
Материал из ЭнциклопАтис

(перенаправлено с «Портал:Flora»)
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Справочный текст ( Сохраненный текст, используется как ссылка ) :
Примечания : (Zorroargh, 2022-06-11)



План и категории темы

de:Portal Flora/Plan
en:Portal Flora/Plan
es:Portal Flora/Plan
fr:Portail Flore/Plan
ru:Портал Флора/План
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2021-02-10)

Beware Atysians!

Some plants have shown signs of intelligence, finding ways to communicate with other thinking species. From there to knowing if their message is peaceful or malicious, it's up to you to find out...

However, the eight botanical families listed below should help you to find your way through the teeming flora of Atys.


You should also know that all Atys plants that are not (or not only) members of these families are listed in the “pseudo-family” Special plants.

Last version 2021-02-10•

Ico task rite.png

Замечательный Флора Atys

de:Portal Flora/Intro
en:Portal Flora/Intro
es:Portal Flora/Intro
fr:Portail Flore/Intro
ru:Портал Флора/Заголовок
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2021-02-07)

Concept art of a Rotoa tree.

We have two indexes of all the flora that can be found on Atys:

This section lists the flora of Atys as it appears to the laymen homin. Note that many of this 'flora' isn't even really plants, but actually fungi or even immobile animals. But you'd have to dabble in botany a bit before you realise this.
The flora you may run into varies immensely based on the ecosystem of the continent you're in. Only a few plants appear in multiple ecosystems (like the Olansi tree that appears in both desert and lakelands). Thus the flora is classified by ecosystem.

Last version 2021-02-07•

Замечательные страницы

Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Leda, 27.08.2021
Taxonomic Amber
Crolice in springtime
Crolice in springtime.jpg
Kingdom Plant
Category Root
Main Ecosystem(s) Forest
Counterattack type None
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2021-08-27)

The crolices are long green roots, of smooth appearance, which pull their resources from deep beneath the ground of the Forest. Some botanists believe that they are actually shoots of the giant roots constituting the Bark. They form arches near the ground or rise towards the sky.

They are found particularly at cliff-tops and in the Nexus.

They are covered with bright green moss that blooms in a myriad of small colourful flowers in summer, and more rarely small leafy branches appear.

This is the root which, once modified, is used in major botanical Matis works such as the Arena. Note that they are very sensitive to Goo.

A leafy crolice

Last version 2021-08-27•

Spe labs.png
Все тематические порталы энциклопедии (Вики от Ryzom)

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