong as your kami part is weak. To remedy this, he suggests you stay by his side in the Eternal Garden. For as long as it would take."
Toujours à genoux, Pü leva le masque. Le fait de cogiter sur les propos de la créature divine l’aidait à calmer la crise. Celle-ci, qui n’avait pas bougé d’un poil, le fixait toujours de ses grands yeux blancs. Des yeux blancs et vides. Aussi vides que l’était son cœur, si tant est qu’elle en possédât un. Alors qu’il avait cru sa tribu spéciale, le Kami lui avait dit qu’il n’en était rien. La mort brutale de ses proches lui importait peu. Les sentiments qui le rongeaient non plus. Tout ce qui comptait pour ce Kami, c’était qu’il soit vivant. Vivant et prêt à mener le combat. À ses yeux, il n’était qu’un outil. Alors, pour la première fois de sa vie, Pü comprit pourquoi certains homins considéraient les Kamis comme des monstres. Monstrueux, les Kamis l’étaient. Évidemment qu’ils l’étaient. Et cela moins par les formes effrayantes qu’ils pouvaient revêtir que par leur profond manque d’empathie. Pü se souvenait de chaque homin à qui il avait pris la vie. Du premier au dernier meurtre commis. En était-il de même pour les Kamis ? Comptaient-ils les homins qu’ils avaient tués ? Étaient-ils conscients du nombre de ceux et de celles à s’être sacrifiés pour eux ? Dès son plus jeune âge, on lui avait appris à aimer Ma-Duk. À aimer les Kamis. Mais les Kamis aimaient-ils en retour les homins ? Désormais, en doutait. Les Kamis étaient monstrueux, oui. Mais ils l’étaient par nature. Car non-homins. Voilà ce qu’ils étaient : des êtres profondément inhomins.
Still on his knees, Pü raised his mask. Pondering the divine creature's words helped calm the crisis. The creature, who hadn't moved a hair, was still staring at him with her big white eyes. White, empty eyes. As empty as her heart, if she had one. While he had thought his tribe special, the Kami had told Pü otherwise. He didn't care about the brutal death of his loved ones. Nor did he about the feelings that gnawed at him. All that mattered to this Kami was that he was alive. Alive and ready to fight. In his eyes, he was just a tool. Then, for the first time in his life, Pü understood why some homins considered Kamis to be monsters. Monstrous, so were the Kamis. Of course they were. This was less because of the frightening forms they could manifest than because of their profound lack of empathy. Pü remembered every homin whose life he had taken. From the first to the last murder committed. Was it the same for the Kamis? Did they count the homins they had killed? Were they aware of the number of those who had sacrificed their lives for them? From an early age, he had been taught to love Ma-Duk. To love the Kamis. But did the Kamis love the homins in return? Pü now doubted it. The Kamis were monstrous, yes. But they were monstrous by nature. Because they weren't homin. That's what they were: profoundly inhomin beings.
Désabusé, mais conscient de l’importance du moment, le Masque Noir prit une grande inspiration.
Disillusioned, but aware of the importance of the moment, the Black Mask took a deep breath.
« J’accepte.
:''"I accept."
— Quoi qu’il advienne, la décision sera vôtre mon garçon. Vous n’avez donc aucune raison de vous précipiter. Certes, le Kami est puissant. Il a probablement beaucoup à vous apprendre. Pour autant, si vous refusez de le suivre, je ne crois pas qu’il vous forcera la main. Si vous voulez connaître le fond de ma pensée, sachez que ne crois pas au destin qu’il vous prête. Vous êtes libre mon garçon. Nous le sommes tous. J’en suis persuadé. »
:''"Whatever may happen, the decision will be yours, my boy. So there's no need to rush. Certainly, the Kami is powerful. He probably has a lot to teach you. However, if you refuse to follow him, I don't think he'll force your hand. If you want to know what I really think, you should know that I don't believe in the destiny he has in mind for you. You're free, my boy. We all are. I'm sure of it."
se mit debout et repensa à Grand-Mère Bä-Bä. La vénérable ancêtre l’avait adjuré de mener la Guerre Sacrée en prenant garde de conserver son libre arbitre.
stood up and thought about Grandmother Bä-Bä. The venerable ancestor had urged him to wage the Sacred War while taking care to preserve his free will.
« Libère-les d’Elle. Puis libère-toi de Lui. Dans l’espoir des Jours Heureux. »
:''"Free them from Her. Then free yourself from Him. In hope of the Happy Days."
Là étaient ses mots. S’il avait vite compris que « Elle » faisait référence à Jena, il savait désormais que « Lui » renvoyait à Ma-Duk. Ainsi, s’il devait tôt ou tard s’émanciper des Kamis, il avait pour l’heure besoin d’eux.
