Apps/Ryzom API

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Примечания : (Ulukyn, 2021-11-16)


    [Ryzom API]] is a set of instructions that allows a third-party application to query the shard (the server) in order to obtain and process character game information. Several Apps make use of it, RyApp (/appzone 860) a test app, for example. In order to identify a character, a guild, the API needs a key.
    The App Ryzom API key allows the API to be given this information as well as the information he or she agrees to share.

Open the "Ryzom API" app

Apps/Open App

Create a Key

To create a key, click on the button, to modify it click on the key.


  • Ryzom API key 1.png
    Character keys start with "c".

  • Ryzom API key 2.png
    Check the boxes for the information you agree to share


For guild keys the operation is the same, but there are fewer sharing options. The option only appears if the character belongs to a guild.

  • Ryzom API key 3.png
    Guild keys start with "g".

Using the key

Now just copy the key, then paste it into the App that asks you for it...

Here you go!