Портал:Хроники/С года 2562
Материал из ЭнциклопАтис
Хроники Атиса | До 2480 | 2481 - 2484 | 2485 - 2525 | 2525 - 2562 | С года 2562 |
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Современные хроники с 2562 года

Theme plan and categories
Categories that touch on several countries, mostly only in French:
In 2562 took place the en:Second Swarm which led to the en:Second Exodus of 8 years. In 2570, the homins gradually returned to the New Lands, still occupied by remnants of Kitin force.
Chronicles of en:Burning Desert
- From the Kitins to the hollows of the Dunes(FR), excerpts from the diary of Epus during the 3rd CA of 2570.
- From the ember springs the flame(FR), written by the celiakos Abycus Zecops in the 4th CA 2584.
Chronicles of en:Verdant Heights
- Our invaded Kingdom(FR), text without author
- The power of the father(FR), Where the Karan Stevano tells the Karae of his responsibility
- Winter flowers(FR), two homines confide their thoughts on parchment
Chronicles of en:Aeden Aqueous
- Liberate our homes(FR), letter from Padger O'toogh to one of his peddlers, may after returning from exile, 2570 AC III
Chronicles of en:Witherings
- The wrath of summer(FR), Notes on the wise Season at the return of the homins to the new lands.
- The Resurrection(FR), The Resurrection, "Treatise on the Resurrection" written by Tao Sian, Dynastic Healer, in 2572.
- Spiritual exchange between Supplice and his disciple(FR), Confidences of a good friend, 2572
- The Awakening of the cities(FR), about the return to the New Lands, 2573
- Xyphacanthus, the botanist's sword(FR), alternative to the rangers' solution to fill the galleries of the kitins, from 2574.
- en:Teleportation Sickness, extracted from a collection of Kuangi Wu Shi on Tao Sian, available at the Public Library of the Temple of Knowledge, written in the winter of 2574.
- The call of the Sap, excerpt from a work on Luoi Dua-La, transcribing his speech to the Masters of the Goo, 2601.
Chronicles of en:Atys
- The river of time, explanations by the powers on the differences in the perception of time, in 2581.
- en:Marauder Wedding: "Where Wedding is Synonymous with Challenge", Marauding marriage: when marriage rhymes with challenges, questionnaire submitted to a future marauding groom, end 2582.
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Атис: Мир Атиса • Флора • Фауна
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Фракции: Ками • Караван • Мародеры • Рейнджеры • Тритонисты
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