Портал:Портал — различия между версиями

Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{RyzomBanner|logo=UnderConstruction.png|group=Alert|title={{3DText|group=|text=Use of this portal as model of portals}}
{{3DText|3D=outset|group=|text=<span style="font-size:x-large;font-variant: small-caps;font-weight: bold;">'''You should not delete or alter this page that needs to be copied to create portals'''</span>}}
|bg_Tab-1=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}})
{{3DText|3D=outset|group=|text=<span style="font-size:x-large;font-variant: small-caps;font-weight: bold;">'''''How to use'''''</span>}}
<div style="text-align:left; margin:1em;">'''To create a portal:'''
|Tab-2={{3DText|text='''Ризом, Игра'''}}
* copy and paste this model into the new one to create. Do not forget to delete this preview in your new portal :)
* adjust tab names for the portal needs.
|bg_Tab-2=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}},#{{ColorAtys|type=light|group=Amber}})
* adapt the color theme ([[: template: ColorAtys|ColorAtys]]) (there are some exceptions like in [[Портал:Великая Библиотека]])
* modify the content of the 7 inserts adapting them to your needs (in this example, they contain information on the management of the portals). The content can have 3 forms:
** nothing. You do not have to delete the lines, it is better to put them in comments (<code><nowiki><!-- ... --></nowiki></code>), thinking about the successors.
** text written directly behind <code>content=</code>. Avoid this mode, as this makes the portal more difficult to maintain. A wiki is intended primarily for writers, not "computer scientists".
** '''preferably to facilitate the maintenance of the content of the portals''', it is better to use a [[:en:help:Transclusion |transclusion]] this way: <code><nowiki>{{:Избранная статья/PortalName}}</nowiki></code>.
*** to decorate with different contents each day of the week:<code><nowiki>{{:Избранная статья/PortalName/Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}</nowiki></code>
*** or every day of the month  <code><nowiki>{{:Избранная статья/PortalName/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}</nowiki></code>
* For the management of all portals, you can take a look at the summary: [[Категоризация]] or o [[Atys :Ryzom Wiki Categories v Portals]]
* For the management of the bricks of the Ryzom portals, you can examine below the organization of the categories of the templates and pages of the portals (Category: portals⇒Category: template:Portal⇒category: featured page⇒etc.)
'''Attention to translations and differences between sites'''.
|Tab-3={{3DText|text='''Знаний ''(Lore)'' '''}}
|bg_Tab-3=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #{{ColorAtys|type=light|group=Amber}},#{{ColorAtys|type=def|group=Amber}})
As a rule, the "computer" tool is written in English, but for historical or typographical reasons there are certain exceptions.</div>
|Tab-4={{3DText|text='''Атис, планета'''}}
<!--======================================= HERE THE PORTAL ITSELF BEGINS ===============================-->
|bg_Tab-4=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #{{ColorAtys|type=def|group=Amber}},#{{ColorAtys|type=def|group=Amber}})
|bord=2px solid #{{ColorAtys|type=dark}}
|Tab-1={{3DText|text='''Portal name'''}}
|Tab-5={{3DText|text='''Наций и организаций'''}}
|bg_Tab-5=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right,#{{ColorAtys|type=def|group=Amber}}, #{{ColorAtys|type=light|group=Amber}})
|bg_Tab-6=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right,#{{ColorAtys|type=light|group=Amber}}, #{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}})
|Tab-7={{3DText|group=OOC|text='''Великая Библиотека'''}}
|URL-7=Portal:The Great Library
|bg_Tab-7=#{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}};background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #{{ColorAtys|type=bg|group=Amber}}, #fff)
|bord=2px solid #{{ColorAtys|type=dark}}
Строка 63: Строка 39:
-->[[Image:Rz banner 01.jpg|center]]<!-- file:to_be_changed
--><div style="text-align:center;">
[[File:Ryzom logo.png|300px|left]]
{{3DText|3D=outset|text=<span style="font-size:large;font-variant: small-caps;font-weight: bold;">TITLE</span>}}
<div style="text-align:center;">
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Welcome to the EncyclopAtys!'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big>'''The wiki of all players and contributors of'''</big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Ryzom, the Game'''</big></big></big>}}
|title='''[[Portal:Game/Roleplay|The Roleplay⧐]]'''
|content='''Immerse yourself in the world of Atys'''
;[[Portail: Lore|The ''Lore'']]: cultural heritage, defining the framework of the "oficial" role-playing.