So were her words. If he had quickly understood that “Her” referred to Jena, he now knew that “Him” referred to Ma-Duk. So, if he was to emancipate himself from the Kamis sooner or later, he needed them for the time being.
« J’accepte, répéta Pü. Mais je souhaite mener la Guerre Sacrée à ma manière. »
:''"I accept, repeated Pü. But I wish to wage the Sacred War in my own way."
Pour toute réponse, le Kami commença alors à se métamorphoser. L’entièreté de son corps se mit à s’allonger et son pelage duveteux disparut au profit d’une peau nue. Il ne fallut que quelques secondes à la créature divine pour prendre l’apparence d’un homin tout de noir vêtu. À bien y regarder, les proportions de son corps étaient en tout point semblables à celles de Pü. Cela n’était en revanche pas le cas de sa tête. Non masquée, elle ne possédait ni bouche, ni nez, ni oreilles et ni même aucun trait. Rien hormis deux imposants yeux blancs. Finalement, une épée et une rondache noires se matérialisèrent au niveau de ses mains. L’homin en noir adopta une posture offensive.
In response, the Kami began to metamorphose. His entire body began to elongate, and his fluffy coat disappeared in exchange for bare skin. It took only a few seconds for the divine creature to take on the appearance of a homin all dressed in black. On closer inspection, the proportions of his body were very similar to those of Pü. The same could not be said of his head. Unmasked, it had no mouth, nose, ears or even features. Nothing but two imposing white eyes. Finally, a black sword and rondache materialized in his hands. The homin in black adopted an offensive posture.
« Le Kami accepte votre demande, mon garçon. Lorsque vous serez prêt à mener la Guerre Sacrée, il ne s'immiscera pas dans vos choix. Il estime nécessaire que le Guerrier Sacré forge son propre chemin. Mais pour l’heure, il vous provoque en duel. Il aimerait vous évaluer. Vous en sentez vous capable ? Bien que vous sembliez mieux vous porter qu’il y a quelques minutes, il serait peut-être judicieux de reporter cette confrontation. »
:''"The Kami accepts your request, my boy. When you are ready to wage the Sacred War, he will not interfere with your choices. He deems it necessary for the Sacred Warrior to forge his own path. But for now, he challenges you to a duel. He'd like to evaluate you. Do you feel up to it? Although you seem to be in better health than a few minutes ago, it might be wise to postpone this confrontation."
avait encore une multitude de questions à poser au Kami. Notamment des questions sur Ma-Duk, Jena, la Karavan et les Kitins. Pourtant, la question qu’il posa traitait d’un tout autre sujet. Il se surprit lui-même.
still had a multitude of questions to ask the Kami. In particular, questions about Ma-Duk, Jena, the Karavan and the Kitins. Yet the question he asked then was about something completely different. He surprised himself.
« Je me sens mieux, merci, répondit-il à voix haute. Mais avant de commencer, laissez-moi vous poser une dernière question. Depuis quelques semaines, j’entends une voix. À qui appartient-elle ? »
:''"I'm feeling better, thank you, he replied aloud. But before we start, let me ask you one last question. For the past few weeks, I've been hearing a voice. Who does it belong to?"
La voix intérieure se mua aussitôt en un long rire.
The voice inside immediately broke into a long laugh.
« Je vais être sincère mon garçon : le Kami a la réponse à votre question. Mais je ne peux pas vous la répéter. Souvenez-vous de ce que je vous ai dit : le jour où vous comprendrez qui je suis, c’est que vous n’aurez plus besoin de moi. Or, plus que jamais, ma présence vous est indispensable. Car je suis désormais votre interprète. »
:''"I'll be honest, my boy: the Kami has the answer to your question. But I can't repeat it. Remember what I told you: the day you understand who I am, you won't need me anymore. Yet, more than ever, you need me. For I am now your interpreter."
dégaina son épée de sa main gauche et accrocha sa rondache à son bras droit. Cette voix. Il avait définitivement besoin d’elle.
drew his sword with his left hand and hung his rondache on his right arm. This voice. He definitely needed it.
{{NavChap|[[Chapitre II·I - Le Kami Noir]]|[[La Guerre Sacrée#Table des matières|Table des matières]]|[[Chapitre II·III - Le feu et la glace]]}}
{{NavChap|[[Chapter II·I - The Black Kami]]|[[The Sacred War#Table of contents|Table of contents]]|[[Chapter II·III - Fire and ice]]}}
{{Portail|La Grande Bibliothèque|Zoraï}}
{{Portal|The Great Library|Zoraï}}
[[Catégorie:La Guerre Sacrée]]
[[Category:The Sacred War]]

