Материал из ЭнциклопАтис
Хроники Атиса | До 2480 | 2481 - 2484 | 2485 - 2525 | 2525 - 2562 | С года 2562 |
Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-02-21)
Портал всех хроник Атиса

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Lanstiril, 2019-08-16)
[развернуть] The Chronicles of Atys
History • Chronicles Overview |
[развернуть] Before the Great Swarming
Fire of Coriolis
The Fever of Discovery • The Siege of Karavia • The Company of Loria • The Youth of Loria • The Assassination of Loria • The Liberation of the Trykers |
[развернуть] Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)
Massacre and flight
A Kitin Story • Monsoon Sunset • My Karavan Guardian • The Kitin Song The return of Hope |
[развернуть] Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
The Secrets of Tryker engineering • A Flyner Escape • The Story of a Young Corsair Chronicles of the Verdant Heights A Little Lore at Bedtime • Ciochini learns of His Heritage • Chrysalis • Screaming Shadows Chronicles of the Witherings Tears of Serenity • The Crying Mektoub • The Stance of Daïsha • Mabreka |

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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-02-23)
- 1 Before the Great Swarming
- 2 Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)
- 3 Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)
- 4 Chronicles of the New Beginning - Since 2525 (JY)
- 4.1 Erlan's Chronicles
- 4.2 Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
- 4.3 Chronicles of the Burning Desert
- 4.4 Chronicles of the Verdant Heights
- 4.5 Chronicles of the Witherings
- 4.6 Trytonist chronicles
- 4.7 Marauders chronicles
- 4.8 Chronicles linked to the Temple War
- 4.9 Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed
- 5 Diverse chronicles
Before the Great Swarming
Fire of Coriolis
- Fever of Discovery, as told by Apocasus Menix, Fyros chronicler.
- The Siege of Karavia, as told by Pergio Vasti, a Matis military-chronicler.
- The Company of Loria, as told by Derry O'Darren, Tryker chronicler.
- The Youth of Loria
- The Assassination of Loria, extract of the journal of Dissan Mac'rinin, entered (2436) II, Harvestor 28
- The Liberation of the Trykers
Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)
Massacre and flight
- A Kitin Story, or how it began, in 2481 (JY).
- Monsoon Sunset, a forbidden love, in 2481 (JY).
- My Karavan Guardian, story told by an old matis female.
- Kitins's song, a song about Kitins.
The return of Hope
- First Chronicle
- New Day
- Opportunity awaits!, a song written by the Tryker, Kerman Aeron.
Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
- The Secrets of Tryker engineering, revelations of the Zoraï engineer, Guni To-Sa.
- A Flyner Escape, an episode in the life of Rosen Ba’Darins, or how to escape Slavers
- The Story of a Young Corsair, a story about the youth of legendary fighter, Bremmen O'Derry.
Chronicles of the Verdant Heights
- A little bedtime story, the legend of Zachini and the Karavan.
- Ciochini learns of His Heritage, legend told by a grandmother of Aniro I, old Matis King.
- Chrysalis, written in 2514 by Baldi Dalia on facts happened in 2506 (JY).
- Screaming Shadows, from Ridio Sillia, itinerant bard, around 2513 (JY).
Chronicles of the Witherings
- Tears of Serenity, legend of the foundation of Zoran
- The Crying Mektoub, legend from before the Great Swarming.
- The Stance of Daïsha, legend during the reign of the Great Sage Lin Cho
- Mabreka, a story told by Gangi Cheng-Ho, an old Zoraï sage, concerning the events in the year 2485 (JY).
Chronicles of the New Beginning - Since 2525 (JY)
Erlan's Chronicles
- Preface to Chronicles
- The Revelation of Tryton, about the first apparition of the Guild of Elias in 2528 (JY).
- The Call from the Powers, about the Temple War in 2530-2531 (JY).
- The Dunes of Aelius, about the Temple War in 2530-2531 (JY).
- Forgotten Places, about the Temple War in 2530-2531 (JY).
- Kitins Stir... Homins! Prepare!
- Spring, when tents blossomed, about the building of the camps in 2546 (JY), AC I.
- Annex to Spring, when tents blossomed, transcripts of the speeches of the leaders.
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
- Ardan Keale, Tryker Entomologist
- A Tryker wedding story, interview of an old Tryker dame, from about 2525 (JY).
- Wirell Aelan, Decent Tryker, interview with a decent tryker about the Temple War, from about 2530 (JY)
- The Traveller returns little before the election of Ailan Mac'Kean, in 2533 (JY).
- Tryker Constitution
- Lady Chiabre's Social Diary, between the assassination of Still Wyler and the election of Ailan Mac'Kean, from about 2533 (JY).
Chronicles of the Burning Desert
- Story of a Young Fyros, the meeting of a Fyros with a Kami, date unknown.
- Ibian Peldix, bark Sculptor, interview with a Fyros bark sculptor, from about 2525 (JY).
- Dexius Apokos, Fyros Genadier, interview from around 2525 (JY).
- Menia Pyron, engaged Fyros, interview of a young engaged Fyros, from about 2525 (JY).
- Interview with Lekos Daraan, tribe chief of the Watchers; interview with a Fyros tribe leader, from about 2525 (JY).
