Портал:Хроники/2525 - 2562 — различия между версиями
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Текущая версия на 14:14, 21 февраля 2022
Хроники Атиса | До 2480 | 2481 - 2484 | 2485 - 2525 | 2525 - 2562 | С года 2562 |
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Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-02-21)
Хроники после Великого Роя
между 2525 и 2562 годами, на Новых Землях

Theme plan and categories
Categories that touch on several countries, mostly only in French:
- fr:catégorie:Chroniques de la Guerre des temples
- en:Category:Spring, when tents blossomed
- fr:catégorie:Chroniques liées à Les Larmes de l’Empereur
- fr:catégorie:Chroniques Villes de cendre
- fr:catégorie:Chroniques Trytonnistes
- fr:Catégorie:Chroniques Maraudeurs
- fr:catégorie:Chroniques d'Erlan
- fr:catégorie:Mariage
Chronicles of en:Aeden Aqueous
- en:Ardan Keale, Tryker Entomologist, questionnaire submitted to Ardan Keale on his research on kitins, circa 2525.
- A Tryker marriage story(FR), questionnaire submitted to a tryker master of ceremonies, circa 2525.
- Wirell Aelan, Honest Tryker(FR), a questionnaire submitted to an honest tryker, circa 2530, concerns the Temple War.
- en:Tales of Fao the Zoraï, Fao tells us about the activities of the Karavan, about the War of the Temples 2530-2531 .
- The misadventure of Arty Mac Keaggan(FR), in 2531 during the Temple War.
- Under the bark, the Sap(FR), around the 3rd CA of 2535 .
- en:The Traveller returns, shortly before the election of Denen Toen, in 2533.
- Constitution Tryker(FR), shortly before the election of Denen Toen, in 2533.
- en:Lady Chiabre's Social Diary, between the assassination of Still Wyller and the election of Denen Toen.
- Unconscious people in bundles(FR), a testimony of a privateer who participated in the expedition organized by Ba'nakry Codgan, in 2546 CA II.
- And for a few more dappers(FR), about the reward set up for suppliers in 2546 CA II.
- The Mud Wind melee(FR), testimony of a member of the tribe of Vase Sculptors, 2546 CA II.
- The Mektoub case(FR), a chronicle telling how the famous case was solved.
- Summit of the Four Peoples(FR), the signing of the Treaty for the Balance of the Atysian Nations of the New Lands, at Fairhaven in 2559 CA II.
Chronicles of en:Burning Desert
- en:Story of a Young Fyros, meeting of a fyros with a kami, unknown dates
- Ibian Pledix, Bark carver(FR), , questionnaire submitted to a fyros bark carver around 2525.
- Dexius Apokos, Fyros Artilleryman(FR), submitted questionnaire to a fyros artilleryman around 2525 .
- Menla Pyron, fiancée Fyros(FR), questionnaire submitted to a bride-to-be Fyros, around 2525 .
- en:Interview with Lekos Daraan, Lekos Daraan, was submitted to a fyros tribal chief around 2525.
- en:The Mystery of the Renegades, submitted to Xan Zessen, Captain of Dyron, and Abytheus Apocaps, Leader of the guards of Pyr, around 2525.
- en:The Legend of the Blue Ocyx, The legend of the Blue Ocyx, beautiful legend, unknown dates.
- Stealth attack(FR), battle against the Frahars, date unknown.
- en:Stabre Sicco, Marauder Prisoner, very interesting questionnaire on marauders, end of 2531 .
- en:Meeting with the new Senator Dios Apotheps, meeting with Dios Apotheps during his nomination to the rank of Senator fyros, in 25?? .
- en:A Very Special Drink, the secrets of the Marquisette of Anichio, unknown dates.
- A New Face(FR), memoirs of the Emperor Dexton addressed to his only son Lykos, I CA 2539 .
- en:Kitin stir... Homins ! Prepare !, about the kitin movements of 2544 CA III.
- Varinx in ambush(FR), extract from a letter addressed to Melkiar the Black Varinx, dating from 2546 CA II.
- Sawdust powder(FR), story of a fyros disappeared during the construction of Military Camps, III CA 2546 .
- The Revelations of Epus(FR), extract from his diary, containing sad truths about the health of the Emperor Dexton from 2548 to 2551.
- On fyren i an sharük ansum(FR), extract from a chapter of the excellent work “Days in the Senate, nights at the baths, Pyr the Burning”, dating from 2551 CA IV.
- Nobody, for the sheet!(FR), extract from a correspondence found in Yrkanis around the year 2552 .
- The Emperor's Healing(FR), extract from the diary of Epus, December 3, 2555 .
- Notebook of a Fyros soldier(FR), page of a patrol report, 4, 2555 .
- The price of blood(FR), the battle of Thesos told by a military matis.
- End-of-war award(FR), Announcement revealing the Emperor's gratitude to his patriots, 2557
- The attack of Thesos by Akilia and her Marauders(FR), the beginning of a series of attacks by the marauders against the empire
- The fall of Pyr(FR), Taken from the city by the marauders
Chronicles of en:Witherings
- en:Cioi Ba-Nung, Tattooist for Homins Cioi Ba-Nung, a tattoo artist for hominins dating from around the year 2525.
- Rencontre avec une jeune fille aux fleurs(FR), Meeting with a young flower girl, questionnaire about a future Zoraï bride, dating from around 2525.