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Примечания : (Nilstilar, 2024-09-23)

II·II - The interpreter


Jena Year 2481

The first thing Pü saw when he regained consciousness was the large head of a Kami sentinel. A couple of multicolored birds were perched on it. If he had never encountered such Kamis since then, his mother - a good draughtsman in her lifetime - used a notebook to illustrate her teachings. Pü hadn't forgotten any of these lessons, and remembered the four types of sentinel that had so far been catalogued. Although very different from one another, they all had one thing in common: an impressive size, especially when compared to the most usual Kamis. The sentinel currently leaning over Pü was three meters tall and was one of those protecting the jungles of Atys. Like the Black Kami, its face was provided with two white, empty eyes. The difference, however, was that the fur covering her was not deep black, but showed a creamy hue. If she had a mouth, it was masked by the thick pilosity that formed an enormous moustache on which an homin could have perched. Two pairs of long black hairs on either side of his head finally gave him an amused look. An air that contrasted with the creature's formidable physique. For these Kamis had two broad shoulders to which were attached two gigantic arms, as well as particularly muscular chest and abdomen, highlighted by the absence of fur there. Essentially quadrupedal, they moved along the ground on the soles of their feet and the phalanges of their folded hands. They were said to be able to reach impressive speeds on the ground, despite their size and weight. But their long arms also enabled them to climb jungle trees and leap from branch to branch.

Lying back on a downy heap of moss, staring haggardly at the sentry, Pü finally straightened up and surveyed the surroundings. Judging by the vegetation, he was sure he was in the jungle. A jungle abundant with colorful flowers, which never seemed to have known winter. The Zoraï lifted the mask and caught a glimpse of the sky through the green treetops. Although he was convinced he had reached the Prime Roots, he was unquestionably on the surface. Yet the sensation of losing all consistency, then going down through the Zo'laï Gong, was still vivid. Only moments ago, his body had been sinking along the roots of Atys, drawn by the luminous star beating in his heart. And all around him, there was no trace of the network of light that had then superimposed itself on his gaze. Everything was back to normal.

"The Black Kami has teleported you, my boy. You are now transported to the heart of the Eternal Garden."

Pü rose to his full height and put again his gaze at the sentry. She was perfectly still. Only the light breeze animated her coat and her long moustache. The absence of winter in this part of the jungle confirmed that he was in the Eternal Garden, a particularly mysterious region of never-ending spring. Located to the east of Zoran, it formed a gigantic labyrinth in permanent reconfiguration, which most Zoraïs of the Theocracy visited only once during their lifetime. It was here, in fact, that the Kamis took Zoraïs about to leave childhood, so that they could undergo the Ritual of Adoption. The rest of the time, the doors of the labyrinth remained closed.

The Ritual of Adoption was a complex series of ceremonies, lasting up to several months, at the end of which participants received their kinship mask, in honor of Cho, the first masked Zoraï, and Jena, the mother of hominity. This symbolized the filiation between the Zoraïs and the Kami, and paid homage to Cho, the first Zoraï to have, according to the sacred texts of the Theocracy, received a mask from Jena. For the tribe of Pü, the Adoption Ritual was nothing more than a vulgar pagan comedy serving two main purposes. The first, in very prosaic terms, was the survival of young Zoraïs, unable to support the growth of their mask without help. The Kamis, wishing to see this faithful people thrive, had complied with the Theocracy's wishes and decided to guide the ritual. After all, ceremonies or not, the Zoraïs owed their survival above all to the substances administered to them, most of which had been developed with the help of the Kamis. This is why, in the Pü tribe, the kinship mask and the Adoption Ritual were not referred to, but the merit mask and the Sprouting Ceremony. The mask was not a right, but had to be earned. The Theocracy's second purpose was of a completely different nature, and consisted of an aggressive propaganda exercise, enabling participants to become perfect Zoraïs, loyal to the Kamis, to Jena, but also and above all to the institutions. Beneath its airs of a wise and pacifist State, the Zoraï Theocracy remained a totalitarian political regime ruled by a handful of homins claiming to derive their legitimacy from a divine power. Such an ideological straitjacket, anchored since childhood, explained why the vast majority of Zoraïs were loyal to the Theocracy, but also why the rare dissident groups - such as the tribe of Pü or the Antekamis - opposed it so violently.