- The Mystery of the Renegades, interview with the leader of the Renegades, a Fyros tribe, from about 2525 (JY).
- Meeting with the new Senator Dios Apotheps, meeting with Dios Apotheps in 25?? (JY).
- A New Face
Chronicles of the Verdant Heights
- An Interview with Cuiccio Perinia, an interview from around 2525 (JY).
- Bebi Cuirinia, royal Embalmer, interview probably done in 2529 (JY).
- Viero, young married matis, interview with a Matis in 2525 (JY).
- To fight to exalt
- Autumn (Lore)
- Foul Fruits
- The Tear
- Melario Estriano, history of a Matis
- The torments of a queen, Correspondence between Tridi Lillo and her son, talking about Queen Lea, made public in 2582.
Chronicles of the Witherings
- Cioi Ba-Nung, Tattooist for Homins, interview from around 2525 (JY).
- A Zorai Wedding, interview of a future-maried Zoraï female, from about 2525 (JY).
- Yi Be-Pian, Old Zoraï of the Company of the Eternal Tree, interview done a short time before the Temple War, about 2529 (JY).
- Unfortunate Night
- Equal to Atys
- The Story of Sian Gai-Lua: A Fateful Hunt, without date, about the memories of a Zoraï.
- Tribes of the Witherings and Goo, cube of amber acquired in 2544 (JY)
- Teleportation Sickness
Trytonist chronicles
- In The Beginning
- A new Seeker of Elias
- Hiaoi, seeker of Elias, interview with Hiaoi, seeker of Elias.
Marauders chronicles
- Stabre Sicco, Marauder Prisoner, very interesting interview about the Marauders...
- The misadventures of Arty Mac Keaggan, about 2530 (JY) during the Temple War.
- Marauder Wedding: "Where Wedding is Synonymous with Challenge", Questions to a future marauder bride, end of 2582.
Chronicles linked to the Temple War
Events evolving in the years 2530-2531 JY.
- Erlan Chronicle: The Call from the Powers, about the Temple War, in 2530-2531 (JY).
- Erlan Chronicle: The Dunes of Aelius, about the Temple War, in 2530-2531 (JY).
- Erlan Chronicle: Forgotten Places, about the Temple War, in 2530-2531 (JY).
- Wirell Aelan, Decent Tryker, interview with a decent tryker, form about 2530 (JY), about the Temple War
- Announcement of the construction of the Karavan Temple
- Fao the Zoraï, about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY).
- Arty Mac Keaggan tells us about the Zora sanctuary, about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY).
- Arty Mac Keaggan tells us about the outlying areas of Zora, about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY).
- Mac Keaggan tells of his meeting in Zora, about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY).
- In Jena's light
Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed
Events evolving in the years AC II 2546 to 25## JY.
- Erlan Chronicle: Spring, when tents blossomed, about the building of the camps, in AC II 2546 JY.
- Annex to Spring, when tents blossomed, transcripts of the speeches of the leaders.
- For a Few Dappers More, about compensating the suppliers, AC II 2546 JY.
Diverse chronicles
- The Shadow Runners, interview with the Shadow Runners, about 2525 (JY).
- The Mektoub Affair, The investigations of Mac'leaffy Roner.
- The Memoirs of Kedgy Be'Cauny, date unkown.
- The Legend of the Blue Ocyx, beautiful legend, date unkown.
- When Jena Comes, poem about the coming of Jena, date unknown.
- A Very Special Drink, the secret of the Anichios Mead, unknown date.
The Circle of Darkness, the meeting between a Tribe Chief and a Homin:
The Kami of the Lost Souls, the adventures of a young Karavaneer in the Nexus:
The Followers, series about the voyage of two families, Tryker and Zoraï, through the Old Lands and their arrival in the New Lands with the refugees, about 2525 (JY):
Anlor Winn Tales
- The Legend of the Ghost Yubo (3rd CA 2575)
Atysmas Tales
- The Gingo Who Ate the Sun (2nd CA 2576)
[развернуть] The Chronicles of Atys
History • Chronicles Overview |
[развернуть] Before the Great Swarming
Fire of Coriolis
The Fever of Discovery • The Siege of Karavia • The Company of Loria • The Youth of Loria • The Assassination of Loria • The Liberation of the Trykers |
[развернуть] Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)
Massacre and flight
A Kitin Story • Monsoon Sunset • My Karavan Guardian • The Kitin Song The return of Hope |
[развернуть] Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
The Secrets of Tryker engineering • A Flyner Escape • The Story of a Young Corsair Chronicles of the Verdant Heights A Little Lore at Bedtime • Ciochini learns of His Heritage • Chrysalis • Screaming Shadows Chronicles of the Witherings Tears of Serenity • The Crying Mektoub • The Stance of Daïsha • Mabreka |
Ryzom - Ризом: Лор • Игра OOC
Атис: Мир Атиса • Флора • Фауна
Нации: Файросы • Матисы • Трайкеры • Зораи
Фракции: Ками • Караван • Мародеры • Рейнджеры • Тритонисты
Энциклопедия: Хроники Атиса • Великая Библиотека • Мистерии OOC
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