;[[Portail:The Great Library|The Great Library]]: A joint work on all topics written by everyone, those who play and those who lock themselves in the ''engine room'' of Ryzom: [[Portal:Game/Roleplay|geography]], [[Portal:The Great Library/History|history]], [[Portal:The Great Library/Sciences|sciences]], [[Portal:The Great Library/Literature|literature]]...
:As well as specific topics such as: [[ecosystems|ecosystems]], [[Portal:Atys/Races|races]], [[Portal:Atys/Tribes|tribes]], [[Portal:Civilization|nations and organizations]], [[Portal:Factions|factions and religions]]...
;[[Portal:Game/Glossary|Glossary]]: [[Glossary of RP Terms|Glossary of RP Terms]]
: [[:Category:Glossary|Collection of small glossaries]]
[[File:Matis batiment.gif|180px|center]]
And for the most curious: the archives: [[Portal:X-files/Archives]]
|title='''[[Portal:Game/Gameplay|The gameplay⧐]]'''
|content=[[File:Arme Matis.png|80px|right]]To find out how to play: fight, make magic, collect raw material and craft items.
;'''<span style="font-family: fantasy, cursive;">Follow the guide!</span>'''
:To begin with, '''the [[User Manual|Ryzom Manual]]'''. Follow these simple step-by-step instructions to become a master.<br/>
And all that, in automatic adventures or created and organized by the animation team.<br/>
;At the beginning: Your first steps will take you to Silan. '''[[Silan Guide|Your learning will begin here]].<br/>
;Read [[Portal:Game/Community|the Ryzom Code of Conduct]]: There is no synergy without common rules.<br/>
;The latest version of the endless story: [[Storyline]]<br/>
;FAQ: General questions and answers about the game and the account, to [[New Billing Service|the billing service]]<br/>
|content=[[File:Ban 160-600 3-b.jpg|80px|right]]'''<span style="font-family: fantasy, cursive;">Become a BLACKSMITH!</span>'''
;[[Portal:Forge |Ryzom Forge Portal]]:
: [[:Category:Ryzom Team|'''The Ryzom Team''']]
: '''[[Forge Portal/Projects|The Project]]'''
: '''[[Forge Portal/Tools|The Tools]]''':
; [[Category: Tutorials|And other tutorials]]: these will help you understand the basics of the game.
; History of patches: [[:Category:Updates]]
: [[Ryzom API]] documents...
; How to join the team: [[User:Tamarea|'''<span style="font-family: fantasy, cursive;">Tamarea</span>''']], Project manager
<div style="text-align:center;">
{{3DText|3D=shadow|group=tryker|text='''Ryzom is cute!''' }}[[File:CuteRender transparentbg.png|200px||link=|alt=|Yes, Ryzom is really cute!]]
{{3DText|3D=shadow|text=<big>'''Do you want to discover more about the world of Ryzom?'''</big>}}
{{In Category
In this case, take a walk through the various topics offered on the {{3DText|text='''main portals of the Ryzom Wiki, the EncyclopAtys.'''}} shown in the cartridge below and which you will often find elsewhere at the bottom of the various portals.
|Portal:Portal/Ähnliche Artikel
{{clear}}{{Portal bottom|Amber}}
|Portal:Portal/Related articles
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center;">
|Portal:Portal/Related articles
<!--{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=Amber|text=<big><big><big>'''''Ausklappen'' Sie für zusätzliche Forschungs- und Arbeitsnotizen'''</big></big></big>}}
|Portail:Portail/Articles liés-->
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=Amber|text=<big><big><big>'''''Expand'' for additional research and work notes'''</big></big></big>}}-->
|Портал:Портал/Связанные статьи
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=Amber|text=<big><big><big>'''''Expandir'' para notas adicionales de investigación y trabajo'''</big></big></big>}}
<!--{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=Amber|text=<big><big><big>'''Notes complémentaires de recherche et de travail affichable à volonté'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=Amber|text=<big><big><big>'''Дополнительные примечания и отображаемых на волю'''</big></big></big>}}-->
============== IM KOPF
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
============== HEADER
============== MEMBRETE
================== TOP
============== EN-TÊTE
============== В ГОЛОВЕ  - ЗАГОЛОВОК (intro)
|title= {{3DText|text='''INTRO'''}}
|image= R2_scenario_admin.png<!--
|content={{:Portal Portal/Intro}}
|content={{:Portail Portail/Intro}}-->
|content={{:Портал Портал/Заголовок}}
============== AUF DER RECHTEN SEITE
============== RIGHT
============== Правая колонка. (right column)
================== NOTES
================== ИНФОРМАЦИЮ
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notizen'''}}
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notas varias'''}}
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notas varias'''}}
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notes diverses'''}}-->