Of course, Pü had never taken part in the Adoption Ritual. And until then, there had been no opportunity for him to visit the Eternal Garden. He did know, however, that Grandmother Bä-Bä and his mother had been there on several occasions. This was particularly the case when the latter went to meet the Kamis so that they could help her become pregnant. At this thought, Pü bowed low to the sentinel. He owed his existence to the Kamis. He then took a few steps to stretch his legs, noticing in the process the absence of wounds inflicted by the prisoners. He had been completely healed. Hitherto motionless, the sentry's head swivelled to follow the Zoraï with his gaze, and the pair of birds nestling on his skull flew away.

"Are you, my boy, receptive to the magnificence of this place? These flowers, in particular, are of rare splendor."

The Zoraï gazed at the many flowers surrounding him and nodded inwardly. If these specimens were indeed endemic of the Jungle, it was rare to find such imposing ones. Two flowers with white petals, halfway up a trunk, caught her eye. Their brilliance was so strong that they seemed to be bursting with light. While staring at them, the other flowers seemed to lose their color. By the time Pü realized that this was more than just an impression, the Kami had just begun to materialize. It took only a few seconds for the flowers surrounding the two white ones to lose their hue, take on a deep black robe and finally clump together. Once the divine creature had fully appeared, it floated slowly towards him, like the withered petal of a wilted rose.

Pü greeted the Kami, then watched him for several long seconds. This Kami was the one he had rescued in Zoran, and who had in return saved him from the prisoners, he was sure. But that wasn't all. He was also strangely familiar. After hesitating for a moment, he finally called out to him.

"Greetings, Master Kami. I'm honored to have been able to help you, and thank you for rescuing me in return. One question, however, is on my mind, and I hope you'll be able to answer it. Are you the Black Kami who came to me as a child? In my mother's workshop, and during the growth of my mask?"

The divine creature tilted his head to one side. A minute passed, then, without any response. Pü knew it was often tricky to communicate with Kamis. Especially as not all of them seemed to be able to speak. Disappointed, he prepared to ask again. But at the same moment, the voice inside manifested itself.

"Forgive my rudeness, my boy, but I'd be curious to know what the Kami's answer inspires in you. You seem to be in deep meditation. I confess I'm a bit excited by the situation."
"What answer are you talking about?” replied Pü, without understanding what the Voice was getting at."
"The one the Kami gave, of course."
"Did the Kami answer anything? I heard nothing."
"His answer was audible, though rather convoluted. He replied that he was all the Black Kamis."

Pü looked at the Kami, who was himself staring back at him with a blank gaze. Kamis were shape-shifting beings capable of teleporting over great distances. That some of them could be in several places at once didn't surprise him. On the other hand, the idea that this Kami could be all the Black Kamis escaped him. Nor did he understand why he hadn't heard him answering. Pü pricked up his ears and spoke again.

"What happened to you, in Zoran? How did you end up in such a situation?"

Pü waited about ten seconds, and again heard nothing. He called out to the Voice… who cut him off immediately.

"Just a moment, my boy, I'll be with you in a few seconds. I'm listening to the Kami."

Confused, Pü was about to reply, but thought better of it. Why couldn't he hear the Kami? Facing him, the creature remained perfectly still. A few frustrating seconds passed before the inner voice sounded again.

"Please forgive my rudeness, my original intention was not to interrupt you so abruptly. As it happens, the Kami was already in Zoran at the time of the invasion. A member of the Council of Sages wished to speak with him. Then the invasion began and the Karavan arrived to rescue the people of Zoran. In their hunt, some agents came face to face with the Kami and thought they could capture him. A battle ensued. Several agents fell before one of them managed to hit the Kami with his spear. Wounded, the survivors were unfortunately overwhelmed by the flood of monsters. None of them survived. Although the Kami didn't mention it, I assume the creatures ignored him, even though they probably could have finished him off. I can't say why. Then the swarm dissipated, the Karavan flew away, and a few days later, the freed prisoners finally discover him and mounted him to the top of the Zo'laï-gong."
"How can I be sure that the Kami is really speaking, and that you're not trying to fool me?" replied Pü in frustration.
"Unfortunately, I'm afraid there's no way of confirming this. On the other hand, I'm rather saddened to note that you doubt me so much. Have I not been a staunch ally up to now?"

