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Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2020-12-24)
Портал игры Ryzom
В настоящее время существует 0 страниц связанных с порталом, и 57 Элементы в категории Ryzom, the game.
В настоящее время в русскоязычной энциклопедиях насчитывается более 766 Элементы.

Добро пожаловать!!
Ризом (Ryzom*), игра
Этот портал предназначен для предоставления руководства по правилам сообщества и ролевым играм, техническим пособиям, информации о развитии, анимации и их волонтерстве, управлении и участии в этой Вики...

The first episode of The Saga of Ryzom takes place on the living planet Atys, to the far reaches of the universe, where four civilizations are trying to heal the wounds of a tragedy of apocalyptic.
There are three generations of this, the great civilizations of Atys perished during the Great Swarm under the onslaught of kitins hordes, sweeping through the underground tunnels, marking the beginning of the war, and then genocide. A great knowledge was lost during the leak but now the time has come for you to reclaim your inheritance !
Join forces with thousands of other homins, master the art of magic, war, and crafts and forge again the fate of your people !
The page Категоризация is very long, but it is useful to have an overview of all the categories used to:
- maintain your organization (avoid duplicates, curls, dead or extension branches…)
- easily find where to categorize your articles (easily identifiable by thematic portals).
There are four main categories roots:
They could be compared respectively with the stage, the backstage of a theatre and the production team, its staging and the script.
All categories must belong directly or indirectly to at least one of these categories.
Watch out!: categories can always evolve. See the latest edition of this page at the bottom right.


The game earned the Best Story award at MMORPG.COM's 2005 Reader's Choice Awards. Allowing players complete control over everything they do is something not many Online games can quote. Players are not trapped in the "one class only" situation that most MMO's nowadays place them in. Ryzom gives the player the option to learn every single skill in the game, or concentrate on whichever they prefer, for as long as you want; or indeed to what depth you prefer.
Recently Which Gate, the current owners, made a Feedback feedback site. The feedback site is proving incredibly useful, giving players the power to choose what they like and dislike and what should get higher priority in being implemented. Winch Gate is showing that with a little time and focus, much can be achieved. Indeed since the departure of Game Forge France, the game has gone from strength to strength, utilising the feedback from players, and the consistant help from the CS Departments.
Now, you can join us!
"The wealth of Ryzom resides in what the players and those who love it can bring to it. For this to happen, we must give them the means and opportunity."
This sentence sums up by itself the essence of the project : to expand the Power to Players beyond the single Role-play and finally give the Ryzom community means to act on the game itself.Back to to en:User Manual.
Big changes
From Megacorp to Rocket
Want to chat IG ? using a browser https://chat.ryzom.com/channel/pub-uni-en (login with your toon name and password).
A Scenographic editor
The arrival of the Scenographic Editor is the first public stage of our great project to make the Ryzom Arkitect creation tool available to all our players.
Free premium
See http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/27050/1&post180553=en#1
Patch 3.2.0 - 2017/07/06
Very partial list (see forum for the full list) :
- Map : more informations (next weather tooltip, humidity...) and remove map landmarks limit.
- Groups (nice to moove armor and jewels, get dressed...) : new commands added in the IG chat, (for ex : /naked )
- get dressed (wear armor, jewels, tool, weapon)
- create your first group (for ex mygroup : ie /createGroup mygroup )
- See groups: /listGroup and delete with /deleteGroup mygroup
- Once your created your groups, some homins create macros, others use /naked and right clic in inventory (bag, toub, flat) in order to moove/wear...
Source : Forum, Patch 3.2.0 - 06/07/2017
Patch 3.2.1 - 2017/07/18
Text search to inventory
- 200-230 for objects between quality 200 and 230,
- 200- for objects between quality 200 to max,
- -200 for all objects from quality 0 to 200
Source : http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/27287/10
See also
- Forum, Official news
- To Emote, to User Manual
- Craftjenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (talk) 20:32, 12 August 2017 (CEST)
Ryzom - Ризом: Лор • Игра OOC
Атис: Мир Атиса • Флора • Фауна
Нации: Файросы • Матисы • Трайкеры • Зораи
Фракции: Ками • Караван • Мародеры • Рейнджеры • Тритонисты
Энциклопедия: Хроники Атиса • Великая Библиотека • Мистерии OOC