- en:The Shadow Runners: An interview, questionnaire submitted to traffickers, circa 2525 .
- en:The Circle of Darkness, the story of a meeting between the leader of a tribe and a homin
- en:Yi Be-Pian, Old Zoraï of the Company of the Eternal Tree, questionnaire dating from shortly before the Temple War, around 2529 .
- The stories of Arty Mac Keaggan(FR), about the Temple War 2530-2531.
- Unfortunate Night(FR), chronicle written by a Zorai scribe in 2536.
- Similar to Atys(FR), chronicle extracted from the Notebooks of Wan Fai Du, in the 4th CA of 2539.
- en:The Story of Sian Gai-Lua: A Fateful Hunt, without date, relating the memories of a Zorai.
- en:Tribes of the Witherings and Goo, amber cube obtained in 2544 by the Initiates Zorai, and handed over to Yi Shin by Wan Fai Du, disciple of the Wise Torment.
- Violet threats(FR), excerpts from a notebook by Wan Fai-Du on the events of CA II of 2546.
- en:The Arcanas of Coriolis (or the History of the Great Dragon Cult), amber cube created in Jen-Lai in 2533, it was restored in 2597 on the occasion of the academic summit of Pyr.
Chronicles of en:Verdant Heights
- Cuiccio Perinia, Matis botanist and historian(FR), questionnaire submitted to the royal botanist dating from 2525.
- Bebi Cuirinia, Royal Embalmer, questionnaire probably dating from 2529.
- Viero, newlywed matis(FR), questionnaire submitted to a newlywed matis, from 2525.
- Fighting to win(FR), chronic is one of the main character traits matis.
- Autumn (Matis chronicle)(FR), chronicle recounting the declaration of war of Akilia Ashstorm to the Matis people, during the III CA 2539.
- Rotten Fruit(FR), chronicle recounting the awareness of King Yrkanis vis-à-vis the refugees of the Great Swarm, running from the III CA 2539.
- The Blade(FR), chronicling a side of Yrkanis, seen by Rodi di Varello.
- The Evil at the Root(FR), extract from the Memoirs of the Royal Botanist and Historian Cuiccio Perinia, IVeme CA 2543.
- Melario Estriano story of a Matis(FR), story of a young refugee matis arriving in Yrkanis, around 2545.
- The silence of corruption(FR), story of a matis drill participating in the construction sites, 2546 CA II.
- When the enemy sèves mingle(FR), discovery of the beginning of a Kitine invasion by two enemy homins, according to the diary of Ebakus Lokeus, II CA of 2546.
- Wings of Sap(FR), extract from a personal notebook of Cuiccio Perinia concerning the exit of King Yrkanis in 2546 CA II.
- Blooming Period(FR), Prince Stevanao reaches the age of reason
- The Storm Sower(FR), extracted from a work by Miagio Rosipi, Royal Scribe, transcribing the exact words of the ultimatum of Yrkanis to Lykos, dating from 2554 CA III.
- Royal Prayer(FR), excerpt from the memoirs of Duke Rodi di Varello
- Hymn of the close guard of the Karan(FR), extract from a songbook, 3 DEC 2555.
- Chronicles of V.M.(FR), testimonies transcribed by V.M., year unknown.
- Leaflet of a worried matis(FR), leaflets slipped one night under the doors of the apartments and halls matis, 2559.
Chronicles of en:Atys
Chronicles that are not related to a particular country.
- en:The Followers, a series that traces the journey of two families, tryker and zorai, on the Ancient Lands, around 2525.
- en:Revelation of Tryton, about the first appearances of the Guild of Elias, around 2528.
- At the begining(FR), excerpts from the ”memoirs" of Cunning Gibbai, impossible to date.
- A new researcher of Elias(FR), excerpts from the ”memoirs" of Cunning Gibbai, impossible to date.
- Hiaoi, Elias Researcher, questionnaire submitted to Hiaoi, Elias researcher.
- Memoirs of Kedgy Be'cauny, dates unknown.
- en:The Call from the Powers, about the Temple War 2530-2531.
- en:The Dunes of Aelius, about the Temple War 2530-2531.
- en:Forgotten Places, about the Temple War 2530-2531.
- Announcement of the construction of the Karavan Temples(FR), about the Temple War 2530-2531.
- In the light of Jena(FR), A story of the battle of a tribe of the Karavan against the followers of the Kami.
- When Jena Will Come(FR), poem for the coming of Jena, unknown dates.
- An ancient conflict(FR), battle against the primitives.
- Bloody Twilight(FR), recovery of an artifact to the Nexus.
- en:The Kami of the Lost Souls, the adventures of a Young Karavaniere in the Nexus.
- Red for our armor(FR), about the events that happened in 2539.
- en:Spring, when tents blossomed, about the construction of outposts in 2546 CA II.
- en:Spring, when tents blossomed/Annex, four sheets transcribing the speeches of the Emperor, the King, the Governor and the Great Sage.
- LPOLTF Files(FR)
- One-on-one with a Marauder(FR), a traveling storyteller shares his conversation with a Marauder from the New Lands, at the 3rd CA 2558.
- Cities of ash(FR), mobilizations of nations against the marauder threat, 2nd CA 2559.
- Homins vs. Kitins(FR), brief notes on the organization of homins, in the run-up to what was to be the second swarm, 2562.
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