Pü thought back over the last few weeks, then sighed. Although the Voice's fatherly tone often exasperated him, he had to admit that she was telling the truth.

"Forgive me, you're right. I'm just disappointed I can't hear him, and not to understand why."

Pü took a deep breath and thought about what the Voice had just told him. So, the Kami was already present in Zoran before the invasion began. This version completed the words of the fyros prisoner and confirmed his intuition: whether in his tribal stump or in Zoran, the Kamis had not deigned to rescue the homins. Pü gulped and calmly asked the question that had been tormenting him for weeks.

"Something eludes me. The Kamis are all-powerful. Why didn't any of them intervene to protect the people of the Jungle? To save the members of my tribe?"
"He confesses that the Kamis were overwhelmed by the situation, replied the Voice. It had never been considered that the Kitins would one day discover and invade the surface. The Kamis intervened in the depths of Atys to stop them, but it was already too late. All regions occupied by hominity were submerged."

Caught in a fit of anger, Pü continued on a roll, this time failing to mask his emotion.

"I really don't understand. I thought my tribe was important to you. We were Ma-Duk's Black Warriors! We were his armed and purifying arm! The guardians of the True Faith! The scourge that descend upon heretics! We were all that. Your most faithful soldiers. Each and every one of us would have given his life for you. And today, I'm the only one left... You've abandoned us."

Pü lowered his mask, aware of the blasphemous nature of his words. He feared the Kami's reaction. But he also felt relieved to have been able to shout out what was in his heart. When the inner voice spoke, Pü understood that she was trying to spare him.

"Be sure that I share your pain, my boy. Also, don't forget that you can always count on me if the need to talk arises. You're not on your own. As for the Kami's answer, I'm afraid it's of no comfort to you… He claims that the Sacred Warrior was the only truly essential member of your tribe, because he was the only homin without whom the Sacred War could not be fought. The Kami has always looked after you, my boy. That he got trapped in Zoran at the time of the invasion has been a terrible conjunction of circumstances."

Devastated by the lack of consideration for those closest to him, Pü dropped to his knees. His throat tightened and his heart heaved. Mechanically, his left hand went to the scabbard of his sword. A sudden desire for death had passed through him.

"Le… Lead the Sacred War? The entire hominity has been decimated by these monsters. What's the point of waging the Sacred War if there are no more companions to unite and enemies to fight? Then this… this black mask, I shouldn't be wearing it. Niï should have been the Sacred Warrior. That was his destiny. I tattooed myself only to honor the memory of my tribe. Only because I was the last one who could do it. And I didn't survive because I fought better, or whatever. I was simply left out of the fight at the worst possible moment. A piece of bark fell on me. I should… I should have died. I wish I'd never woken up…."
"Come on, my boy, you and I have had this discussion before. Life is a gift, and your survival a blessing. I… Ah, wait, the Kami wishes to reply…."

Several dozen seconds passed in silence. Pü, who had managed not to reach for his weapon, had dug his nails into his thighs and kept his eyes fixed on the ground, trembling. Since the massacre of his loved ones, he had thought of suicide many times. If it hadn't been for the Voice, he probably wouldn't be alive today. It had helped him to overcome each of his crises.

"The Kami declares that, despite the scale of the genocide, a significant number of homins have survived, says the inner voice. Some have been taken to safety by the Karavan, while others, who stayed behind, are already reuniting in communities. He recognizes that the Karavan has succeeded where the Kamis have failed, and fears that this will damage their reputation. The Sacred War is therefore more essential than ever. Next, the Kami insisted that you are indeed the Sacred Warrior, pointing out that you were destined to become one even before you were born. The fall of a piece of bark, however large, should never have stopped the Sacred Warrior. The Kami holds your mother and the doyenne of your tribe responsible for this accident. During your childhood, both of them refused to let the Kamis bless you, and thus prevented you from reaching your full potential."

