Материал из ЭнциклопАтис
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Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-03-22)
Официальный портал Знаний (Lore) Атиса
Общий обзор
Атис, charming planet plunged into legends and mysteries!
His wonders are equal only to his dangers. In the detours of its forests, lakes or deserts, you will sometimes encounter fairy landscapes, sometimes death. Go conquer this fantastic Eden and remember the legend, homins: a fertile land easily darkened in desolation if no one intervenes to protect it.
Travel to Atys and gather information about the fauna, flora and major cities of different ecosystems.
During your wanderings, you will cross primitive and homin tribes. Better know who you're dealing with before it's too late.
The Goo is a mysterious form of pollution that seems to consume Atys. Kamis are actively trying to solve the problem. In the meantime, the Goo continues to expand...
Ryzom - Ризом: Лор • Игра OOC
Атис: Мир Атиса • Флора • Фауна
Нации: Файросы • Матисы • Трайкеры • Зораи
Фракции: Ками • Караван • Мародеры • Рейнджеры • Тритонисты
Энциклопедия: Хроники Атиса • Великая Библиотека • Мистерии OOC
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We have imported all the pages on the old official Lore Wiki into this Wiki, in category:WikiMerge, well documented by en:RyzomWiki:WikiMerge (historical data, yet partially useful).
Other files are in:
- fr: Category: LoreMigrée: original articles that have been integrated into Encyclopatys.
- fr: Category: WikiImportFait: articles imported to integrate into Encyclopatys.
- fr: Category: WikiImportation: articles imported from "'http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/pubfr"'.