Портал:Гейм/Gameplay — различия между версиями

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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(не показано 15 промежуточных версий 2 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
|bg_Tab-1=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}})
|Tab-2={{3DText|text='''''Gameplay'' '''}}
|bg_Tab-2=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}},#{{ColorAtys|type=light|group=Amber}})
|Tab-3={{3DText|text='''''Roleplay'' '''}}
|bg_Tab-3=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #{{ColorAtys|type=light|group=Amber}},#{{ColorAtys|type=def|group=Amber}})
|URL-4= Портал:Гейм/кодекс
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|Tab-7={{3DText|text='''Небольшой глоссарий'''}}
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Строка 29: Строка 40:
|memo= Voir les ⧐ NOM ∇ de portails dans [[Atys :Ryzom Wiki Categories v Portals]]
[[File:Ryzom logo.png|center]]
[[File:Ryzom logo.png|center]]
<div style="text-align:center;">
<div style="text-align:center;">
{{3DText|3D=outset|text=<span style="font-size:large;font-variant: small-caps;font-weight: bold;">'''''Portal of the Game Ryzom'''''</span>}}
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File: xxx.jpg
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Портал геймплея'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DText|3D=outset|text='''Actually we have {{Number of pages}} about the Game'''}}
<!--{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big>'''[[:Kategorie: Gameplay|Alle entsprechenden Artikel hier...ᐒᐁᐘ]]'''</big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big>'''[[:Category: Gameplay|All related articles here...ᐒᐁᐘ]]'''</big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big>'''[[:Categoría: Gameplay|Todos los artículos correspondientes se pueden encontrar aquí...ᐒᐁᐘ]]'''</big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big>'''[[:Catégorie: Gameplay|Tous les articles correspondants ici...ᐒᐁᐘ]]'''</big>}}-->
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big>'''[[:Категория: Геймплей|Все соответствующие статьи здесь ... ᐒᐁᐘ]]'''</big>}}
HERE SUBMENU if any -->
|Tab-1={{3DText|text='''Прежде всего'''}}
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<!-- END SUBMENU if any-->
================== PLAN / CATEGORIES
================== План и / или категории
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Plan und Kategorien des Themas'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Theme plan and categories'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Plan temático y categorías'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Plan et catégories du thème'''}}-->
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''План и категории темы'''}}
<!-- |content={{:Portal Spiel/Plan}}
|content={{:Portal Gameplay/Plan}}
|content={{:Portal Gameplay/Plan}}
|content= {{:Portail Gameplay/Plan}}-->
|content={{:Портал Gameplay/План}}
============== В ГОЛОВЕ  - ЗАГОЛОВОК (intro)
============== MEMBRETE
============== HEADER/SUMMARY
============== IM KOPF
|title= {{3DText|text=<big><big><big>'''Добро пожаловать!'''</big></big></big>}}
<!-- |content={{:Portal Spiel/Intro}}
|content={{:Portal Gameplay/Intro}}
|content={{:Portal Gameplay/Intro}}
|content= {{:Portail Gameplay/Intro}}-->
|content={{:Портал Гейм/Заголовок}}
<div style="text-align:center;"><br/>
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Empfohlener Artikel'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Featured article'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Pagina destacada'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Lumière sur …'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Замечательные страницы'''</big></big></big>}}-->
<!--{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Allgemeine übersicht'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''General presentation'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Presentación General'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Présentation générale'''</big></big></big>}}-->
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Общий обзор'''</big></big></big>}}
<!--{{:Empfohlener Artikel/Gameplay/Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
{{:Empfohlener Artikel/Gameplay/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
{{:Portal Gameplay/Presentation}}-->
<!--{{:Featured article/Gameplay/Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
{{:Featured article/Gameplay/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
{{:Portal Gameplay/Presentation}}-->
<!--{{:Pagina destacada/Gameplay/Semana/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
{{:Pagina destacada/Gameplay/Mes/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
{{:Portal Gameplay/Presentation}}-->
<!--{{:Lumière sur/Gameplay/Semaine/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
{{:Lumière sur/Gameplay/Mois/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
{{:Portail Gameplay/Presentation}}-->
<!--{{:Избранная статья/Гейм/Неделя/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
{{:Избранная статья/Гейм/Месяц/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
{{:Портал Гейм/Presentation}}-->
{{:en:Portal Gameplay/Presentation}}
============== Empfohlener Artikel
============== Artículo destacado
============== Featured article
============== Lumière sur
============== СТАТЬИ ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ (Lumière sur/Spotlight on)
•••••••••••••••••••• TO BE READ, VERY IMPORTANT
In each of the three main panels we can display:
— either a FIXED TEXT, unchanging from one day to the next.
    Incorporated into the portal via the {{ContentBox}} template, this text can be:
      • written directly in the portal. Example: the text ”*'''[[Alinea]]''' - a needle-bearing tree, often comes [...] according to variety.“ constantly displayed in the right panel — see below — of the present portal.
      • the complete reproduction of an article composed especially for the portal. Example: the same article [[:Myths Flora]] displayed constantly, by the inclusion {{:Myths Flora}}), in the same panel.
      • created by adapting an official article (validated by the lorists) to the dimensions of the portal (by truncating it with the insertion of a "Read more about it…" (template {{Read more}}), by resizing the pictures it contains; in order to simplify its management, all these articles intended to be adapted for display in a portal are named "Portal [portal name]/[article subject]". Example: the same beginning of the article [[Portal Flora/Intro]] displayed continuously, by the inclusion {{:Portal Flora/Intro}}, in the header panel — see above — of the present portal.
{| style="margin-top:10px; background:none;width:100%;"
— or (that's "smarter"!) a DIFFERENT TEXT EVERY DAY.
| style="width:100%; border:medium outset #{{ColorAtys|type=dark}}; vertical-align:top; padding: 0px 10px 10px 0px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius:10px;background:#{{ColorAtys|type=light}};color:#{{ColorAtys||type=fg}}" |
    Representative of the articles gathered by the portal, and also incorporated by using {{ContentBox}}, it is based on an article:
  {| cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:transparent;"
      • named [[Featured article/[portal name]/[Month] or[Week]/[date] or [day of the week]]];
  ! {{ContentBox
      • classified in the hidden category [[Category:Featured article/[portal name]]], itself classified in the hidden category [[Category:Model:Portal]];
  |title   = {{3DText|text=Основные порталы Ryzom Wiki}}
      • and included in the panel by {{:Featured article/[portal name]/Week/{{{CURRENTDOW}}}, or by "{{:Featured article/[portal name]/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}.
  |image   = Spe labs.png
    It's about, finally:
  |content = {{Ryzom portals}}
      • either the pure and simple copy of an article thanks to a redirection. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flora/Month/12}} of article [[Featured article/Flora/Month/12]] — worded as follows: Direct #redirect [[Pocea]] [[Category:Featured article/Flora]] — will display the article [[Pocea]] in the left panel - see FEATURED ARTICLE above - of the present portal.
      • or an article written expressly and updated regularly so that a particular announcement concerning the portal is periodically displayed. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flore/Month/01}} of article [[Featured article/Flore/Month/01]] written accordingly could display in the same panel the number of articles added to the present portal during the past month.
============== UNTEN AUF DER SEITE
============== BOTTOM
============== BAJO DE PAGINA
============== BAS DE PAGE
============== НИЖНИЙ КОЛОНТИТУЛ
-->{{clear}}{{Portal bottom|OOC}}<!--
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center;">
<!--{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=OOC|text=<big><big><big>'''''Ausklappen'' Sie für zusätzliche Forschungs- und Arbeitsnotizen'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=OOC|text=<big><big><big>'''''Expand'' for additional research and work notes'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=OOC|text=<big><big><big>'''''Expandir'' para notas adicionales de investigación y trabajo'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=OOC|text=<big><big><big>'''Notes complémentaires de recherche et de travail affichable à volonté'''</big></big></big>}}-->
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=OOC|text=<big><big><big>'''Дополнительные примечания и отображаемых на волю'''</big></big></big>}}
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
================== ИНФОРМАЦИЮ
================== NOTES
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notizen'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notas varias'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notes diverses'''}}
<!-- |content={{:Portal Spiel/Notes}}
|content={{:Portal Game/Notes}}
|content={{:Portal Juego/Notes}}
|content= {{:Portail Jeu/Notes}}-->
|content={{:Портал Гейм/Данные}}
|palette= OOC
================== 2DO
================== Задачи (2do)
|image  = Script_edit.png
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=xyz|3D=inset|text=Zu tun}}
|title={{3DText|group=xyz|3D=inset|text=To do}}
|title={{3DText|group=|3D=inset|text=Cosas que hacer}}
|title={{3DText|group=|3D=inset|text=À faire}}-->
<!-- |content={{:Portal Spiel/2do}}
|content={{:Portal Game/2do}}
|content={{:Portal Juego/2do}}
|content= {{:Portail Jeu/2do}}-->
|content={{:Портал Гейм/Задачи}}
|palette= OOC
================== ARCHIVES / CATEGORIES
|image= Spe_inventory.png
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Archiv/Kategorien'''}}
<!-- |content={{:Portal Spiel/Archives}}
|content={{:Portal Game/Archives}}
|content={{:Portal Juego/Archives}}
|content= {{:Portail Jeu/Archives}}-->
|content={{:Портал Гейм/Архивы}}
|palette= OOC
================== MORE INFO
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Weitere'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''More to know'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Más info'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Complément infos'''}}-->
<!-- |content={{:Portal Spiel/More}}
|content={{:Portal Game/More}}
|content={{:Portal Juego/More}}
  |content= {{:Portail Jeu/More}}-->
|content={{:Портал Гейм/Примечания}}
|palette= OOC