Hearing that, Pü remembered the last words he had exchanged with his venerable ancestor. She had revealed to him that he was predestined to become the Sacred Warrior, that the destiny Ma-Duk had in store for him was inevitable. The Kami's words confirmed his own. Grandmother Bä-Bä went then on to explain why she had asked her mother to pass Niï off as the future Sacred Warrior. Although the explanation remained rather vague, Pü had nonetheless understood that her main purpose was to keep him out of the way. To protect him, but also to protect the rest of the tribe. What was Grandmother Bä-Bä trying to protect them from? Pü didn't know. Many secrets had been buried in the powerful witch's grave. Like the fact that she and her mother had refused to allow him to be blessed by the Kamis… This was new information. Information that, just a few weeks ago, would have seemed implausible. Yet right now, he was almost indifferent to it. Rare were the chosen ones who could claim to have been blessed by the Kamis. The honor was immense. Among his tribe, only Grandmother Bä-Bä and her mother were. To deny an individual such a blessing was insane. Unless, of course, one wished to lead him astray from the path the Kamis had laid out for him. As a child, just after his first encounter with the Black Kami, Pü remembered having expressed to his mother his desire to be blessed by the Kami, and of her retorting that this was not something one could choose. His mother had, it seemed, chosen for him…

"My boy, the Kami offers to train you. He wants to help you develop your ability to perceive and manipulate the Sap. He says that your homin part is as strong as your kami part is weak. To remedy this, he suggests you stay by his side in the Eternal Garden. For as long as it would take."

Still on his knees, Pü raised his mask. Pondering the divine creature's words helped calm the crisis. The creature, who hadn't moved a hair, was still staring at him with her big white eyes. White, empty eyes. As empty as her heart, if she had one. While he had thought his tribe special, the Kami had told Pü otherwise. He didn't care about the brutal death of his loved ones. Nor did he about the feelings that gnawed at him. All that mattered to this Kami was that he was alive. Alive and ready to fight. In his eyes, he was just a tool. Then, for the first time in his life, Pü understood why some homins considered Kamis to be monsters. Monstrous, so were the Kamis. Of course they were. This was less because of the frightening forms they could manifest than because of their profound lack of empathy. Pü remembered every homin whose life he had taken. From the first to the last murder committed. Was it the same for the Kamis? Did they count the homins they had killed? Were they aware of the number of those who had sacrificed their lives for them? From an early age, he had been taught to love Ma-Duk. To love the Kamis. But did the Kamis love the homins in return? Pü now doubted it. The Kamis were monstrous, yes. But they were monstrous by nature. Because they weren't homin. That's what they were: profoundly inhomin beings.

Disillusioned, but aware of the importance of the moment, the Black Mask took a deep breath.

"I accept."
"Whatever may happen, the decision will be yours, my boy. So there's no need to rush. Certainly, the Kami is powerful. He probably has a lot to teach you. However, if you refuse to follow him, I don't think he'll force your hand. If you want to know what I really think, you should know that I don't believe in the destiny he has in mind for you. You're free, my boy. We all are. I'm sure of it."

Pü stood up and thought about Grandmother Bä-Bä. The venerable ancestor had urged him to wage the Sacred War while taking care to preserve his free will.

"Free them from Her. Then free yourself from Him. In hope of the Happy Days."

So were her words. If he had quickly understood that “Her” referred to Jena, he now knew that “Him” referred to Ma-Duk. So, if he was to emancipate himself from the Kamis sooner or later, he needed them for the time being.

"I accept, repeated Pü. But I wish to wage the Sacred War in my own way."

In response, the Kami began to metamorphose. His entire body began to elongate, and his fluffy coat disappeared in exchange for bare skin. It took only a few seconds for the divine creature to take on the appearance of a homin all dressed in black. On closer inspection, the proportions of his body were very similar to those of Pü. The same could not be said of his head. Unmasked, it had no mouth, nose, ears or even features. Nothing but two imposing white eyes. Finally, a black sword and rondache materialized in his hands. The homin in black adopted an offensive posture.

"The Kami accepts your request, my boy. When you are ready to wage the Sacred War, he will not interfere with your choices. He deems it necessary for the Sacred Warrior to forge his own path. But for now, he challenges you to a duel. He'd like to evaluate you. Do you feel up to it? Although you seem to be in better health than a few minutes ago, it might be wise to postpone this confrontation."

Pü still had a multitude of questions to ask the Kami. In particular, questions about Ma-Duk, Jena, the Karavan and the Kitins. Yet the question he asked then was about something completely different. He surprised himself.

"I'm feeling better, thank you, he replied aloud. But before we start, let me ask you one last question. For the past few weeks, I've been hearing a voice. Who does it belong to?"

The voice inside immediately broke into a long laugh.

"I'll be honest, my boy: the Kami has the answer to your question. But I can't repeat it. Remember what I told you: the day you understand who I am, you won't need me anymore. Yet, more than ever, you need me. For I am now your interpreter."

Pü drew his sword with his left hand and hung his rondache on his right arm. This voice. He definitely needed it.

Bélénor Nébius, narrator