Материал из ЭнциклопАтис
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Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-06-11)
Портал флоры

План и категории темы
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2021-02-10)
Some plants have shown signs of intelligence, finding ways to communicate with other thinking species. From there to knowing if their message is peaceful or malicious, it's up to you to find out...
However, the eight botanical families listed below should help you to find your way through the teeming flora of Atys.
You should also know that all Atys plants that are not (or not only) members of these families are listed in the “pseudo-family” Special plants.

Замечательный Флора Atys
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2021-02-07)
We have two indexes of all the flora that can be found on Atys:
- One exclusively on intelligent plants,
- And the unaggressive flora detailed by ecosystem:
- This section lists the flora of Atys as it appears to the laymen homin. Note that many of this 'flora' isn't even really plants, but actually fungi or even immobile animals. But you'd have to dabble in botany a bit before you realise this.
- The flora you may run into varies immensely based on the ecosystem of the continent you're in. Only a few plants appear in multiple ecosystems (like the Olansi tree that appears in both desert and lakelands). Thus the flora is classified by ecosystem.
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2021-08-27)
Taxonomic Amber | |
Slaveni | |
![]() | |
Kingdom | Plants |
Category | Intelligent |
Main Ecosystem(s) | Forest, Jungle & Desert (rare) |
Counterattack type | Slash |
A predatory plant with a spring-like stem and long slender leaves. The stem twists up and down so unfurling the leaves which are edged with tiny lacerating teeth. The slaveni occurs mostly in jungle and forest regions, though rare specimens have been noted in desert regions.[1]
Main Details
- Naturally immune to Fear.
- Moderately resistant to Acid magic.
- Partially resistant to blunt damage and Cold magic.
- Slaveni can cast Root spells.
Valued Resources
Slavenis can be quartered for:
Exceptional Specimens
- Level: 220
- Type: Boss
- Grade of Materials: Supreme
- Location: Knot of Dementia
Hierarchy of Species
Level | Name |
233 | Devastating Slaveni |
224 | Prodigeous Slaveni |
214 | Rapacious Slaveni |
204 | Horrifying Slaveni |
185 | Rattled Slaveni |
175 | Prickly Slaveni |
165 | Unpredictable Slaveni |
155 | Vile Slaveni |
95 | Famished Slaveni |
84 | Dehydrated Slaveni |
73 | Blooming Slaveni |
63 | Robust Slaveni |
51 | Budding Slaveni |
38 | Minor Slaveni |
26 | Drowsy Slaveni |
18 | Peaceful Slaveni |
15 | Placid Slaveni |
14 | Sluggish Slaveni |
Contaminated Specimens
In recent years, Slaveni infected by the Goo have been seen in the Witherings.
Level | Name |
186 | Revolting Slaveni |
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