Текущая версия на 13:06, 1 мая 2022

Ryzom Gameplay  Roleplay  кодекс Сообщество Forge Небольшой глоссарий

Перевод на рецензирование
Не вините вкладчиков, но приходите и помогите им 😎

Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-05-01)

Ryzom logo.png

Прежде всего Бороться Мэги Pемесленничество Бурение

План и категории темы

Here is a non-exhaustive list of topics in addition to those referenced in the tabs above dedicated to the player's specialties: Бороться, Pемесленничество, Бурение et Мэги‎.

  • How to evolve your character?
►by completing Миссии‎ that you will be able to exercise thanks to many Неигровых персонажей who will give you en:dappers to buy your apartment or play the Колесо Фортуны.
►by learning and practicing very rewarding профессии(EN).
►finally, by discovering all the Инструменты и ресурсы(EN) of Atys as well as the great summary of your victories: the Энциклопедия. (Not to be confused with the EncyclopAtys, one of the facets of this Wiki)
►and all this, starting wisely on Силан(Silan), because afterwards... You will need to be prepared when you travel everywhere to discover Atys thanks to телепорт и другие средства передвижения(EN).
  • How to get by with all the tools at your disposal?
►with tutorials(FR), most of them written by the players themselves, like the en:Chat and its Специальные команды.
►and all the little Apps made available to you to improve the mastery of the game.
  • Finally, check out the behind the scenes of the game.
►and first of all who can help you? The Support Team
►with whom to share and contribute? The ‎Ryzom Team
  • And for the curious,
►check out the Game Updates‎(FR) which are not only fixes, but also contain a lot of innovations.
Последняя версия 2022-04-18•
Ico task rite.png

Добро пожаловать!

Ризом (Ryzom*), игра

Этот портал предназначен для предоставления руководства по правилам сообщества и ролевым играм, техническим пособиям, информации о развитии, анимации и их волонтерстве, управлении и участии в этой Вики...

Нажмите на вкладку Темы, которую вы хотите открыть или углубить!

Последняя версия 2022-03-23•

Общий обзор

de:Portal Gameplay/Presentation
en:Portal Gameplay/Presentation
es:Portal Gameplay/Presentation
fr:Portail Gameplay/Presentation
ru:Портал Gameplay/Presentation
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-04-18)


Before you jump in...

There is no general level in Ryzom. Your level (more precisely, of the character you are playing) in each of the skills is displayed in the ACTIONS window (B key by default). When someone asks you about your level, it is the level of your character in the skill used or discussed.

There are no classes, no restrictions, at Ryzom! Any character can acquire and use any, or all, of the skills available in the game. None of the Atys races have an advantage in any of these abilities, except from the point of view of role-playing. Your character's race does not affect your gameplay in any way.

Welcome to Silan!

Last version 2022-04-18•

Spe labs.png
Все тематические порталы энциклопедии (Вики от Ryzom)

  Дополнительные примечания и отображаемых на волю  

Rz ryzom logo.png The first episode of the Ryzom Saga takes place on the living planet Атис, on the borders of the universe, where four civilizations try to heal the wounds of an apocalyptic tragedy.

Three generations ago, the great civilizations of Atys perished during the Великий Рой under the attack of the hordes of Китин, sweeping the underground galleries and marking the beginning of war and then genocide. Much knowledge was lost during this leak, but now is the time to appropriate your inheritance again !

Join the forces with thousands of other homins, masters of art of magic, war, craft and digging to build your people's destiny again!

Последняя версия 2020-12-25•
Script edit.png


Collaborative Project:Ryzom Forge

"The wealth of Ryzom resides in what the players and those who love it can bring to it. For this to happen, we must give them the means and opportunity."

This sentence sums up by itself the essence of the project : to expand the Power to Players beyond the single Role-play and finally give the Ryzom community means to act on the game itself.
Последняя версия 2020-12-25•
Spe inventory.png




Ryzom is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by the independent French studio Nevrax. The game launched in September 2004 under the name The Saga of Ryzom and received little attention at the time. In August 2006, the name was simplified to Ryzom for marketing purposes. Ryzom is labeled as Science-Fantasy by the creators due to storyline elements that are typically found in both science fiction and fantasy genres. The game's engine, NeL, was created by Nevrax and licensed under the GPL. NeL is currently open source and allows anyone to add to it.

The game earned the Best Story award at MMORPG.COM's 2005 Reader's Choice Awards. Allowing players complete control over everything they do is something not many Online games can quote. Players are not trapped in the "one class only" situation that most MMO's nowadays place them in. Ryzom gives the player the option to learn every single skill in the game, or concentrate on whichever they prefer, for as long as you want; or indeed to what depth you prefer.

Recently Which Gate, the current owners, made a Feedback feedback site. The feedback site is proving incredibly useful, giving players the power to choose what they like and dislike and what should get higher priority in being implemented. Winch Gate is showing that with a little time and focus, much can be achieved. Indeed since the departure of Game Forge France, the game has gone from strength to strength, utilising the feedback from players, and the consistant help from the CS Departments.

Now, you can join us!

Последняя версия 2020-12-25•