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notes diverses'''}}
  |content={{:Portal Portal/TOP}}
  |content={{:Portal Portal/Notes}}
<!-- |content= {{:Portail Portail/TOP}}
|content={{:Portail Portail/Notes}}-->
  |content={{:Портал Портал/TOP}}-->
  |content={{:Портал Портал/Данные}}
|palette= OOC
================== PLAN / CATEGORIES
================== 1/3 Right
================== План и / или категории
  |image   = Script_edit.png
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Weitere'''}}-->
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''More to know'''}}
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Plan del tema'''}}
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Más info'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Plan du thème'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|3D=inset|text=Et plus encore...}}
  |content={{:Portal Portal/Right}}
  |content={{:Portal Portal/Plan}}
<!-- |content= {{:Portail Portail/Right}}
|content={{:Portail Portail/Plan}}-->
  |content={{:Portal Portal/Right}}-->
  |content={{:Портал Портал/План}}
|palette= OOC
================== Архивы и / или категории
================== 1/3 Left
================== ARCHIVES / CATEGORIES
  |image= Spe_inventory.png
  |image= Spe_inventory.png<!--
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Mehrsprachig'''}}-->
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Políglota'''}}
  |content={{:Portal Portal/Left}}
<!-- |content= {{:Portail Portail/Left}}
  |content={{:Portal Portal/Archives}}
  |content={{:Портал Портал/Left}}-->
|content={{:Portail Portail/Archives}}-->
|palette= OOC
  |content={{:Портал Портал/Архивы}}
================== MORE INFO
================== 1/3 Center
================== ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ
Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''[[Portal:Die Große Bibliothek|Das Große Biblio der Spieler]]'''}}-->
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''More to know'''}}
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''[[Portal:The Great Library|The Great Library of Players]]'''}}
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Más info'''}}
<!-- |title={{3DText|group=|text='''[[Portal:La Gran Biblioteca|La Gran Biblioteca de los jugadores]]'''}}
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''Complément infos'''}}-->
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''[[Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque|La Grande Biblio des joueurs''']]}}
  |title={{3DText|group=|text='''[[Портал:Великая Библиотека|Великая Библия игроков]]'''}}-->
  |content={{:Portal Portal/Center}}
  |content={{:Portal Portal/More}}
<!-- |content= {{:Portail Portail/Center}}
|content={{:Portail Portail/More}}-->
  |content={{:Портал Портал/Center}}-->
  |content={{:Портал Портал/Примечания}}
  |palette= OOC
================== 2DO
================== Задачи (2do)
|image  = Script_edit.png
|title={{3DText|group=xyz|3D=inset|text=Zu tun}}<!--
|title={{3DText|group=xyz|3D=inset|text=To do}}
|title={{3DText|group=|3D=inset|text=Cosas que hacer}}
|title={{3DText|group=|3D=inset|text=À faire}}
|content={{:Portal Portal/2do}}
  |content={{:Portail Portail/2do}}-->
|content={{:Портал Портал/Задачи}}
============== end RIGHT
============== Конец правой колонны (End of right col. )
============== Empfohlener Artikel
============== Artículo destacado
============== Featured article
============== Lumière sur
============== СТАТЬИ ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ (Lumière sur/Spotlight on)
|image= Zor emblem.png<!-- File by default, to_be_changed if needed-->
|title={{3DText|3D=inset|text=Empfohlener Artikel}}<!--
|title={{3DText|3D=inset|text=Spotlight on}}
|title={{3DText|3D=inset|text=Artículo destacado}}
|title={{3DText|3D=inset|text=Lumière sur}}
|title={{3DText|3D=inset|text=Замечательные страницы…}}-->
|content={{:Empfohlener Artikel/GBA/.../Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
|content={{:Spotlight on/GBA/.../Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
|content={{:Pagina destacada/GBA/.../Semana/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
|content={{:Lumière sur/GBA/.../Jour/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
|content={{:Избранная статья/ББА/.../неделя/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
|content={{:Featured article/Zoraï/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
|content={{:Lumière sur/Zoraï/Mois/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
|content={{:Portal Portal/Presentation}}-->
|content={{:Классификация порталов}}
============== UNTEN AUF DER SEITE
============== BOTTOM
============== BAJO DE PAGINA
============== BAS DE PAGE
============== НИЖНИЙ КОЛОНТИТУЛ
-->{{clear}}{{Portal bottom|THÉMATIQUE}}

