Портал:Мистерии/Wikipatys — различия между версиями

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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Строка 87: Строка 87:
<!--     LEFT        -->
{| style="margin-top:10px; background:none;"
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Présentation générale'''</big></big></big>}}
| style="width:65%; border:medium outset #{{ColorAtys|type=dark|group=Sleep}}; vertical-align:top; padding: 0px 10px 10px 0px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius:10px;background:#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Sleep}};color:#{{ColorAtys|type=fg|group=Sleep}}" |
{| cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:transparent;"
<!-- ==============LIGHT ON ================ -->
  |title= {{3DText|group=Sleep|3D=inset|text=Spotlight on}}
  |image= Zor emblem.png
  |content= <!--{{:Featured article/Karavan}}
ou {{:Lumière sur/Karavan/Semaine/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
ou {{:Lumière sur/Karavan/Mois/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
Templates and pages to choose and display are in Category:Portals⇒Category:Template:Portal⇒Category:Featured article⇒Lumière sur/Karavan
--> <!--{{:Featured article/Karavan}}  
or {{:Featured article/Karavan/Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
or {{:Featured article/Karavan/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
Templates and pages to choose and display are in Category:Portals⇒Category:Template:Portal⇒Category:Featured article⇒Featured article/Karavan
  |link = [[Special:RandomInCategory/{{NAMESPACE}}_{{PAGENAME}}/Articles liés|Une page au hasard dans ''' ''{{PAGENAME}}'' ''']]
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Lumière sur …'''</big></big></big>}}
|<!-- SPACE -->  style="border:5px solid transparent;" |
<!--{{:Lumière sur/Wikipatys/Semaine/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
<!--     RIGHT        -->
{{:Lumière sur/Wikipatys/Mois/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}-->
| style="width:35%; border:medium outset #{{ColorAtys|type=dark|group=karavan}}; vertical-align:top; padding: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius:10px;background:#{{ColorAtys|type=light|group=karavan}};color:#{{ColorAtys|type=fg|group=karavan}}" |
{{:Portail Wikipatys/Presentation}}
{| id="mp-right" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:transparent;"
  |title= {{3DText|group=karavan|3D=inset|text=More about}}
============== Empfohlener Artikel
============== Artículo destacado
  |image= Stub.png
============== Featured article
  |content=<!-- {{:Portal_Karavan/More about}} -->
============== Lumière sur
============== СТАТЬИ ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ (Lumière sur/Spotlight on)
•••••••••••••••••••• TO BE READ, VERY IMPORTANT
In each of the three main panels we can display:
— either a FIXED TEXT, unchanging from one day to the next.
  |title= {{3DText|group=karavan|3D=inset|text=Plan}}
    Incorporated into the portal via the {{ContentBox}} template, this text can be:
      • written directly in the portal. Example: the text ”*'''[[Alinea]]''' - a needle-bearing tree, often comes [...] according to variety.“ constantly displayed in the right panel — see below — of the present portal.
  |image= Ico task rite.png
      • the complete reproduction of an article composed especially for the portal. Example: the same article [[:Myths Flora]] displayed constantly, by the inclusion {{:Myths Flora}}), in the same panel.
  |content= <!--{{:Portal_Karavan/Plan}} -->
      • created by adapting an official article (validated by the lorists) to the dimensions of the portal (by truncating it with the insertion of a "Read more about it…" (template {{Read more}}), by resizing the pictures it contains; in order to simplify its management, all these articles intended to be adapted for display in a portal are named "Portal [portal name]/[article subject]". Example: the same beginning of the article [[Portal Flora/Intro]] displayed continuously, by the inclusion {{:Portal Flora/Intro}}, in the header panel — see above — of the present portal.
  |title= {{3DText|group=karavan|3D=inset|text=Archives}}
  |image= Spe inventory.png
  |content =<!--{{:Portal_Karavan/Archives}} -->
<!--    BOTTOM        -->
{{Portal bottom|Sleep}}
— or (that's "smarter"!) a DIFFERENT TEXT EVERY DAY.
    Representative of the articles gathered by the portal, and also incorporated by using {{ContentBox}}, it is based on an article:
      • named [[Featured article/[portal name]/[Month] or[Week]/[date] or [day of the week]]];
      • classified in the hidden category [[Category:Featured article/[portal name]]], itself classified in the hidden category [[Category:Model:Portal]];
      • and included in the panel by {{:Featured article/[portal name]/Week/{{{CURRENTDOW}}}, or by "{{:Featured article/[portal name]/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}.
    It's about, finally:
      • either the pure and simple copy of an article thanks to a redirection. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flora/Month/12}} of article [[Featured article/Flora/Month/12]] — worded as follows: Direct #redirect [[Pocea]] [[Category:Featured article/Flora]] — will display the article [[Pocea]] in the left panel - see FEATURED ARTICLE above - of the present portal.
      • or an article written expressly and updated regularly so that a particular announcement concerning the portal is periodically displayed. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flore/Month/01}} of article [[Featured article/Flore/Month/01]] written accordingly could display in the same panel the number of articles added to the present portal during the past month.
============== UNTEN AUF DER SEITE
============== BOTTOM
============== BAJO DE PAGINA
============== BAS DE PAGE
============== НИЖНИЙ КОЛОНТИТУЛ
-->{{clear}}{{Portal bottom|Sleep}}<!--
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center;">
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|palette=Sleep|text=<big><big><big>'''Notes complémentaires de recherche et de travail affichable à volonté'''</big></big></big>}}
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
================== ИНФОРМАЦИЮ
================== NOTES
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notes diverses'''}}
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/Notes}}
|palette= Sleep
================== 2DO
================== Задачи (2do)
|image  = Script_edit.png
|title={{3DText|group=|3D=inset|text=À faire}}
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/2do}}
|palette= Sleep
================== ARCHIVES / CATEGORIES
|image= Spe_inventory.png
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/Archives}}
|palette= Sleep
================== MORE INFO
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Complément infos'''}}
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/More}}
|palette= Sleep

Версия 14:09, 10 марта 2022

Мистерии Ryzom Потерянные предметы
Трофеи и маленькие секреты
 За кулисами ЗнциклАтиса
Перевод на рецензирование
Не вините вкладчиков, но приходите и помогите им 😎

Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-03-10)

Under Construction Panel.png !!! WIP !!! Under Construction Panel.png
В настоящее время еще 100 9 статей находятся в стадии подготовки в Категория: "WIP"
Статья находится на стадии подготовки. Пожалуйста, дайте автору закончить его, прежде чем вносить изменения.
Последнее редактирование было из Zorroargh на 10.03.2022


План и категории темы

За кадром

Чтобы найти все наши изображения в wiki: Ryzom images.

И напоследок особо не забывай:

Последняя версия 2021-01-08•
Ico task rite.png


Этот портал направлен на то, чтобы получить то, что не классифицируется в других категориях:
  • потерянные объекты: археологические останки, забытые секреты, пропавшие герои...
  • пещера: информация, близкая к той, что игрок "не должен" быть известен в своей ролевой игре.
  • за кулисами энциклопедии: советы, хитрости, объяснения... очень полезно для энциклопедии или для игры, но трудно классифицировать, потому что это может быть смесь между техникой, GP, RP, преобразование дат.

Последняя версия 2021-01-06•

Lumière sur …

Portail Wikipatys/Presentation

Spe labs.png
Все тематические порталы энциклопедии (Вики от Ryzom)

  Notes complémentaires de recherche et de travail affichable à volonté  


Notes diverses

Spe inventory.png



Complément infos