
Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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Примечания : (Leda, 2021-08-25)

Tree of the Verdant Heights, slender and with very high branches. It is found in particular in the neighbourhoods of cities, planted there by the Matis botanists.

The angelio is a very thin, very elegant, tree of medium height (20-40 feet at most). Its white trunk and foliage shows pink highlights. Moss grows at its base and it drops small conical nuts in autumn.

Highly popular among Matis, the angelios represent the gracefulness of the vegetative world in their eyes. They have planted many of them on Charmers’ Way near Avalae.

The wood is used in joinery. The bark is used to make small objects and strong ties. The sap is used to produce alcohol.

Последняя версия 2021-08-25•

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