
Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-06-11)



План и категории темы

de:Portal Flora/Plan
en:Portal Flora/Plan
es:Portal Flora/Plan
fr:Portail Flore/Plan
ru:Портал Флора/План
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2021-02-10)

Beware Atysians!

Some plants have shown signs of intelligence, finding ways to communicate with other thinking species. From there to knowing if their message is peaceful or malicious, it's up to you to find out...

However, the eight botanical families listed below should help you to find your way through the teeming flora of Atys.


You should also know that all Atys plants that are not (or not only) members of these families are listed in the “pseudo-family” Special plants.

Last version 2021-02-10•

Ico task rite.png

Замечательный Флора Atys

de:Portal Flora/Intro
en:Portal Flora/Intro
es:Portal Flora/Intro
fr:Portail Flore/Intro
ru:Портал Флора/Заголовок
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2021-02-07)

Concept art of a Rotoa tree.

We have two indexes of all the flora that can be found on Atys:

This section lists the flora of Atys as it appears to the laymen homin. Note that many of this 'flora' isn't even really plants, but actually fungi or even immobile animals. But you'd have to dabble in botany a bit before you realise this.
The flora you may run into varies immensely based on the ecosystem of the continent you're in. Only a few plants appear in multiple ecosystems (like the Olansi tree that appears in both desert and lakelands). Thus the flora is classified by ecosystem.

Last version 2021-02-07•

Замечательные страницы

Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Leda, 27.08.2021
Taxonomic Amber
Kingdom Plants
Category Intelligent fungus
Main Ecosystem(s) Forest & Jungle
Counterattack type Shockwave & Electric
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2021-08-27)

Of the family of intelligent plants, the psykopla's short stem is surmounted by a large bulbous head which changes color when pulsating.

It has been said that the psykopla is able to direct psychic waves onto a prey to gain control of its psyche. The victim then becomes devoted to the plant and acts on its behalf in the protection of its surroundings.

This is, however, yet to be proved. The psykopla occurs mainly in forest and jungle regions it being slightly bigger in the latter environment.[1]


In recent years Psykopla Tea has become more popular as its use among the populous of Atys increases. It is not yet known whether this tea any noteworthy effects on the consumer.

Main Details

  • Naturally immune to Fear.
  • High resistance to Acid magic.
  • Partially resistant to slash and piercing damage, as well as Shockwave and Electric magic.

Valued Resources

Psykoplas can be quartered for:


Exceptional Specimens


  • Level: 120
  • Type: Boss
  • Grade of Materials: Supreme
  • Location: Fleeting Garden



Hierarchy of Species

Level Name
224 Rattled Psykopla
178 Rattling Psykopla
168 Prickly Psykopla
159 Unpredictable Psykopla
149 Vile Psykopla
137 Noxious Psykopla
127 Rooting Psykopla
117 Stalking Psykopla
107 Parched Psykopla
93 Famished Psykopla
81 Dehydrated Psykopla
71 Blooming Psykopla
60 Robust Psykopla
42 Budding Psykopla
31 Minor Psykopla
20 Drowsy Psykopla
9 Sluggish Psykopla

Contaminated Specimens

In recent years, Psykopla infected by the Goo have been seen in the Witherings.

Level Name
149 Pustulous Psykopla

Last version 2021-08-27•

Spe labs.png
Все тематические порталы энциклопедии (Вики от Ryzom)

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