Колесо Фортуны — различия между версиями

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{{TIP |DE=4 |EN=4 |ES=1 |FR=4 |RU=1}}
{{TIP |DE=4 |EN=4 |ES=1 |FR=4 |RU=1}}
{{:en:Wheel of fortune}}
{{Portal Gameplay}}
{{Portal Gameplay}}

Версия 20:49, 8 марта 2022

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Wheel of fortune Wheel of fortune Prizes
de:Glücksrad en:Wheel of fortune es:Rueda de la Fortuna fr:Roue de la Fortune ru:Колесо Фортуны
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them ????

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Jadeyn, 2022-04-15)

Wheel of Fortune, before 2018

The Wheel of fortune is a game of the Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani

We want to use our fine and choice tokens. But how do we do that?

Locations of the Wheels

In capital cities

  • Pyr (Desert / Fyros): in the bar, near the hammam
  • Zora (Jungle / Zorai): in a small building northeast of Goo-Chase (near the coaches)
  • Yrkanis (Forest / Matis): between the stable and the trainers (Zachini), not far from the New Horizons
  • FairHaven (Lakes / Tryker): at the bar (1st roundabout when entering through the main door, Fork of the Good Market)
Pyr Yrkanis
Zora Fairhaven

In camps

  • Marauders: in Marauder camp, in Hidden Source, next to the "apartment and guild" tower

Get tokens

How to get tokens


  • with the basics and fine: flowers, potions, generic choice materials, fireworks, wigs, items for apartment, stuffed animals...
  • what is won with the choice (or better) tokens : the same gifts as with the basics and fine and items to assemble even larger and prettier.

To find out more, look at the pay tab.


New tokens in the new toolbar
Choice Token Rewards

The new special toolbar of the inventory has 4 tools (icons) : Miscellaneous, Tokens, Elements to assemble, Tokens for mini-games.

ex: New tokens in the new toolbar shows the content of the 2nd icon. It contains 733 choice tokens and 18 excellent ones

In the special inventory, right-click on the tokens (basic, fine, choice,...) then Show rewards to see the list of the selected token's gifts (and their rarities).

Ex: "Rewards of choice tokens" shows the gifts of choice tokens

How to play

New wheel

1. Watch how many tokens you have available in each type of token ()

2. Choose which type of tokens you use () by clicking on the token icon.

3. Choose the number of chips to bet from the drop-down menu from 1 to 5 ()

4. Choose the number of turns of your throw from 1 to 10 ()

5. Watch for the % success of your throw () which depends on the number of chips bet

6. Launch the wheel ()

7a. You lose. Too bad...... Restart the wheel ()

7b. You win "yeeahhhh"

- or a simple window opens and you accept your winnings.

- either you have a double window and you have the choice between taking chips or winnings

8. To close the wheel, click on the cross ()

9. To change tokens, click on the tokens () and choose another token style.


  • If you are stuck in front of a wheel because it does not close: either you move away, or you click on the wheel again as if you wanted to play and it was not open, or you reboot ????
  • Be careful sometimes the wheel changes your chips automatically so be careful if you adjust your bets according to the types of chips.

Source https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/28904/1#1

Games in games


It's a kind of scratch and scratch game. To play it, it's very simple:

Special bag, bymgo tokens tab

  1. In the special bag, click on the 4th tab of the special bag, the token logo for mini games,

  2. Find the Pay2Win token and right click on it ,

  3. A window opens, click on a box (),

  4. Paf ! you win from 1 to 100 choice tokens ()

  5. click on the cross to close the game ().


It's a lottery box to fill with bymgo chips. Filling it out couldn't be easier:

Bymgo sheet
  1. Open the bymgo cardboard box,

  2. Click on a bymgo token,

    — either it is on the card and it validates the box; the box becomes greyed out (),

    — or it is not there and you have a message warning you that it is not active,

  3. If you fill in a line, you win 25 choice chips and sometimes 5 xl chips; the bets won are greyed out (),

  4. If you fill in a 2nd line, you get 50 choice chips and maybe 10xl (),

  5. If you have filled your cardboard, you will receive 100 choice tokens and maybe 20 xl,

  6. The filled card, you must change it; the red line at the bottom indicates it ().

Tips :

It must be understood that the chips you can win are only valid if you are up to date in your bymgo card, so no red line at the bottom (1). If you fill in the card, but the red line is there, you will only receive the choice chips. So be strategic or careful, it's up to you.

Source: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/28904/4#4

The wheel during events


Atysmas tokens During Atysmas, you can win Atysmas tokens. At the wheel, Atysmas tokens are played like any other.

You will find in your special bag the objects to assemble (here, from left to right: BoomSplash, Hatysmas, Atysmin)

Boomsplash Hatysmas Atysmin

Attack of the Grinch
When you want to assemble his elements, you'll have the naughty grinch who'll try to steal your winnings

You will have to choose between doing nothing or defending your winnings with a protective action

Example on the picture, the maximum protection is 3 boomsplash (24 elements = 1 boomsplash).

If the protection works, you keep our gain. If, unfortunately, the grinch dodges, you lose your winnings ☹ [1]

Source: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/192009

Anlor Winn's moon

Anlor Winn

Anlor Winn token
During Anlor Winn event, we win Anlor tokens.

Be careful, the wheel doesn't work the same way at all ????

  • the wheel can only turn one turn (and no more than 10)
  • the more chips you bet, the less chance you have of winning: 1 token = 50% and 5 chips = 10%.

The goal is to lose to raise a "fear counter" (the sentence appears on the screen indicating your % fear)

The more the fear counter is, the better the reward will be:

  • Less than 25% = basic objects (fireworks, catalyzers, flowers, generic materials...)
  • From 25 to 75% = apartment decoration object
  • Above 75% = new items (weapons with anlor winn effect, pumpkin head,......)

Source: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/29107/2#2


Some help, on the Forum (September 2018)


Sunday, September 2, 2018 evening: official opening, in Almati Wood. Cf https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/28899/190290

  1. Spoilers:
    • The protections goes in this order: boomsplash protects Hatysman, Hatysman protects Atysmin
    • 1 boomsplash= 24 unassembled pieces of boomsplash ; 2 boomsplash = 48 pieces ; 3 boomsplahs = 72 pieces