Версия 12:41, 5 апреля 2022

Under Construction Panel.png !!! WIP !!! Under Construction Panel.png
В настоящее время еще 100 9 статей находятся в стадии подготовки в Категория: "WIP"
Статья находится на стадии подготовки. Пожалуйста, дайте автору закончить его, прежде чем вносить изменения.
Последнее редактирование было из Zorroargh на 05.04.2022

ЭнциклопАтис Ризом, Игра Знаний (Lore)  Атис, планета Наций и организаций Державы Великая Библиотека

Перевод на рецензирование
Не вините вкладчиков, но приходите и помогите им 😎

Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-04-05)

Ryzom logo.png

Welcome to the EncyclopAtys!

The wiki of all players and contributors of

Ryzom, the Game

Immerse yourself in the world of Atys
The Lore
cultural heritage, defining the framework of the "oficial" role-playing.
The Great Library
A joint work on all topics written by everyone, those who play and those who lock themselves in the engine room of Ryzom: geography, history, sciences, literature...
As well as specific topics such as: ecosystems, races, tribes, nations and organizations, factions and religions...
Glossary of RP Terms
Collection of small glossaries
Matis batiment.gif
And for the most curious: the archives: Portal:X-files/Archives
Arme Matis.png
To find out how to play: fight, make magic, collect raw material and craft items.
Follow the guide!
To begin with, the Ryzom Manual. Follow these simple step-by-step instructions to become a master.

And all that, in automatic adventures or created and organized by the animation team.

At the beginning
Your first steps will take you to Silan. Your learning will begin here.
Read the Ryzom Code of Conduct
There is no synergy without common rules.
The latest version of the endless story
General questions and answers about the game and the account, to the billing service
Script edit.png


Ban 160-600 3-b.jpg
Ryzom Forge Portal
The Ryzom Team
The Project
The Tools:
these will help you understand the basics of the game.
History of patches
Ryzom API documents...
How to join the team
Tamarea, Project manager

Ryzom is cute!


Do you want to discover more about the world of Ryzom?

In this case, take a walk through the various topics offered on the main portals of the Ryzom Wiki, the EncyclopAtys. shown in the cartridge below and which you will often find elsewhere at the bottom of the various portals.

Spe labs.png
Все тематические порталы энциклопедии (Вики от Ryzom)

  Expandir para notas adicionales de investigación y trabajo